English Sentences Creative Thinking in English Episode 3
all right let’s jump right in
so we have this picture in front of us
and the first question we want to answer
is who is this person
okay so we’ll see that this person
actually has a very long hair and then
we’ll go to the other side of the
picture we’ll see that this person
actually has very graceful or beautiful
hands and if we come down a little bit
we see that this person has long legs
and we’ll also see that the person is
wearing kind of like a sweatshirt or a
jumpsuit and maybe some short pants
right here so who is this person in this
picture a young woman in her 30s a young
woman in her 30s now
let’s figure out what this woman is
actually doing now in this part of the
picture we’ll notice that she is holding
a cell phone and it’s very close to her
so there’s something happening with the
cell phone and if we go to the other
part of the picture we’ll notice also
that she has a computer in front of her
so there’s something going on with the
cell phone and also with the computer
there’s something on the screen and
she’s also talking with her hands so
what is this woman doing on a business
call with her overseas client on a
business call with her overseas client
all right now I want to answer when this
is happening now if we look in the
background there are actually lots of
plants in the background and we can see
that it’s kind of daytime but we see
lots of bright lights or lots of
sunshine in the background so we look at
in another part of the picture we can
still see sunshine even on the bottom
part of the picture so when is this
happening on a sunny afternoon on a
sunny afternoon alright now we want to
know where
is this woman at okay now again like
before we saw there are lots of plants
so where exactly is this taking place
where is this woman sitting where are
all of these plants and then looking at
another part of the picture will notice
some tables so there are plants and
they’re also tables and chairs so again
we’re asking ourselves where is this
happening at an outdoor cafe at an
outdoor cafe and now we want to ask
ourselves why is this happening so
looking at this picture again with the
woman on her cell phone and she’s
talking with her hands and then also
she’s sitting down but she’s still
looking at our computer outside so why
is this actually happening and again
another part again we’ll see zooming in
that yes the computer right here but her
hands shows that she’s actually very
into the conversation so why is this
happening outside why is this happening
at this time there was an office
emergency there was an office emergency
all right so again now we have the full
so what sentence can we make about this
picture there was an office emergency on
a sunny afternoon so a young woman in
her 30s was on a business call with her
overseas client at an outdoor cafe great
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