English Vocabulary in 5 Minutes Travel

welcome to speak English with Tiffany I

am teacher Tiffany let’s jump right in

vocabulary words related to your commute

and travel alright this is a train or a

subway train and there are six words

that we can get from this train the

first word is safety the second word is

arrangement the third word is

perpendicular the fourth word is observe

the fifth word is focused and the sixth

word is extensive now let’s look at the

definitions for each of these words the

first word once again is safety safety

it means the condition of being

protected from or unlikely to cause

danger risk or injury once again safety

next focused focused concentrating on a

particular goal and not wasting time or

energy on other things

once again focused next we have

extensive extensive it means very large

an amount or degree or spreading over a

large area so once again extensive the

fourth word is perpendicular one more

time this is a long word perpendicular

very good it means completely upright

and straight or at an angle of 90

degrees to a given plane once again

perpendicular alright our next word is

arrangement arrangement

it means the action process or result of

arranging or being arranged so one more

time arrangement and finally our sixth

word is observe observe it means to

notice or perceive something and

register it as being

significant okay so once again observe

now what we’re gonna do is really

quickly review all of them again so

repeat after me safety focused extensive

perpendicular arrangement observe and

now we’re going to hide all of them now

let’s see if you can remember what the

words were alright the first one the

condition of being protected from or

unlikely to cause danger risk or injury

what’s that

great job safety all right now let’s

move to the second one oh it’s a

different order completely upright and

straight or add an angle of 90 degrees

to a given plane that one was great job

perpendicular alright number three the

action process or result of arranging or

being arranged what is that good

arrangement next the fourth one to

notice or perceive something and

register it as being significant you got

it observe and the fifth word

concentrating on a particular goal and

not wasting time or energy on other

things in English that is great focused

and finally very large in amount or

degree or spreading over a large area

very good extensive now what we’re gonna

do is see how all of these words

actually describe this picture so once

again safety focused perpendicular

observe extensive and arrangement

alright the first sentence is all of the

blue hand grips were in a neat great job

arrangement next the man was extremely

look at his face

very good focused good

next the train was more than I realized

very good extensive very good next the

man the people on the train

look at his face what is he doing

exactly the man observed the people on

the train next the blue hand grips

provide more great job safety very good

and finally the pole in the center of

the train is to the floor of the Train

you got it perpendicular now you learn

six new words safety focused extensive

perpendicular arrangement and observe

try to use them at least one time today

and as always remember to speak English