Did You Feel Touched

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm and i hope that today’s

lesson touches you let’s get started has

someone ever done something really nice

for you maybe a group of your friends

came over to your house on a saturday

and helped you move all of your stuff

you could say i’m really touched that

everyone came to help me I’m touched

let’s talk about some ways that you can

use this naturally there are several

ways to use the word touch you could say

I am touched

I feel touched it was touching or it

touches me so let’s talk about some ways

that you can use this let’s start with I

am touched I’m so glad that these video

lessons are useful to you and I’m so

touched whenever somebody writes hi

Vanessa this video was so helpful thank

you for making it my English is

improving because of you I’m so touched

whenever I read that I am touched maybe

something bad happen to you and all of

your friends called you to make sure

that you were okay you probably felt

touched because they called and they

cared about you

you felt touched in this situation you

could say I was touched because all of

my friends called to check on me both of

these expressions are perfectly fine in

this situation I was touched

I felt touched a few weeks ago I visited

my grandparents house and it touched me

that my grandmother remembered my

favorite foods and she cooked them for

me I know this is something that she

doesn’t usually cook so it touched me

that she did something special for me it

touched me there’s another way to use

the word touch have you ever seen those

videos of gorillas helping a child who’s

fallen into the exhibit at the zoo

there’s a kid watching the gorillas and

he falls in and the gorilla goes slowly

and gently and cares for the child it’s

so touching to see this it is touching

to see a big gorilla being so gentle and

kind with a child it’s touching as you

can see there are several ways to use

the word touch so on my website I’m

going to give some more details in

sample sentences so if you’re not on my

website click the link below this video

and you can get the full free lesson and

see the sample sentences now I have a

question for you what is something that

was touching to you when was a time

someone helped you or did something nice

for you and it touched you I’m looking

forward to seeing your sample sentences

with this expression below the video

I’ll see you later and have a wonderful

English day goodbye