Best of English 2018 mmmEnglish TOP 5
Well hey there I’m Emma from mmmEnglish!
2018 was a huge year for us here at mmmEnglish.
We spent a big part of the year getting organised,
you’ll notice that I was much, much more consistent
this year bringing you lessons almost every week.
And I’m really thrilled to be here helping you to build
your English skills and connect with other
English learners and increase your confidence
using English in the real world.
In this lesson, I’m going to be looking back at my five
favourite lessons from 2018.
Before I tell you my favourite mmmEnglish lessons from
2018, can you tell me which one was your favourite?
If you can, post a link to that lesson in the comments
below and tell me what you really enjoyed about it.
I love hearing what you think about my lessons
and I honestly read almost every comment,
as many as I can and I consider all of your
new suggestions and your requests
so I try and make really relevant, interesting lessons
for you. And I would love to hear your feedback on
which lessons were your favourites from 2018.
Now if you’ve been watching my lessons all year
and you’re still not a subscriber,
then show your support for my channel by clicking
that red button just down there to subscribe
and keep up-to-date with all of my new lessons
and all of the messages and things in my community
as well. Okay, ready for my top five? Let’s do it!
One of my biggest highlights this year was reaching
one million subscribers - so super cool!
I still can’t believe that that happened.
I’ve been working away on this channel for a little over
three years now, producing lessons and videos
to help English learners build their skills
so this was a really special moment for me.
Even more special was the love and support that I got
from so many other YouTube English teachers
and they really came together and helped us to
celebrate, right? Didn’t they? Did you see this lesson?
Hello, I’m Emma from mmmEnglish. Just kidding!
I’m Vanessa from The Speak English with Vanessa
Youtube channel.
Congratulations Emma on one million subscribers!
Hello! It is Lucy from English with Lucy!
A massive congratulations to my dear friend Emma
who has just hit a million subscribers.
I’m so proud of her!
We’re big fans of mmmEnglish!
Hello everyone! My name is Anna from
English like a Native.
Hi, I’m Rachel of Rachel’s English and congratulations
to you Emma on reaching one million subscribers.
Hi everyone, I’m Jennifer from English with Jennifer!
So we are Love English. I’m Layla. I’m Sabra
and we’re coming to you from Britain!
Hi Emma! How’s it going? It’s your friend
and fellow youtuber, Gabby Wallace.
All of these amazing teachers left you something
pretty special in that video,
their top tip to help you study English online.
So their number one tip and some of those tips
were brilliant - really, really helpful practical tips
to help you to study more effectively online.
So if you missed that video or you want to watch it
again and you want to remind yourself of all of those
awesome tips from all of your favourite
YouTube teachers, then check it out right here!
Another absolute favourite of mine was this lesson.
Now I was actually, really, really pleased by how many
of you enjoyed this lesson and found it helpful.
And of course, you should because collocations
are so helpful when learning to express yourself
correctly in English.
Collocations are such an important tool.
When words go together like this, they’re called
collocations - words that frequently
occur together in English sentences.
The reason why native speakers say that something
you said sounds weird or strange is because
they’re not used to hearing those words together.
They don’t often get said together
so it sounds a bit strange. Part of the problem is that
you’re probably translating words
from your own language directly into English,
words that are commonly used together
in your language but in English, they’re not.
Yep, learning collocations instead of individual words
will help you to sound more natural when you write
and when you speak. So if you want to learn some tips
and some tricks about how to learn collocations,
then watch the rest of that lesson right here.
So how many of you completed the mmmEnglish
grammar challenge this year?
This was fun. Well, as fun as a grammar lesson can be!
In it, I talk about the ten most common grammar
mistakes that English learners make.
Ones that I see and I hear my students making
all the time!
So what are the ten most common grammar mistakes
that English learners make? Number one.
Uncountable nouns.
Mistake number two. Irregular verbs.
Number three. Subject-verb agreement.
Number four. Auxiliary verbs.
Mistake number five. Articles.
Number six. Prepositions.
Number seven
We’re going to talk about word order in questions.
Mistake number eight, lucky eight.
The present perfect tense.
Another mistake, this is number nine.
The difference between the past simple
and the present perfect tense.
Mistake number ten.
And I wonder if this is a mistake
that you sometimes make.
When do you use adjectives that end in -ed and -ing?
So I recommend you watch this lesson if you want
a good overview of the ten most common mistakes
but if you want to sign up
and join the grammar challenge, it’s still running!
It only costs a dollar and you’ll get
ten grammar lessons plus ten mini quizzes
that you can use to find out how good you really
are with your grammar - particularly in these areas
where lots of English learners make mistakes.
We’ve been giving away some pretty cool prizes
this year to those students who complete the grammar
challenge and go into the draw to win
some English courses, t-shirts, things like that.
So make sure you check it out up here.
Now of course, the grammar lesson is super important
but improving your conversation
skills and your English fluency is also important.
And this is something that I prioritise here at
mmmEnglish. Teaching new skills and strategies
to help you feel more confident
in English conversations.
Lots of my videos focus on natural English
pronunciation to help you to understand native English
speakers when they’re speaking but feel more confident
in conversations and help you to sound more natural
when you’re speaking yourself.
So if this sounds right up your alley, then make sure
you watch this lesson - you can get to it here.
It’s one of my favourites and also one of yours too.
In it, I show you how ten of the most common
English words sound really different
when they’re spoken naturally.
The other thing that these words have in common
is that they all have stressed and unstressed forms
when they’re spoken and this is exactly what we’re
going to go over in this lesson
because using the unstressed forms of these words
when you speak English will help you to sound
more natural.
To keep watching that lesson and practise your
natural spoken English, then make sure you check out
the link to that lesson.
But if that lesson sounds right up your alley,
then you will definitely, definitely love this one.
In this lesson, I teach you how to pronounce some really
common English expressions - ones that are used in
greetings all the time.
So if you’re interested in improving your spoken English
sounding a bit more natural and relaxed,
then this lesson is definitely for you.
One of the challenges about naturally spoken English
is that sometimes it sounds completely different.
Well, let’s be honest,
most of the time when you’re listening to native English
speakers, right? It’s tough
because we contract words together, we reduce the
sound so that you can hardly hear them.
Naturally spoken English is very different to the lessons
that you hear when you’re studying English at school,
The lessons that you hear in textbooks.
So in this lesson, I explain in great detail
how this happens.
What are you up to?
What are you up to?
If you’ve ever been confused by this expression,
you’re not alone. It’s even confusing for me
when I think about it.
“What are you up to?” is another way of saying
“What are you doing now?”
If you’re curious about what your friend is doing,
you could say: “Hey, what are you up to?”
Or you can use it with another time expression
to ask about future plans.
“What are you up to tonight?”
“Do you have any plans tonight?”
“What are you up to on the weekend?”
“Do you have any plans on the weekend?”
So this expression has a couple of meanings.
Now this has been really fun. I’ve been experimenting
a little bit in my recent videos to see if you want me to
shake things up a little and create some
different types of lessons.
So I’m quite curious to find out
what do you think about these extra practice sections?
Should I keep making them? Do you really enjoy them?
Let me know in the comments.
So it’s been a huge bumper year, right?
And if you love mmmEnglish and you want to
support us in 2019, it’s really simple.
You can definitely like this video,
you can share it with your friends if you think
that it might be useful for them,
particularly because it shares quite a few of my
best lessons from this year.
You can also subscribe to the channel
if you haven’t already.
I know how important these lessons
are to you and the brilliant news is
we won’t be slowing down at all in 2019.
If anything, we’ll be picking up speed.
So my last question to you is:
What lessons do you want me to teach you in 2019?
Please add your suggestion and your requests
into the comments, I read all of them
and I’d love to hear from you.
My best wishes for a wonderful, exciting,
fruitful year ahead, full of good fortune and lots of other
good things.
You know that I’m here and that I’ve got your back right?
When it comes to English.
It’s going to be a really, really good year.
Take care and I’ll see you in the next lesson.