English Conversations With Tiffani Episode 2 Meet Daniel from El Salvador

hey hey welcome to today’s episode of

conversations with me teacher Tiffany in

today’s episode I speak with my student

Daniel and I truly enjoyed the

conversation that Daniel and I had and I

know that you’re gonna enjoy our

conversation as well so as always let’s

jump right in this episode of

conversations with teacher Tiffany is

being sponsored by the speak English

with Tiffany Academy the number one

online English Academy for intermediate

and advanced English learners okay it is

so good to meet you you messaged me you

messaged me a lot on Instagram so I’m

very happy to be able to meet you

finally face to face how are you I’m



very couple for me because I listen a a

lot impressive differences in English

but you speak very slow and you

understand everything I know that I love

you answer I’ll follow you to your bison

all videos and sell me and everything

what happen and radio is different she

as with me right right okay my first a

message in instead of oh my god she

asked me good yeah I really tried to

respond to all of the messages that

students sent to me especially on

Instagram because I know students are

sometimes like you very nervous but I’m

I’m really an open person I think I’m

quite nice I want to talk to you guys

too so I’m very glad he messaged me I’m

very happy all I thank you for you here

for I know this is a big effort because

you put in your schedule

all right now Danny what I’m gonna ask

him to take you to the same questions

that I asked the other students you’ve

seen the other one on one conversation

so the first thing is tell us about

yourself so where are you from tell

everyone your name of course but where

are you from a little bit about your

family or your hobbies tell us about you

okay thank you

I’m not here for cellular I know my

country is small in Central America this

is one where I love my country I married

my wife is a beautiful woman I love

another baby

you just saw Olivia

my whole is I listen to music a lot of

music gasp growl punk rock classical

music I love classical music but I know

musician it’s very weird position I know

photography I found I study a career

well good nice so you said you like


now you mentioned at the end that you do

like classical music so I also like

classical I like music in general but I

like classical to do you do like Bach

yeah and the softly yes


okay all right next question for you

then when did you start studying English

Daniel and why did you choose English

instead of another language because this

is my fourth time for Tyler English the

first is in Academy in my country

another third thing too so they

different place but I get more fluency I

need know not just name I have my my my

words so this is my this is the one

reason why the earth is writing for you

because I trusted in my work I need

again your advice stop the bus lane this

is the one reason the two reason is

and you guys oh and right now the letter

penis is very essential

why so if I looking at yo someone asked

me do you speak English yeah okay but

what is the level I think it’s okay

decided 50 or 60 percent no it’s okay

and I’ll say okay so I take I take this

course I saw videos I do videos i watch

the video is but I don’t know I need


little boots or out of my comfort zone

so how long has it been

have you been studying English like for

the past few years or for a longer time

okay good good well again I’m happy to

have you in the Academy and I’m glad

we’re able to talk and I do want to help

you so I think I’ll be able to help you

with some more tips yesterday when we

talked on Instagram I gave you a few

tips but hopefully through this

conversation I’ll be able to give you

even more tips to help you on your


okay thank you thank you I’m gonna write

a note down real quick just to make sure

I don’t forget I want to tell you

something at the ends next question

what’s the hardest thing about studying

English the gramatica there are multiple

is very tough opponent when I used do so

many problems with this I don’t know why

maybe I don’t understand everything well

you are using the pass

or only in a moment so this is important

for me I don’t know what happen when

another students under the rules the

American power to be very very weird in

this mine is different right but I think

this is very short you suppress

everything okay okay so a lot of

students have similar problems they

mentioned that grammar is difficult and

they’re trying to learn more

prepositions or they don’t know how to

necessarily use certain words properly

yeah also you said that sometimes in

English people can say something in a

short way and it’s easy for others to

understand what I’ve noticed the main

thing in which is another reason why I

started the Academy and the YouTube

channel is because I realized that

English learners like yourself have a

difficult time formulating ideas and

organizing their thoughts to actually

speak in English I think you agree we do

and it’s kind of like again if you

notice again I’ve mentioned this many

times in my Academy I don’t teach

grammar on my youtube channel I don’t

teach grammar and the reason is first I

believe that there are many amazing

grammar books grammar books are very

important but my job is to help you and

other students put the pieces together

he’ll learn how to think it formulates

so again I can help you I’m happier in

the Academy out but I do understand that

is a difficulty that many students have

so I understand that one okay on the

flip side or another question on the

opposite side what do you enjoy most

about studying English what do you enjoy

the most




the chef maybe I press myself we are not

native speakers

intersex ideas I love okay I repeat I

don’t use it I don’t photography but uh

I can good mind sorry I couldn’t mind

talking with a doctor because the

medicine for me is interested I know I

still miss but I invite my don’t talk

over psychology who are coefficient we

consist an unordered things a lot of

work for me you understand I have a

dream like Martin Luther King I have a

dream 12 United State if an order a

piece order pizza yeah I see much real

science I saw the serious the people

signed an HR but he said it’s a crazy

weird but yeah he’s a go to the shop is

very complex

ok good I think it’s a good dream I

think it’s something that you will

definitely achieve I think you will and

I’m glad you mention that again I wrote

it down so I can have that note down so

maybe I’ll do a video on how to order a

pizza in America you never know

again these helped me to make new things

for the Academy okay so how do you

currently study English I don’t

understand Carly currently now how are

you studying English so right now you

and I are talking but these days

how are you studying English what

methods okay okay thank you thank you

only watch TV maybe early afternoon I

take a book I read a little pieces of

work with 1/3 spacious underneath

yeah I know I know there’s took to my

schedule for studying they have it yeah

you put in my my effort every day I will

be more worse if you feel with a teacher

I repeat the worst because I know how


and you do watch some TV shows open a

book okay and I know now you’re in the

Academy you’re going to start kind of

using the courses and the daily emails

as well so that’s good

and you already know about my youtube

channel right yeah my first contact for


ah okay so you you have you seen any of

my youtube videos yeah yeah can i humble

by and subscribe when you have two or

three subscribers I mean maybe I’m the

belle where you put in a new video ok so

we see put in my wife what do you watch

obviously funny ok ok

feel the side because I never probably

with you but all right now I say use the

phone and say hello I’m really honored

I’m very happy to now that I’m thinking

yes I started the channel when I lived

in Korea and I remember yeah I do

remember your tag name toenail under


that’s what this guy always talks to me

he seems nice but we never had a

conversation so well I’m very happy to

meet you officially

I’m very happy thank you right now I say

it’s okay you’re doing you’re doing good

you can just relax and enjoy students

usually tell me that I help them to feel

more relaxed so yeah so good good okay

then I have another question for you you

mentioned that sometimes in the

afternoon you read a book what’s your

favorite English book English book so

sorry they’re the videos topic is it

back we’re back okay all right so tell

me what is your favorite English book


octavo both fold yeah thank you

I start my second book give me a second

today’s sponsor is the speak English

with Tiffany Academy this is the number

one online English Academy for

intermediate and advanced English

learners the Academy focuses on helping

English learners take their English to

the next level and change their lives it

is a platform where you will find all

the resources that you need to finally

master English and achieve your biggest

goals the Academy’s monthly membership

is divided into five specific sections

section one deals with speaking and

fluency section two deals with real

English conversations section 3 deals

with lesson plans journals and advice

section four deals with vocabulary

expressions idioms and phrasal verbs and

section five talks about American

culture as a member you can watch the

courses read the ebooks download the

lesson plans watch the video

conversations and watch the lessons on

American culture as much as you want

anytime anywhere and on any

internet-connected screen you can enjoy

a constantly updated library of English

courses and other amazing English

resources it’s a ton of power English

lessons waiting for you so click the

link in the description and enroll today

picture maker okay marathon ok panini

Kings finca picture maker hmm how is

have you read it yet or not yet sorry 1

to face all right but mrs. Peniston he’s

a poor job I know yeah but I like I like

this is Sun sweet so Nora go

I sorry I want to read ah yeah boy those

oil palm okay yes yes oh good good very


all right so students you guys saw I’m

gonna tell them real quick you guys saw

the book that Danielle showed to you

guys the picture maker you guys can

check out that book and he also

mentioned some other ones as well so you

guys can look at those too so thank you

for those suggestions now this is an

interesting question I really like this

question because of dudes an opportunity

to give their opinion so in your opinion

what makes a good English teacher

if you could pick three things what are

three things that make a good English

teacher the permutation Annunciation

convenience convenience

cool cool videos cool take it cool

videos amazing videos I make simply this

video the teacher said the good presents

in their videos I like it to be due

because it’s in know the the person

putting the camera and then later kill

you videos are found I like it I like it

the first thing is the passion I saw the

passion while the teacher learn this for

the teacher dish I saw the passion I

listened and said ah this is the passion

I love it the passion

Wow those are good ones thank you so

again guys Danielle said the teachers

pronunciation very important I also been

the same thing when I was learning

Korean pronunciation was very important

for my teachers to cool videos thank you

for the compliment and also passion Eric

you know it’s funny

those are three of the main things that

I focus on it really feels like you know

me I really yet when it comes to

pronunciation when I was teaching in

Korea I always made sure my students

pronunciation was good I said because

even if you don’t know the words or

vocabulary if we can understand your

pronunciation it’s okay and the second

thing cool videos yeah I really like the

visual graphics because I want something

to be interesting to my eyes to mine

saying oh my god what you say and put in

the video Linda schedule yeah I’d say

wow okay then let me ask you this I know

that you said you’re currently currently

means now you’re studying English

because you want to get a better job you

want to get um how has English changed

your life home by morning I have a lot

of ability yeah maybe in the future I

will travel to another country descend

of Berlin with me and speak English

mm-hmm maybe open the allotted language

because because I learn you know it is


Camping’s and your money Oh German nice


everybody is a mother the phone right

yeah so opening for English open

everything yeah very true a lot of

opportunities Wow

hopefully one day you’ll be able to come

to America and then we can go to a pizza

place together

thank you okay yeah uh in Korea there is

something they do so in Korea they do

when you make a promise they do

pinkie promise like that so I took you

from and so yes brotherbrother

good okay all right um what is now you

told me your dream is to come to America

and order pizza without using hand

signals but actually speaking do you

have any other dreams I know you want to

travel any other dreams yes I presented

my family she leaves him

maybe oh I’m sorry and with multimedia


it’s no they I like to touch the paper

the person okay but it’s a place I love

when I killed is a mountain Rushmore

Mount Rushmore yeah oh you want to visit

Mount Rushmore again huh I know my crazy

but I think it’s an amazing dream I

always think it’s good to have a dream

and it’s good to work toward something

you ever heard the expression put the

work in no never okay now this is a

sneak peak this week for our YouTube

video lesson this is an expression I’m

gonna teach but I’ll teach you early so

put the work in means to give all of

your effort and to work hard so I

believe that you can reach all of

your dreams if you put the work in so it

means if you work hard no problem you

can okay

thank you okay last question is do you

have any advice there are many students

in the Academy and they’ll watch your

video and they’ll see you and I having a

good conversation what advice can you

give other students don’t have fears

English is hard very very hard I take

seven years for all this death and this


never give up with everything watch

everything will step by step if you gain

one word in the day it’s a lot yeah this

is Flores in Spanish and we’ll have I

don’t know the term pain in my head but

I’m sorry inspire said romantic

Australian beer in one day so practice

practice so grab a buddy Academy because

it’s good right now I feel more people

you thank you I know that this better

but sorry but you have more confidence

right now I’m running this is my main

idea work here yeah this is my measure

measurement one day and the Fijian so

ashamed idea

if make sure one day per day because

they use it the new day you have this is

presentation so the fight is working I

never give up this body very true very

good excellent advice guys I hope you

all understood what Daniel said he gave

amazing advice I really like the last

thing you said anywhere you said work

hard every day and just try to be better

the next day better next day better next

day better and I think that’s really

good I’m actually I didn’t tell you

yesterday I’m trying to I’m working on

another course for the Academy where I

will have little videos every single day

for students to work with so right now

you’re getting my emails that’s a 60 day

course but then I’m gonna make other

small courses where every day I’ll give

you a short lesson so it will help you

with your English every day so good it’s

good um now I don’t want to end the

conversation yet I wrote down again what

you said earlier and you mentioned that

you have to get a job and English is

important right yes when we talked on

Instagram I mentioned it in my voice

message but I wanted to show you really

quickly a book that I want you to

download from the Academy okay so I’m

gonna share my screen real quick can you

see my screen yes teacher

okay so when you log into the Academy I

want you to scroll down and you’re gonna

look for a book and the book is right

here oh yes you see it yeah okay click

it and I want you to download this

because this book takes you through 30

days of how to faster the questions

there are lots of questions but I give

you how to do your body language better

and then how to answer questions that

they will ask you during the interview

for example let me make this smaller I’m

gonna scroll really quickly so for

example this is a common question

let’s see hold on one second the scroll

okay they’re gonna say please introduce

yourself right but in the book I teach

you exactly how to do it I break it down

into three different sections so what I

did was in the book I have a series of

many questions that are commonly asked

during an English interview and I teach

exactly how to answer them so help you

to when you’re preparing for an

interview and they’ll be very surprised

like oh and you know your English is

amazing so I think and again

if you have any questions ever you can

always email me you can message me on

Instagram I’m always available

thank you guys missed it funny maybe you

say I ain’t know the story the

mystifying well they are all ready to

work in the NASA I say okay well left

the castle whine recently before we work

in technology work in the NASA

because thank you thank you yeah really

I did work at NASA but how do you know

the word fulfilling fulfilling you ever

heard that word before

no no no okay so fulfilling means when

you do something and it makes you feel

good like I feel wonderful

that thing is fulfilling okay okay

that’s what that means so when I worked

at NASA great job my boss amazing my

co-workers so good I was happy but

something was missing

now when I quit and started teaching so

fulfilling every day I’m happy every day

I get up I’m happy to teach you guys

so I realized that I NASA amazing great

place but teaching English for me it’s

much more fulfilling I get to meet

students like you and talk to you guys

so I like it a lot so yeah thank you so

much thank you my pleasure my pleasure

well Daniel thank you so much I’ll put

the video in the Academy later on today

and it was good talking to you thank you

Peter I hope this is along my last video

with you a few things told my probes yes

yeah I will see so thank you you’re

welcome you’re welcome well I hope you

enjoy the rest of your day thank you

blessing alright I hope you enjoyed

today’s episode if you want to join me

for a conversation all you have to do is

join my Academy and become my student

the link is right here on the screen

speak English with Tiffany academy.com

join today and you can join me for a

conversation I’ll see you in the next

episode this episode of conversations

with teacher Tiffany was sponsored by

the speak English with Tiffany Academy

the number one online English Academy

for intermediate and advanced English


