Does It Take One Day To Speak Better English
want to speak real english from your
first lesson
sign up for your free lifetime account
are you using apps to learn your target
language and are you using our
innovative 101 app
if you haven’t checked it out before now
is a great time because we’ve just
updated it
we’ve made it even easier to learn your
target language
you can jump into lessons in seconds and
start absorbing new conversations which
will help get you speaking
in this video you’ll learn all about the
newest update to the innovative 101 app
first your dashboard is now available on
the app
this means we sync your progress across
your devices
if you finish lesson number one on your
computer when you open the app you can
jump into lesson number two without
having to look for it
you can now see your learning paths and
your progress on the dashboard
we’ve also added dark mode to our ios
app only for now
you can use the app in the dark with
less strain on your eyes
the dashboard is a powerful tool for
your language learning
if you’re brand new to our program or if
you just don’t know what the dashboard
here’s an introduction it’s your home
base for language learning
everything you need to know about your
learning progress is here
you can see the current lessons and
learning pathways you’re studying
you can see the next lesson you need to
take which means you can jump into your
lessons in seconds
and start absorbing new words phrases
and conversations
and when you finish one lesson the
dashboard automatically feeds you your
next lesson
so you never have to worry about what to
study next
it guides you from lesson one to two to
three all the way until the end
you can also see your learning progress
whether you’re twenty percent into a
pathway or ninety percent done
it’s great for motivation next
you can also customize your dashboard
with lessons that you want to take
just tap on discover more that will take
you to our lesson library
and there you’ll see all of our learning
pathways and lessons
so if you want to learn slang or the top
25 questions you need for conversations
you can add these learning pathways to
your dashboard
so to recap the dashboard makes it super
easy to jump in and start learning
it tracks your progress and feeds you
your next lessons
and you can customize your learning
experience with it our ios app now has
dark mode
so if you already have the innovative
101 app on your device
leave us a comment and let us know what
you think and if you haven’t given our
app a try yet
check out our complete language learning
program sign up for your free lifetime
account by clicking on the link in the
get tons of resources to have you
speaking in your target language
and if you enjoyed these tips hit the
like button share the video with anyone
who’s trying to learn a new language and
subscribe to our channel
we release new videos every week i’ll
see you next time
bye want to speed up your language
take your very first lesson with us
you’ll start speaking in minutes
and master real conversations sign up
for your free lifetime account
just click the link in the description