DO NOT SAY GOODBYE We DONT say this anymore Say instead


and everyone and welcome back to english

with lucy today we’re going to be

discussing the word goodbye and why you

need to stop using it believe it or not

we hardly ever say goodbye it’s

something that just doesn’t roll off the

tongue and it sounds quite formal you

might see it written down or hear it in

films but on a general day-to-day basis

you won’t hear goodbye in this video I

am going to give you loads of

alternatives to goodbye I’m going to

give you casual and slang ones that you

can use with friends and family and I’m

also going to give you more formal ones

more old-fashioned ones and ones that

you can use in business situations I

will also try to differentiate between

American and British English as I know

some of you find that really interesting

and helpful so this video is perfect for

improving your vocabulary but if you

want to improve your listening and

pronunciation even further I highly

recommend the special method of

combining reading actual books with

listening to audiobooks let me explain

this method take a book that you have

already read in English or a book that

you would like to read in English I’ve

got loads of recommendations in the

description box down below

and read that book whilst listening to

the audiobook version it sounds

excessive but it works reading alone

will not help you with your

pronunciation in English because most

frequently how a word is written does

not correspond with how a word is

pronounced look at there there and there

for example they’re all spelt

differently but all pronounced in the

same way reading a book alone will not

show you that however if you then

introduce an audiobook you will start to

learn these differences and you will

start to learn the pronunciation of

words if you listen to a word as you

read it your brain will start to make

the connections and next time you see

that word you’ll know how to pronounce

it and next time you hear that word you

will know how to spell it it is such an

effective method and the best part is

that you can get one free audiobook

that’s a 30 day free trial inaudible if

you click on the link in the description

box and sign up then you can download

one of my audio book recommendations

give it a try it works right let’s get

started with the lesson I’m going to

begin with casual ways of saying goodbye

the first one I think most of you will

know it is bye-bye

on its own is really frequently used

it’s just so easy to say and it’s a word

you can say with a smile bye-bye

number two a little extension of that is

bye bye or bye bye now we use this in a

different situation to just buy on its

own and it’s important that you know

this ba-bye is a little more cute a

little more childish and infantile it’s

something you’d likely say to a child


however we do use it sometimes if we’re

trying to be very cute or friendly if I

see you that brings me on to my next one

which is see you later see you later

we often say SIA instead of Cu see you

later this is one that we say if we

already have plans to see someone again

in that same day if we don’t have plans

we can say number four which is see you

soon if you want to be really casual you

can use number five which is just see ya

and that is very very informal now

number six is a little bit more advanced

you will look really good if you use

this around a native speaker this one is

I’m heading off this is a good way to

start to leave an event that you don’t

want to be at anymore to head off is a

phrasal verb meaning to begin to leave

to head off saying oh I’m heading off

I’ll see you soon is a great way to

start the goodbye process which we all

know can be a little lengthy a shortened

down version of that number seven is

just I’m off

I’m off see you that’s very casual again

another one that we can use which is

very British is I’m going to make a move

or I’ve got to make a move

to make a move is to leave I need to

make a move in America they’re more

likely to say I’m going to make tracks

or I’ve got to make tracks and that

means to drive away you’re making tracks

with your car all of these phrases are

normally preceded with right you say

right as you’re getting up right I’m off

right I’m going to make tracks another

one again very British is oh I’ve got to

get going

I’ve got to get going practice that one

on your own a couple of times because

I’ve got to get going

I’ve got to get going it’s quite a

tongue twister tester oh I can’t believe

the word tongue twister was a tongue

twister for me that is hilarious oh okay

number eleven is I must be going oh

what’s the time and must be going I must

be off a very American one is I got a

take off I got a take off in British

English take off is really for clothes -

take off your clothes and to take off as

an airplane airplane takes off but in

America that means to leave as well

fourteen very very casual is have a good

one and that means have a good day but

it’s very warm and friendly have a good

one and the last one number 15 is talk

to you later

talk to you later it’s a bit of an

extension of see you later talk to you

later implies that you might send a text

or make a phone call to them later that

day right let’s talk about formal

professional and old-fashioned ways of

saying goodbye in English the first one

is very American and it’s used in

business or service situations it’s have

a great day you have a great day and I

was so surprised when I went to the USA

because everyone wanted me to have a

great day and that the first couple of

times just like oh that’s nice and then

just when I realized that everyone said

it I realized

no one really wanted me to have a great

the British version of this would be

have a lovely day and that is slightly

more sincere we don’t use it as often so

it sort of means more an alternative to

this is take care or you take care or

you take care now and that’s quite warm

and friendly if you want to say goodbye

to somebody that’s going on a journey or

is driving away you can say have a safe

journey or have a good journey that’s

British and in American English they’re

quite likely to say drive safe

or you drive safe now number five more

formal it was nice to see you or it was

nice seeing you either or nice to see or

nice seeing if you’ve just met the

person for the first time it was nice to

meet you it was lovely meeting you nice

and lovely are interchangeable of course

the next one

very very posh this is very

old-fashioned is farewell you might see

this one in books and movies set in the

past we don’t tend to use it now but I

think it’s important for you to

understand it another old fashioned one

is tirar now this is slang but it’s very

old fashioned so I put it in this list

older people might say tirar to you

which means goodbye obviously because in

this video and another one is Tata or

Tata for now

again very old-fashioned and a little

bit Porsche the last one if you want

somebody to keep in contact with you you

can say stay in touch and that’s a nice

way of ending a conversation that’s the

end of this lesson I hope you enjoyed it

and I hope you learnt something I really

hope you did because I gave you a lot of

vocabulary there don’t forget to

download your free audiobook the link is

in the description box along with my

audio book and book recommendations and

don’t forget to connect with me on all

of my social media I’ve got my facebook

I’ve got my Instagram and I’ve got my

Twitter and I shall see you soon for

another lesson yeah a book that you have

already read in anything

of crazy frog in like five years just

wow some time ago wasn’t right

let’s get started with the lesson I’m

going to begin with casualwear phrases

so Carol I can’t even say we are

