have you ever been confused when
someone’s speaking to you in English
have you ever wondered what are they
saying I don’t understand and have you
ever said what
don’t ever say what today I’m gonna
teach you why and show you what to say
instead I’m teacher Tiffany let’s jump
right in
don’t ever say what now here’s the deal
in English when you are speaking to
someone and let’s say they say something
you don’t understand saying what is
actually extremely rude and impolite now
as an English Learner you may say it or
you may have said it in the past and not
realize that it was rude so let me show
you exactly how to respond when you
don’t understand what someone is saying
give you two ways of responding okay
so here we go first we have politely
interrupt them that’s right
you can politely interrupt and then
you’re going to ask them to kindly
repeat what they said now the second
thing you can do is politely interrupt
them summarize what they said and ask
them to repeat what they said so these
are two different ways of actually
responding when you don’t understand now
let’s look at some real examples of how
to apply these two ways okay so looking
at the first one again politely
interrupt and ask here we go uh pardon
me would you mind saying that one more
time I didn’t quite catch what you were
saying alright now I want you to repeat
after me for pronunciation sake okay
again pardon me
very good would you mind saying that one
more time good I didn’t quite catch what
you were saying excellent now let’s
look at this really quickly okay this
first part says pardon me now in English
saying pardon me is just like saying
excuse me
but it’s extremely polite I remember
growing up my mother used to always tell
my sister and I to never say what again
the purpose of this lesson to never say
what but instead to say part of me what
did you say it’s a very polite way of
letting someone know that you didn’t
understand what they said but you really
do want to understand okay now in this
example there was an expression that I
want to explain to you the expression is
catch what you were saying okay
so that’s what you were saying just
means I didn’t understand or grasp what
you said I wasn’t able to understand
exactly what you were trying to say this
is a very natural English expression we
say I wasn’t able to catch what you were
saying okay so again the first one is
pardon me would you mind saying that one
more time I didn’t quite catch what you
were saying now next again politely
interrupt and then ask a question so we
can say I’m so sorry can you repeat that
last part for me one more time now again
for pronunciation after me I’m so sorry
good can you repeat that last part for
me one more time very good now again
this is another way to let someone know
that you didn’t understand what they
said but you want to be very polite and
asking them to repeat themselves now if
you say it like this I guarantee people
will repeat what they said and they’ll
also be impressed with your English okay
so again one more time I’m so sorry
can you repeat that last part for me one
more time all right next we have this
one excuse me I’m sorry but can you run
that back for me one more time I wasn’t
able to catch what you said now you see
I used cats again now you
stand what catch or understand means
right okay so for pronunciation after me
excuse me
very good get that sound excuse me
good I’m sorry but can you good job
run that back for me one more time very
good I wasn’t able to good catch what
you said
excellent job all right now within this
example I want to show you an expression
right here
run that back for me okay so you’re
probably wondering teacher why are we
running I don’t understand don’t worry
I’m gonna explain it to you okay so run
that back for me literally just means
please repeat what you said that’s
exactly what this expression means
please repeat what you said one more
time okay so in English we use this
expression often we use it in many
different situations and all throughout
our conversations so again if you don’t
understand and you want someone to
repeat what they said you can say I’m
sorry can you run that back for me again
all right okay so one more time let’s
look at it excuse me I’m sorry but can
you run that back for me one more time I
wasn’t able to catch what you said all
right now moving on to the second option
the second method politely interrupt
plus summarize and ask them to repeat so
you’re going to actually summarize the
portion that you actually did understand
so again when you’re watching my videos
or when you’re watching the videos of
other amazing YouTube teachers teaching
English you make it a lot of what we say
but there may be some portions that you
don’t understand the same is gonna
happen to you in a conversation okay so
the parts that you do understand you
want to summarize them what happens is
you let the person know that hey I am
listening to you I just didn’t get
everything you say all right so let’s
see how can we do
all right so here we go first example
pardon me
I understood the part about our homework
and the vocabulary let me pause really
quickly so again the bolded words
represent the pattern that I want you to
use okay represent the pattern and also
the way I want you to say this okay so
again pardon me
I understood the part about dot dot dot
this is where you’re going to summarize
what you actually understood okay so I
understood the part about our homework
and the vocabulary but would you mind
saying the other part one more time I
didn’t quite catch what you were saying
so you see how I combined what we went
over in the first method alright again
if you do this people are gonna be so
impressed with your English skills and
they will also be more likely and be
happy to actually repeat themselves okay
alright so moving on to the next one we
have this example I’m so sorry
I was able to catch the first portion of
what you said about the show but can you
repeat the last part for me one more
time alright so you’re seeing right here
I was able to catch or I understood that
that that I understood the first portion
now the word portion you see it’s
underlined portion is just another word
for part or a section okay so we say
portion now for pronunciation one more
time portion very good portion excellent
job okay so again I’m so sorry I was
able to catch the first portion of what
you said about the show but can you
repeat that last part for me one more
time alright and next excuse me I feel
like I understood the vocabulary but the
expression is another story let me pause
really quickly again the bolded portion
is the part that we’re learning the
pattern right we’re learning the pattern
so after me I feel like I understood
very good so again
I feel like I understood dot dot dot
then you’re gonna summarize the part
that you did understand hey teacher you
know what I feel like I understood what
portion means but and then you go into
the part that you did not understand
alright and here I said but the
expression is another story
now I taught this expression another
story in a previous video but another
story is just used when you want to say
what I previously said is not currently
the case what I’m saying right now is
opposite of the previous situation or
previous statement so my previous
statement was I feel like I understood
but the expression is another story
meaning I did not understand the
expression gotta make sense all right so
let’s continue I’m sorry but can you run
that back for me one more time I wasn’t
able to catch what you said so now again
you’re seeing that I’m giving you
another way of letting someone know that
hey I didn’t understand what you said
and you don’t have to be shy it’s okay
even as an American a person whose
mother tongue mother language is English
there are times when I have to ask
people to repeat themselves like I’m
sorry one more time I didn’t catch what
you said you see how it just naturally
flowed off of my tongue because I use it
all of the time and you can too don’t be
shy if you don’t understand ask us to
repeat it’s a-okay all right so going
back to my screen now if you want to
watch part two of this lesson where I
have an interview with my friend and
it’s hilarious we talked about what our
parents did when we were younger and we
said what that was not acceptable
because it’s so rude but again part two
is always available inside of the
Academy I’ll put the link right on the
screen right now so that you can see
exactly how to join and how to be a part
but again the link is right in the
description if you want to see part two
and you want to see the conversation I
have with my friend about this topic you
can watch it right now
joining but I really hope you understood
and enjoy this lesson remember don’t say
what it’s very rude but you can say the
other examples and the other methods you
can use them to sound like a native
English speaker well I hope you
understood and I’ll talk to you next
week but as always remember to speak
English are you ready oh yeah ok it’s
story time
alright now last week’s story time was
emotional but I want to say that the
comments I read every single comment and
I tried to respond to each and every one
of you they were over I think 300
comments and I was so touched by all of
your words
I really appreciated everything you said
um yes I was so appreciative of my
friend and she was also touched and she
said thank you too so today I realized
that you guys enjoy hearing a lot of my
personal stories and um you want to get
to know me more so I want to tell you
another story and it actually is gonna
include a song so don’t leave because
you’re gonna hear a song now don’t worry
no tears today but I know you guys
aren’t worried I know you actually are
understanding and you actually love me
as a teacher and I love you guys but I
want to tell you a story really quickly
so I had a nephew but unfortunately he
passed away when he was five years old
because he got brain cancer and if
anyone watching this video has cancer or
has ever had a family member with cancer
you know that it is serious and I’ll be
praying for you because I know it’s not
easy but what I wanted to tell you about
my nephew he was a Dora ball such a
happy kid he was always smiling you guys
tell me I smile that kid was always
smiling when I was in Korea he was about
I think he was three and he would call
me on Google Hangouts and he would say
hey auntie tip
how are you so my nickname for my nieces
and my nephew at the time was auntie
TIFF and it still is auntie TIFF but he
always make me stop smile but there was
one song that he loved his favorite song
came from a movie um just what is it
coat of many colors the story of Joseph
from the Bible and the song is called
you know better than I and when I say
that kid used to sing that song
so in English is an expression we say
belt a song out and it just means to
sing really loud with all of your might
he used to belt the song out and man
when I say it used to make me smile
because he was little but he loved the
song so I want to sing some of the song
for you ok
so let me go to my screen and open up
the lyrics this is his favorite song ok
I may have to get a little bit of water
and clear my throat you guys know I’m
getting over a call but uh I don’t mind
singing for you hold on alright so here
we go again the song is called you know
better than I here we go I thought I did
what’s right I thought I had the answers
I thought I chose the surest Road but
that road brought me here so I put up
fight and told you how to help me now
just when I have given up the truth is
coming clear cuz you know
and you know the way I let go the need
to know why for you know better than 9
now that was just the first verse and
the course but that song has meant so
much to me even before he passed away I
liked the song but after his passing
this has become one of my favorite songs
and not just because he loved it so much
but because of the message you see the
message about God knowing better than us
God knows the plans he knows the reasons
why he allows things to happen and
remember last week I told you I failed
my exam two times and how difficult it
was and I my friend helped me now God
knows why he allowed that to happen but
in the midst of that difficult time I
met my friend and we’ve been friends
ever since while I knew her before that
but our friendship got deeper so the
same is for you you are having
difficulties right now studying English
it’s not easy and some days you feel
discouraged but remember that God knows
why he’s allowing you to go on this
journey God put you and me together he
allowed me to be your teacher he allowed
you to find this video so I hope you
enjoy the song don’t forget the message
that he knows better than we do and He
loves us and I love you too well I’ll
see you next week but as always remember
to speak English