English Vocabulary Creative Thinking in English Episode 2
all right let’s jump right in what we
have here is a young lady sitting in
what looks like her apartment on our
computer but I want us to look a little
closer at her face there’s something
about the way she is looking it looks
like she’s very focused and that she is
concentrating on something that is
actually in her lap she’s looking at our
computer but once again look at her eyes
what’s another vocabulary word for
concentrate fix 8 fix 8 to focus or
concentrate ones gaze or attention
intently fixate all right now what we’re
gonna do is look at another aspect of
this picture look at the young lady
there’s something about her body that is
interesting you see if we zoom in here
and then we scroll to the right side
you’ll see that our legs look very slim
even the leg on the bottom looks very
slim her arms look slim and her torso so
in English what’s another word that
means slim slender slender regarding the
human body gracefully thin slender
finally I want to check out her hair she
has very unique and beautiful hair but
how do you describe this in English how
do you express what her hair is doing or
the type of hair that she has what’s the
English vocabulary word for this type of
hair frizzy frizzy formed of a mass of
small tight curls or Tufts frizzy all
you learn fixate slender and frizzy