Daily English Idioms Rack your brain
wrack your brain welcome to day one of
the special edition of speak English
with Tiffany I am teacher Tiffany and in
this episode I will teach you exactly
how to use the English body idiom wrack
your brain are you ready
well then let’s jump right in
the idiom wrack your brain can be
defined in three different ways the
first definition of this idiom is to
make a great effort to think or remember
something the second definition of this
idiom is to think very hard and the
third definition of this idiom is to try
very hard to think of something so
whenever you think of the brain you can
also think of the English idiom wrack
your brain now let’s see how you can
practically use this idiom in real life
first you can use wrack your brain when
you are working while working you
usually have to deal with several issues
or problems at these times the idiom can
be used like this he’s racking his brain
about how to deal with the situation
second you can use wrack your brain when
you are searching for something while
searching for something you usually have
a lot going through your mind at these
times the idiom can be used like this my
dad was racking his brain trying to
remember where he put his wedding ring
third you can use rack your brain when
you are studying while studying you
usually have to recall information that
you memorized in the past at these times
the idiom can be used like this the
student was racking his brain trying to
remember the definition a
the word huge forth you can use wrack
your brain when you are investigating
something while investigating something
you usually have to look very carefully
for specific details at these times the
idiom can be used like this
the detective kept racking his brain to
solve the mystery and finally fifth you
can use wrack your brain when you are
reflecting on something while reflecting
on things you usually start to remember
old pieces of information or situations
at these times the idiom can be used
like this I’ve been wracking my brain
all day but I can’t remember her name
wrack your brain use it today click the
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English body idioms with teacher Tiffany
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