Daily English Idioms Lose your head
lose your head welcome to day 10 of the
special edition of speak English with
Tiffany I am teacher Tiffany and in this
episode I will teach you exactly how to
use the English body idiom lose your
head are you ready
well then let’s jump right in the idiom
lose your head can be defined in three
different ways the first definition of
this idiom is to lose self-control the
second definition of this idiom is to
panic and the third definition of this
idiom is to lose one’s composure so
whenever you think of your head you can
also think of the English idiom lose
your head now let’s see how you can
practically use this idiom in real life
first you can use lose your head when
speaking about being angry when people
get angry they usually do things that
they would not normally do at these
times the idiom can be used like this he
usually stays very calm in meetings but
this time he just lost his head second
you can use lose your head when you are
scared when someone is scared they
usually are not able to think clearly at
these times the idiom can be used like
this I was afraid so at that point I
lost my head and started panicking third
you can use lose your head when you lose
your way when you get lost it is
sometimes very hard to figure out what
to do at these times the idiom can be
used like this if you get lost don’t
lose your head just think
and retrace your steps forth you can use
lose your head when speaking about
someone who is yelling when someone
makes you angry it is very easy to start
yelling at them at these times the idiom
can be used like this after he ignored
me I lost my head and started yelling at
him and finally fifth you can use lose
your head when speaking about someone
who is getting arrested when someone
gets stopped by a cop they usually get
scared and think that they are going to
be arrested at these times the idiom can
be used like this try not to lose your
head when you get stopped by a cop lose
your head use it today
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