Daily English Idioms Let your hair down
let your hair down welcome to day 6 of
the special edition of speak English
with Tiffany I am teacher Tiffany and in
this episode I will teach you exactly
how to use the English body idiom let
your hair down are you ready
well then let’s jump right in
the idiom let your hair down can be
defined in three different ways
the first definition of this idiom is to
behave in an uninhibited or relaxed
manner the second definition of this
idiom is to relax and enjoy oneself and
the third definition of this idiom is to
allow yourself to behave much more
freely than usual and enjoy it so
whenever you think of your hair you can
also think of the English idiom let your
hair down now let’s see how you can
practically use this idiom in real life
first you can use let your hair down
when speaking about being tired when you
feel tired you usually want to stop what
you are doing and take a break at these
times the idiom can be used like this
after a long day at work the office
workers decided they needed to let their
hair down second you can use let your
hair down when talking about unwinding
when people get home from a long day of
work they usually want to unwind and
relax at these times the idiom can be
used like this I had a really stressful
day today I think I’m just going to let
my hair down third you can use let your
hair down when talking about how you
when some people talk about how they
relax they usually mention the best
methods for calming themselves down at
these times the idiom can be used like
this mandy spent the weekend letting her
hair down
by watching three movies back-to-back
fourth you can use let your hair down
when someone is talking about their
vacation when someone talks about their
vacation they usually bring up the most
enjoyable parts about the vacation at
these times the idiom can be used like
I spent time at the beach ate lots of
food and I really let my hair down and
finally fifth you can use let your hair
down when speaking about weekend plans
when someone is discussing their weekend
they usually mention the most fun they
had or will have at these times the
idiom can be used like this it’s
Saturday night why don’t you stop being
so serious and just let your hair down
for a change let your hair down use it
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with teacher Tiffany
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