Are you a planner or a procrastinator Advanced English Lesson

hello hello welcome to today’s live

YouTube lesson here on the speak English

with Vanessa YouTube channel I’m so glad

that you’re here to join me live if

you’re not joining me live if you’re

watching the replay you’re still welcome

I’m glad you’re here

we are going to be talking about two

types of people and I want to know which

type of person you are but before we get

started I’d like to make sure that I can

read your lovely comments oh great

Douglas is here

Oscar welcome for your first time thank

you and a buck for joining me I’m glad

you’re here today we’re going to be

talking about two different kinds of

people and first of all I’d like to let

you know if you’re new welcome we have

live lessons here every Tuesday at 9:00

a.m. Eastern Time Eastern time is New

York time I don’t live in New York I

live in North Carolina but it’s the same


so I hope you can join us every Tuesday

at 9:00 a.m. this is a great place to

interact and to also meet other

wonderful English learners from around

the world we have people here from


and Thailand in Brazil and Vietnam

Lebanon oh you guys are awesome I’m so

glad that you’re here I also want to let

you know that today is November 29th

29th it is the end of November and this

is your last chance there’s 24 more

hours you have 24 more hours to join The

Fearless fluency Club and download the

November lesson set because on December

1st you will get the December lesson set

but the November lesson set will go away

so if you join in December you won’t get

access to the November

materials so this is your final 24 hours

to be able to learn conversation

vocabulary grammar pronunciation and a

new update this month is a story I’ve

added a new verb tense story to be able

to help you really learn the material

and have other context for the material

so if you would like to get two months

for the price of one this is your final

24 hours you can join today download the

November material in about 24 hours

December 1st you can download the

December material and you can see if

it’s a good fit for you this is a great

chance to get a lot of English learning

material and join our wonderful Facebook

community so I hope that you can join us

don’t wait too long we have about one

day left but I hope that you can

continue to learn English with me

because you are planning for your future

you’re planning for your next job or

when you travel or when you meet someone

who is an English speaker in your city

this is what we’re doing here we are

planning for the next time that you want

or need to use English I’m so glad that

all of you are here right now excellent

excellent thank you for coming I’m

pleased that uh we’ve got lots of great

people all Saudi Arabia Thailand Rio

London UK Pakistan welcome welcome

so I have a question for you today and

if you saw the title of today’s video

you probably already know are you a

planner this means that you think ahead

maybe you have a notebook I have a

notebook actually I just started a new

notebook so there’s not much here yet

but almost every day I write notes and

and ideas are you a planner do you plan

for things that are going to happen or

on the other hand are you a

procrastinator procrastinator a

procrastinator is the opposite that’s

someone who waits until the last minute

maybe you have a report due at work and

it’s due on Friday

well maybe you wait until Wednesday and

you realize I have a report and then on

Thursday you say I have a report I need

to work hard and on Thursday you work

really hard so you still do your work

but you wait until the last minute and

there are a couple expressions with this

that I want to share with you one of

them is if you are a planner you can say

I plan ahead I’m gonna write this in my

my notebook here actually I’m going to

go over here and get another pen maybe

one that uh-huh a darker pen one that’s

going to be a little bit better I want

to know are you a planner if you are a

planner you can say I plan ahead we

could say I plan ahead this means maybe

usually I plan ahead I plan ahead if you

are not a planner the opposite is I wait

until the last moment or second and

maybe it’s not really the last second

maybe it’s the last day or even the last

week if it’s a big project

so do you plan ahead or do you wait

until the last second

Oh Gil says I’m a planner oh ma no

dishes I plan ahead Louis says it’s very

common to procrastinate in our daily

lives all jihad says I plan ahead

chiana’s I plan ahead oh we’ve got lots

of planners here if you are a

procrastinator don’t worry you’re not


maybe the planners are the ones who come

to the live lesson and the

procrastinators watch it later maybe I

know a lot of people are working at this

time so they can’t come Wow Wow lots of

people plan ahead

Oh June is as I the second one I wait

unto the last second I wonder - OH Paul

says 30% planner or 70% planner 30%

procrastinator Oh

adilyn says I’m a terrible

procrastinator interesting idea Oh Multi

Tsar has a great idea yes he said for a

while I use a system called the 5-minute

journal and you know what I have the

same journal it’s called the 5-minute

journal and every day you make a little

list of your priorities and things that

you’re thankful for and then at the end

of the day you look at the list and

think was I successful was I not

successful what did I do

and it could be useful but do you know

what I did this for about two weeks and

then not again for some reason I think I

like a freestyle freestyle type of

planning so in my notebook I write lots

of lists and stars and personal ideas

about what I would like to do with

English how I can help you better lots

of ideas so for me I’m usually a planner

but occasionally

I procrastinate or completely forget

lately there have been a couple things

not too important but some things I’ve

just completely forgotten and it’s okay

we’re human it’s normal I I would like

to also share with you how we can use

the word procrastinate as different

forms so we might say procrastination

procrastination is a problem for me this

is the noun procrastination is not a

problem for me I always plan I never

wait hmm maybe you also lie

procrastination is not a problem so that

is our first word here already here

procrastination procrastination this is

our noun form procrastination and the

second form we’d already talked about

today the name of the person

procrastinator I’m a procrastinator I’m

not a procrastinator or we could talk

about the verb the verb so maybe you

have a big project maybe you have an

English exam and it’s coming up soon we

might be able to say I procrastinate

often I procrastinate often this is the

verb we might say last week I

procrastinated last week I

procrastinated because I’m a

procrastinator last week I

procrastinated because I’m a

procrastinator who that is a good

exercise I would like to help you really

quick with the pronunciation for these

two expressions well really now three

Russians are you ready to work your

pronunciation muscles we are gonna read

these sentences together kind of slowly

and if you’re somewhere private or quiet

you have no excuse you need to read it

out loud with me

are you ready we’re gonna read the first

one the first one which is a planner for

planners I plan ahead there’s a little H

here not too strong I plan ahead are you

repeating after me I plan ahead or maybe

we should add I want to plan ahead I

want to plan ahead but I don’t often we

could add this here oh I want to plan

ahead the next sentence let’s read it

together I wait until the last second I

wait until the last second I wait until

the last second

this word until I wait until usually we

link those together so this almost

sounds like one word wait until this is

kind of linked together here I wait

until I wait until the last second are

you ready for the biggest word here at

the end hmm exercise those pronunciation

muscles procrastination

I don’t like procrastination

procrastination I am a procrastinator I

am a procrastinator thankfully we say

all of the word all of the letters in

this word so if you just read the full

word your

pronounce it correctly let’s read the

final sentence I procrastinate often I

procrastinate often I procrastinate

often do you procrastinate often I hope

that this little repetition here is

useful for you because I think that your

pronunciation and hearing your own voice

using English is useful something that

can help you to be able to speak

confidently when you’re used to hearing

your own voice using English maybe you

have never used these expressions before

no problem now you have heard your voice

use that and you can use it again so if

you plan ahead if you are a planner if

you wait until let the last second if

you are a procrastinator I hope I hope

that for you you are motivated and

continue to practice and study English

and enjoy it we have one more great

expression here in the comment box thank

you uh you did mom for joining me live

he says you are putting off what you

have to do putting off this means

procrastinating you are delaying

something that you have to do I usually

put off what I need to do I don’t

usually put off what I need to do this

is a great phrasal verb thank you for

bringing it up we can add to our

vocabulary here and talk about planning

ahead procrastinating waiting until the

last second putting off the big project

oh I put off my project until this week

but it’s gonna be so much work so I hope

that for you you don’t put off in

important things I hope that for you of

course there’s some things in life that

it’s not a priority it’s okay if you put

it off you don’t need to do everything

right now you need to relax you need to

have some entertainment or family time

or spend time with your friends but for

valuable important priorities

try not to great word in the chat box

postpone don’t postpone something

important make sure that we plan ahead

for those things I want to write those

final words that we just talked about

here the first one is put off and the

second one is postponed oh man I love

how you guys are giving some great

expressions in addition to what we’re

talking about put off put off something

I put off my project until this week and

now I have no time to finish it i

postponed my project this is a little

bit more responsible maybe you had other

things that you needed to do so you said

I need to postpone my project because I

have to work on another project that’s

more important that’s okay so maybe

postponing is is fine it’s just talking

about your priorities but maybe

sometimes it’s not make sure that you

are procrastinating with putting off and

postponing things that are not too

important things that are not priorities

so with English make sure that you are

active and planning for your future with

English and I think this is something

great that you can do right now there

are two things you could do right now to

plan ahead for your English future

because a lot of you probably want to

learn English for your life for your


for your job for

novels for meeting people around the

world just for expanding your worldview

and a great way to do that the first way

well maybe I have three ways today the

first way is to be here right now live

so congratulations you are planning

ahead because you’re here today you are

preparing for English so when you have a

conversation in English you have already

prepared you’re here so number one you

have participated in our live lesson

congratulations let’s be proud of

ourselves you did it today you

participated you have planned ahead for

your English future excellent that’s the

number one thing number two if you

haven’t read my free ebook five steps to

becoming a confident English speaker

this is a five step plan to help you

really speak confidently and know what

am I doing wrong why do I feel so

nervous or so worried about speaking

these five steps will help you at the

end of the book you’ll realize yes I

need to follow this step this step this

step and it will really improve my

English speaking in drug says I are so

distance I already read it excellent

excellent I’m so glad that you have so

for you number number one is being here

live number two read the e-book the free

ebook the link is in the description

below this video and the third thing is

the next level up is to become my

personal student if you would like to

continue intensively learning English

and becoming part of our number one

English community online you can join

the fearless fluency Club and the goal

is very clear speak fearlessly speak

fluently and enjoy English in this

you are going to learn about

conversation each month there’s a new

conversation topic about 15 to 20 new

vocabulary expressions that you will

learn in the monthly lesson with my

husband and I this is a great chance to

hear a conversation about vocabulary

words so today you just heard my voice

and it’s good to hear one person but I

think it is excellent to hear more than

one person because that’s real life

that’s realistic so in the conversation

you’re going to hear multiple people in

the vocabulary lesson you’re going to

hear and watch multiple people you’re

going to learn a new grammar concept and

really focus on it pronunciation you’re

going to focus on one pronunciation

concept and really master it so in

November we talked about hotels and

about 19 vocabulary words and we talked

about I ng in running going and how to

use this six different ways and finally

we talked about the most used English

sound schwa sound the schwa sound

so these are the lessons that you will

get for the November lesson set and then

in December December we’re going to be

talking about a wonderful topic that is

actually a mystery topic but we’re going

to be interviewing with one of my

friends you’re gonna learn about 21

vocabulary words with my husband Dan

we’re going to be talking about the th

sound and how to pronounce it correctly

and finally for grammar we’re going to

be talking about how to make a specific

kind of if if sentence we use if

sentences a lot in English but there’s

several varieties and in this lesson for


gonna be focusing on this so for you if

you would like to join and get both the

November and the December lesson sets

this is your final chance you have 24

hours or so to really learn all of that

material join our private Facebook group

become part of our community and once a

month I choose one two or three students

to meet with me on skype and we chat

together about their English experiences

how can I help them any of their

questions about English this is a time

to really use English so I hope that for

you you can join us in the fearless

fluency Club the link is in the

description below this lesson so I hope

for you you can really enjoy English in

these live lessons in the free ebook and

in the course today is your day to plan

ahead thank you so much for joining me

I’m so glad you’re here Truong and Frank

and Danielle welcome whoahhh

I’m so glad that you’re here from all

around the world you guys are awesome

keep up the good work keep planning for

English this is important because in the

future you will want or you will need to

use it and if you haven’t planned if you

haven’t prepared it’s not going to work

well so this is your time to prepare

your time to plan and you can do it

thank you so much for joining me have a

beautiful beautiful Tuesday I will see

you again next week on Tuesday live or

if you decide to join The Fearless

fluency Club we have live lessons every

Saturday I hope I can see you on

Saturday this is for the private

Facebook group for the fearless fluency

Club so I hope I will see you again soon

and enjoy your week have a beautiful day

everyone thank you

so much for joining me Valentina thank

you so much for sure you’re awesome yes

man thank you thank you for coming

I’m really glad you’re here yeah all

great Enzo from Peru excellent

bye so ty in Japan thank you so much

take care have a beautiful Tuesday see

you later bye