Creative Ways to Say Thank You in English

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hi everybody my name is Alisha in this

lesson I’m going to talk about how to

say thank you in English I’m also going

to talk about some responses that you

can use if someone says thank you to you

so let’s get started by looking at some

expressions to say thank you in English

first let’s begin with the most basic

expression thank you so thank you is

easy to remember it’s polite and you can

use it in basically any situation you

can use it at work with your friends

whatever slightly more casual is thanks

thanks so thanks is good to use with

friends or for small favors you cannot

say thanks you however you can use thank

you or thanks some other things we do

with the expression thank you are we add

these two words to the end of it we use

thank you very or thank you so much

thank you very much or thank you so much

one thing we do when we use so is we

often make the o sound really long thank

you so much so that can help us show our

appreciation in a more like kind of

casual and friendly way the difference

between so and very here is that so

sounds more casual I would use so with

my friends and thank you very much in

like a work situation or some-some

situation where I want to sound a little

more polite so thank you so much thank

you very much those sound great you can

use them anytime let’s look at the next

three then the next three here I’ve

marked as thank you expressions you can

use when you want to say thank you for a

specific action when you want to use

like a verb thank you for doing some

verb or when you want to use like a

specific noun so this one this thank you

there’s nothing specific in this

expression or in these three expressions

we want to share something specific

so these patterns are thank you for

something something ing so thank you for

helping me for example or thank you for

cleaning the house

thank you for studying with me for

example so in this pattern I’m using the

ing the progressive form of the verb you

can change this like thank you for the

gift thank you for the present thank you

for your time for example so you can use

a verb as I’ve done here or a noun

phrase this one is similar many thanks

for something so again we can use this

same ing form of a verb or we can use a

noun phrase this sounds a little bit

more polite than this expression many

thanks for the meeting yesterday many

thanks for helping me with the files I

needed to put together so this one

sounds a little bit more formal I tend

to use this one at the beginning of a

work email like many thanks for the

information or many things for the files

I like to use this in work emails if you

want to make it even more formal you can

try this one I greatly appreciate I

greatly appreciate your time or I

greatly appreciate you attending our

conference this year I greatly

appreciate all the work you did for the

event so I greatly appreciate it sounds

really formal or when you really really

want to communicate strong thanks to

someone I greatly appreciate I greatly

appreciate so you can choose a verb or a

noun to use here okay so as I said this

one is rather formal we can use an

expression like this when we’re working

in like an organization so I mentioned

in this case you might use it for like a

work situation this next one is similar

we express our sincere appreciation for

something so we express this we means

like our company our team our

organization we express so express means

share or say in

someway communicate our sincere so this

is like sincerely at the end of an email

like truly honestly genuinely we express

our sincere appreciation are like

gratitude for this thing you did so here

we see for which means we can follow

this same pattern actually you can

remove this we express our sincere

appreciation that’s fine that becomes

kind of like a general thank you but if

you want to make it specific you can add

this for and follow the same pattern we

talked about for these phrases so we

express our sincere appreciation for

your support for example that’s kind of

a very company or organization specific

sentence or expression of gratitude we

express our sincere appreciation for

your donation for example so I feel

perhaps this one might use noun phrases

more than verbs not always but perhaps

more noun phrases here so yes this is

good for formal situations especially in

organizations because we use this we

here of course you can change these so

that you use we or he or she like we

greatly appreciate is fine to use as

well just depends on your situation

anyway let’s continue on to the next

expression which is thank you kindly for

so you’ll notice that this is very

similar to these like thank you or thank

you for the difference here is we have

this kindly so we’re including kindly

which shows I feel like kind of this

gratitude and I want to express that I

have kind feelings for you thank you

kindly for something so it’s a nice and

also kind of polite expression actually

so you might think this sounds friendly

but this is something we use more in

work emails I would not use this with a

friend actually this would sound too

polite to use with a friend so this is

good in work situations like thank you

kindly for the email thank you kindly

for the files thank you kindly for

meeting with

to me this afternoon so it sounds formal

and it’s when you want to express that

kind of kind feeling as well okay let’s

go to the next one this one is thank you

for your understanding this is a set

phrase so we don’t change this part this

thank you for your understanding

this always remains the same always so

thank you for your understanding

this is a polite expression we use it

for changes and for inconveniences so

let’s say for example you receive a

letter in the mail and it’s from like

your mobile phone company for example

and they say there’s a change to your

contract thank you for your

understanding so it’s kind of sharing

like some kind of information and this

expression shows like we appreciate in

advance that you understand the

situation so it’s like we’re gonna we’re

going to make this change so thank you

thank you for maybe not getting angry or

thank you for just understanding the

situation really so this is a formal

expression used for like changes to

things and you’ll also see it like I

said for inconveniences for example at

like a construction site if there’s lots

of noise or if it’s really dirty and

dusty there might be a sign that says

you know construction in progress which

means we’re working now we’re building

something now thank you for your


so we appreciate your understanding of

the situation so it’s kind of like an

apology and thank you at the same time

so this is a set phrase you can use this

in your organization in your company but

this is one that’s too formal to use

with friends I would not use this with

friends okay let’s move on to the next

one I really appreciate it so I have I

and really in parentheses here because

we can drop these from the sentence and

make a very formal I’m sorry a very

casual this is a very casual way to

express thanks so by that

I mean among friends will often just say

appreciate it or just appreciate it as

well if you want to make a full sentence

you can say I appreciate it or I really

appreciate it

those are great too you will hear native

speakers just drop it though

appreciate it so it sounds friendly it

sounds like you really express your

thanks and it’s just kind of a quick

expression that you can use so this is

good for your co-workers and colleagues

you can use this with friends as well it

won’t sound too polite so this is great

perhaps a little bit more polite than

just thank you so you can use it with

friends like if your friend has done you

kind of an interesting favor for example

okay let’s go on to the last one the

last one is actually two but this is

kind of casual friendly and perhaps

unique to certain people so some people

might choose to use these some people

might not anyway the expressions are

thanks a bunch and thanks a million

thanks a million I’m a person who

sometimes uses thanks a bunch so a bunch

means a lot of something it’s like

saying thanks a lot but thanks a bunch

which is a casual word it’s less formal

it’s very like mmm it’s very casual

something we would use with friends I

would use this if my friend did

something small that helped me thanks a

bunch you might get the feeling that

it’s used by people who have kind of

like an upbeat personality perhaps I

feel that this tends to be used more

among women actually too thanks a

million on the other hand is one that I

don’t hear as often as thanks a bunch so

again a million a million is a big

number we do not say thanks a hundred or

thanks a thousand or thanks a trillion

we only say thanks a million so again

this means thank you very much really

but it’s a casual friendly way of saying

it so like I said I tend to hear a bunch

or and it tends to be used more for

women though it’s okay for men to use as

well so thanks a bunch thanks a million

those are good ones to use with your

friends if you like so to conclude then

how do you respond when someone says

thank you so I made a big list of some

very common responses for thank you so

most of these we use and they don’t

actually mean anything other than like

agreement so at the top here is maybe my

favorite sure so someone says thank you

I say sure or I say sure a thing sure


this is like it’s a sure thing so it’s

kind of like saying it’s it’s real it’s

true it’s genuine

sure thing this is another common one

that’s very casual very friendly many

people like to use one of these no

problem no problem or no prob no prob so

prop is just the short version the limb

has been cut off of problem so no

problem is quite casual more casual than

no problem so these are all okay to use

at work with your friends with your

family members I would not use them in a

formal situation though continuing you

bet you bet again another one it’s like

saying no problem not a problem for me

of course I will help you or of course

no problem yep it’s a like a casual way

of saying yes yep yep instead of yes so


sounds actually a little too polite we

don’t use yes so much we might say yep

instead another one no sweat no sweat is

kind of cute no sweat means like there’s

no reason for you to sweat so we sweat

maybe when we get of course warm but

when we feel nervous or upset or anxious

about something so no sweat means like

don’t worry about it it’s not a problem

no sweat so this one’s quite friendly as

well another one for sure this is

similar to sure so for sure is another

very positive up

be quick way to say a response to thank


this one is very common in work

situations and this is important I’ve

made this part in capital letters the U

here because the emphasis on your

response here is important if someone

says thank you and you say no thank you

it’s like showing that both parties both

people did something that helps the

other person so for example if someone

comes to set up the camera for this

shoot and I say thank you they might say

no thank you because I’m going to make

something with what they’ve set up so

we’re helping each other so we can use

an expression like this no thank you

so your intonation matters here okay

another one is of course of course so

it’s like it’s like saying of course I

would help you of course I want to help

you or like it was no problem for me we

have a good relationship that’s the

feeling here I have included this you’re


on the list but this is not used that

often it’s correct to say if someone

says thank you you’re welcome

you can use this it’s less friendly I

feel than the other ones you’re welcome

you’re welcome you can use this if you

don’t know the other person or if it’s

yes it’s like a stranger you might use

this like a stranger holds the door open

for you and you say thank you that

person might say you’re welcome so this

one is less familiar so you can use this

but again perhaps something that’s a

little bit closer like in terms of

relationship would be good finally not

at all not at all is like no problem no

problem so if someone says thank you you

can say not at all it’s like it means

like it was no trouble for me it was no

problem for me so we can use all of

these to respond to thank yous in most

cases you can apply them to any of these

situations like thank you

if someone says thank you sure sure

thing yep no sweat you can use all of

them if you want and you can combine

them but generally just choose one


fine and try to use a mix of these to

respond keep in mind though that if

someone uses a more formal expression

like I greatly appreciate your help or

we express our sincere appreciation for

your response should be kind of matching

in that formality level so we express

our sincere appreciation for your

support if you see that then you might

use like like for example we really

appreciate the opportunity to work with

you so something like that where you

kind of return the same expression might

be better than just using a casual

expression like these for conversations

so you can kind of feel that as you

maybe level up your ways to say thank

you but in general these are some pretty

good responses for you to start with ok

so I’m gonna end there I hope that that

was helpful for you if you have any

questions or comments or have some

different ways to say thank you there

are many or some different responses

there are many please let us know in the

comment section of this video of course

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