English Conversations
welcome to speak English with Tiffany I
am teacher Tiffany and today you will
learn and hear natural English
conversations are you ready
well then let’s jump right in
number one introductions hello my name
is Linda what’s your name hi Linda
my name is Charles
nice to meet you Charles where are you
from I’m from California what about you
nice I’m from Florida
a ho I love Florida
my hobby is swimming because I love the
I also like swimming too but my main
hobby is singing oh really what type of
music do you like I like pop music and
ballads what about you I like ballads
and classical music oh very nice we
should hang out sometime yeah that would
be great let’s talk more conversation
number two work or job
hey Adam how was the team meeting today
hey Amy it was a little long but we got
a lot done oh okay great so what did the
boss decide about the new project he
said that he will send out a detailed
email later today okay that sounds good
I will check my email in a few minutes
yeah he seemed to like what we showed
him so don’t worry okay that’s a relief
I really want to get the ball rolling on
this project yeah me too let’s start
gathering our team members soon that
sounds good
I’ll message you later okay enjoy the
rest of your morning conversation number
three home
hi Steven hi Kim I was wondering what
state are you from I am from New York
it’s a great place to live oh wow
that’s nice how long have you lived
there I have lived there for about 25
years how about you I’m from Texas I
love it
nice Texas is a big state what’s your
favorite thing about it
I really love the food there are so many
great restaurants sounds like I need to
visit Texas I love food - yes you should
come and visit I will show you around
great sounds like a plan conversation
number four University
hey Michael how are you hey Sarah I’m
great thanks how about you I’m good too
but I’m having a little trouble in my
biology class Oh which professor teaches
that class professor Smith he is the
hardest professor I have ever had yeah
he’s pretty hard but you know I think I
can help you oh really
yeah I actually registered for that
class last term so I can help you Wow
Michael you are a lifesaver I would
appreciate it so much
sure thing it would be my pleasure
let’s meet at the library tomorrow
conversation number five exercise
hey Sara how’s your workout going
hey Mark it’s going well how about yours
mine is going good too
I decided to just lift weights today oh
okay that’s good
I’m going to run on the treadmill today
that sounds great
do you run every day no but I do
exercise five times a week
oh okay that’s really good
I tried to work out almost every day too
yeah exercise is really important what’s
your favorite exercise I really like
cycling nice cycling is fun well enjoy
the rest of your workout thanks you too
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