Can You Explain It TO Me

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm and today i’d like to

explain something to you let’s get

started a lot of English learners say my

teachers explained me how to use grammar


will you explain me how to remember

prepositions there’s a little problem

here and today I’m going to teach you

how to naturally use the expression

explain to someone a lot of my students

ask me how can I remember prepositions

and today’s expression is a perfect

example for how to remember prepositions

memorize and learn the entire expression

so today I’m going to teach you explain

to me to help you learn this expression

explain to someone I want to tell you a

little story from my childhood when I

was in high school I hated math class I

mean really hated math class now there’s

nothing wrong with math in fact I really

enjoy math and budgeting and figuring

out numbers now but at that time I

really didn’t like it so every night I

had several hours of math homework it

was so difficult for me but thankfully

my dad is a math genius maybe not a

genius but he is really good with math

he’s an engineer so he uses math

everyday like most of us use math every

day but he uses more difficult math

everyday so when I was in high school

almost every night while I was doing my

homework I would get so frustrated

because I didn’t understand something so

I would go downstairs and ask my dad dad

can you please explain to me how to do

this I don’t understand so he would

patiently explain it to me and even

though I wasn’t always grateful for his


now I’m really thankful that I had

someone who lived in my house who was

good at math and good at explaining it

to me and do you know something funny

when my sister my younger sister

got into high school some of the same

math problems that were difficult for me

she asked me to explain them to her and

I could help her learn how to do the

math problems because my dad helped me

so I hope that this little story about

explaining something helps you to

understand naturally how to use explain

to someone we need to use explain to all

together now I have a question for you

when was a time that someone explained

something to you and it was so helpful

you really wanted to know how to do

something and someone explained it to

you make sure that you use explained to

me or maybe you explain something to

someone else I explained it to her I

explained it to my sister I explained it

to Vanessa I look forward to seeing your

comments and if you are not following me

on periscope go ahead and download the

smartphone app and follow me at teacher

Vanessa so that you can see daily casual

English videos for free I’ll see you


good bye
