Do You Get It

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today i hope this lesson

helps you to get more english let’s get

started today i want to teach you a

casual different expression that you can

use to mean understand the expression is

to get something to get something

usually when you get something you have

something i got something at the store

i’m going to get something at the store

but this expression means to understand

let me give you some sample sentences

the first week that i moved to france my

french host family took me to the south

of france to visit their family so for

every lunch and dinner we had a big

crowd of people maybe 10 15 20 people

for every meal were gathered together

and laughing and joking and having a

great time together but for me i didn’t

get it I didn’t get anything it was only

my first week in France so my French

level was still really low and everyone

was having a nice time but for me I

didn’t get it I wish that I had

understood what they were talking about

but I didn’t I didn’t get what they were

saying I want to tell you two common

situations where you could use this

expression to get something the first is

if you are in a loud crowded space maybe

a lot of people are talking and you’re

trying to speak English with someone and

you can’t really hear what they’re

saying you could say oh I’m sorry I

didn’t get it can you say it again oh

I’m sorry I didn’t get that can you say

it again it’s really polite to add some

more expressions to get something if you

say I’m sorry I didn’t get it could you

repeat that I didn’t get it it’s really

polite if you only say huh I didn’t get

it it’s a little bit direct and a little

bit rude so I recommend adding other

words I’m sorry is the easy

I’m sorry I didn’t get it could you

repeat that I didn’t get it so if you

are in a crowded loud room this is a

great expression to use I’m sorry I

didn’t get it maybe some of you are

familiar with the expression catch

something I’m sorry I didn’t catch what

you said you could also use this the

second situation is if someone is

telling a joke I know a lot of my

students want to understand and tell

jokes in English they want to be funny

in English maybe you want to be funny in

English but it’s probably happened that

someone has set a joke and you didn’t

get it you didn’t understand why it was

funny so in this situation there’s

nothing wrong with asking I’m sorry I

didn’t get it can you explain why it’s

funny uh I didn’t get that joke can you

explain it please most people will be

more than happy to explain it to you

because they want you to think that

they’re funny if you don’t laugh hmm

when they tell a joke maybe they feel a

little bit uncomfortable so if you tell

them oh I’m sorry I didn’t get it can

you explain it please they’ll feel

relieved ah my joke is just not

understood it’s not that I’m not funny

it’s just that they didn’t understand it

they didn’t get it so someone will be

more than happy to explain the joke to

you on my website I’m going to give some

more details in sample sentences using

to get something so if you’re not on my

website click the link below this video

and you can see the full free lesson

with more details and sample sentences

and on my website I encourage you to

write a sample sentence using get

something to get something tell me about

a time when you didn’t get something

maybe someone explained it to you later

or maybe you never got it you still

don’t know what they said or why it was

funny let’s write a sample sentence with

to get something and I’ll check your

sentence and give you some feedback I’ll

see you there goodbye

