Daily English Idioms Have ones head in the clouds

have one’s head in the clouds welcome to

day nine of the special edition of speak

English with Tiffany I am teacher

Tiffany and in this episode I will teach

you exactly how to use the English body

idiom have one’s head in the clouds are

you ready

well then let’s jump right in the idiom

have one’s head in the clouds can be

defined in three different ways the

first definition of this idiom is to be

daydreaming and not paying attention to

what is happening the second definition

of this idiom is to be out of touch with

the everyday world and to be unrealistic

and the third definition of this idiom

is to have impractical ideas or dreams

so whenever you think of your head you

can also think of the English idiom have

one’s head in the clouds now let’s see

how you can practically use this idiom

in real life first you can use have

one’s head in the clouds when speaking

about something that is impossible when

people get into difficult situations

sometimes they need help from the

government but the government may not be

able to help them at these times the

idiom can be used like this if you think

the government is going to help you you

have your head in the clouds second you

can use have one’s head in the clouds

when talking about insurance

after a disaster people usually want to

redo their homes but when they contact

their insurance companies their request

for money is sometimes denied at these

times the idiom can be used like this

Jane must have her head in the clouds if

she thinks that her insurance company is

going to pay the full cost of rebuilding

and refurnishing her house third you can

use have ones head in the clouds when

talking about someone who likes to

imagine things or daydream when people

spend time only imagining things they

usually don’t get a lot of work done at

these times the idiom can be used like

this Michael’s head is in the clouds he

needs to be more realistic fourth you

can use have one’s head in the clouds

when talking about travel when an

employee of a company wants to travel

somewhere they are sometimes curious if

their company will pay for their trip at

these times the idiom can be used like

this Sam thinks the company will pay for

all of the expenses of his

round-the-world trip I think he has his

head in the clouds they will not do that

and finally fifth you can use have one’s

head in the clouds when speaking about

cramming when people have a large amount

of work to do or things to study they

sometimes try to rush and complete

everything quickly at these times the

idiom can be used like this you

definitely have your head in the clouds

you are never going to be able to learn

everything in just three months have

one’s head in the clouds use it today


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