English Sentences Creative Thinking in English Episode 1
alright let’s answer the question of who
this man actually is now if we zoom in
and look closer at this man we’ll notice
something about his face what is it
about his face that we can say and use
for the who bearded man bearded man okay
now that we have the who let’s zoom out
and figure out the what what is this man
doing what is he doing with his hands
right now so let’s zoom in to the front
area and see what actually is he holding
what is he doing taking photos taking
photos all right now let’s answer the
question of when when is he doing this
so if we look at the picture as a whole
we’ll see the background looks a little
bit dark or a little bit dim but we’ll
notice something about the clothing he
is wearing he’s wearing a jacket but
he’s wearing a specific type of jacket
so what can we assume about the time or
when he is doing this on a rainy day on
a rainy day now let’s zoom out again and
see if we can answer the question of
where where is he what do we see in the
background where do you think he is
in the woods in the woods all right now
finally why is he doing this so if we
zoom in and look closer at this portion
of the photo what do we notice about
this camera
what does that tell us why is he doing
this he is an amateur photographer he is
an amateur photographer all right now
adding all of the information for the
five W’s the who the what the win the
where and the why what sentence can we
make to describe this picture the
bearded man is taking photos in the
woods on a rainy day because he is an
amateur photographer join the speak
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