Foodrelated Slang Idioms Basic English Phrases

visible there so I would recommend that

okay we’re gonna start in just a couple

minutes up we’re starting now

oh we have started hi everybody welcome

back to this week’s live stream this

week we are going to talk about

food-related slang and idioms so we’re

gonna wait for everybody to join us live

and then we’ll begin shortly

so as you’re joining don’t forget to hit

the like button and share the video as

well if you like we really appreciate it

control desk which camera should I be

looking at today the main camera is that

right yep okay that guy good we have

lots of new cameras lots of new things

going on if you haven’t seen it by the

way on the YouTube channel now there’s a

high definition an HD version of the

live stream so you can check that out

for a little bit clearer picture I think

yeah so we’re shifting away from the

webcam we have some other stuff instead

so you can watch us on Twitter Facebook

and Instagram and YouTube and I think

that’s it now so lots of different

opportunities anyway yes today is

food-related slang and idioms so while

we wait for everybody to join us today

hi everybody I see you on YouTube chat

while we wait for everyone to join us

today a couple just quick announcements

first if you have not seen it there is a

new episode of English topics if you

haven’t seen English topics before Davey

and I my friend Davey and I we discussed

a point in English about English culture

specifically American culture and we

talked a little bit about vocabulary

words and expressions for that so I

shared this on Twitter earlier this week

but if you have not seen this you can

check this out on the YouTube channel

this is actually I thought this was a

really really funny episode so

definitely check this out some of you I

shared it on Twitter and Instagram but

this is really really funny to me so

please check it out if you have not

already okay

um I think we’ll start in about one

minute then or so I think we’re getting

a couple things set up we’re testing

some new things so but I think we’re

ready to get started so looks good to

meet I think all right so to repeat

again today we’re talking about

food-related slang and idioms then today

as always I made today’s lesson into

like three groups and so we’re gonna

talk about expressions you can use at

home vocabulary words at home and we’re

gonna talk about things you can say at

the restaurant when you visit a

restaurant and then I’ll talk about some

general expressions as well so I hope

there’s enough time to cover everything

we’ll see but let’s begin let’s start

then today with the expressions you can

use at home expressions you can use at

home so before I begin I want to mention

not all of these expressions are slang

or not all of these expressions are

idioms some of these are just more

casual words that you can use to talk

about food or to talk about eating so I

want to begin with this side let’s start

over here today today let’s begin with

words you can use when you are cooking

so I want to start with these first two

these two to whip up and to cook up to

whip up and to cook up this one to whip

up if you don’t know this verb to whip

it means like to do to make this motion

for example if you’re making eggs or if

you’re maybe making like a cream or

something like that whipping is this

motion so when you say I’m going to whip

up something it means you’re going to

cook something quickly something that’s

kind of easy something that’s fast that

you can make quickly that’s when we use

this expression to whip up to whip up

and you’ll see a couple of example

sentences a little bit later too okay

then the second expression to cook up is

similar to cook up

is just like an even more casual way of

saying cook like I’m going to cook

dinner later

to make this a little more casual even

we might say I’m going to cook up I’m

going to cook up something I’m going to

cook up something so I’ll share some

examples in just a moment let’s see ah

is that example sentence okay to share

now I know you guys are busy sorry oh

yeah okay cool okay so let’s look at an

example sentence since we talked about

these two let’s look at some example

sentences first let’s look at this one

for a whip up for whip up so something

you’re going to cook quickly so this one

to whip up I’m going to go home and whip

up some pasta so here there are two

expressions two things happening go home

is one whip up is the other I’m going to

go home and whip up some pasta so that

means cook quickly cook something

prepare something quickly okay then the

second example sentence let’s look at

how to use the expression cook up cook

up is used very similarly we’ll see in a

minute I think that’s it great ok so

here’s an example sentence with cook

this is past tense so remember cook is a

regular verb so we cooked up some stew

last night so it sounds like very simple

cooking very easy cooking nothing really

complex are complicated ok good let’s go

on then to this next expression so here

I have 2/5 second rule ok maybe some of

you know this and this depends on the

person so we have either two second rule

or five second rule this means depending

on the person it’s the length of time

that if we drop food on the ground it’s

still safe to eat

so like if you’re making something or if

you’re eating something but you drop

them then you can say like oh two second

rule or oh five second rule then it’s

like oh maybe I’ll pick it up and it’ll

be safe to eat am I going to stand the

whole lesson I can sit down is that


for you I okay um then I was gonna I’m

gonna I’m planning to stay on the whole

lesson because it’s more comfortable or

okay anyway uh do you second or the

five-second rule refers to when you drop

something on the ground and you need to

decide oh my gosh is this safe to eat

or not hi okay so two second rule– five

second rule some of you may think it’s

not okay to drop it at all so maybe this

doesn’t apply to you but I think a lot

of people say to second rule– five

second rule probably no ten second rule

as well I see your guys’s messages about

the video lagging I cannot control that

the team is working hard to try to fix

the lag issue sorry we appreciate your

patience we’re working on it right now

there’s someone for you’re working right

now I want to try to fix it

thank you for your messages though okay

but let’s move on to the next point the

next thing is to make something from

scratch to make something from scratch

scratch here

this means zero to make something from

nothing to have no like pre-prepared

ingredients and to make something from

that so if you like cooking at home if

you’re a home cook and you want to make

things without using a boxed ingredient

without using some kind of pre-prepared

ingredient you can use this expression

so to make pasta from scratch to make

soup from scratch right here is where

you use the name of the food that you’re

making to make something from scratch

here so we’ll see a couple examples yeah

great awesome thank you control desk

so we’ll see an example sentence right

here um let’s see ah that’s okay so

sorry our first example sentence right

here is this one so this is how to use

this five second or two second rule I

talked about so you dropped the

expensive cheese

five-second rule so we use this more

like an exclamation like oh you dropped

it two second rule or oh you dropped it

five second

like this kind of at the end of a

statement something happened five-second

rule and then if you pick it up in five

seconds it’s okay to eat then let’s look

at the second one here to make something

from scratch to make something from

scratch here’s an example I made this

cake from scratch I made this cake from

scratch so here this means I did not use

any pre-prepared ingredients I did not

use any box I didn’t use anything I put

everything together myself okay great so

this is sort of just a couple these are

a couple things you can use at home if

you like cooking at home these are some

expressions you can use at home in your

own kitchen

all right good let’s take a break then

it is very hot in here today oh my


okay so today’s topic is as you see

food-related slang and idioms so as

always we have free stuff a perfect

thing for you to check out the free

thing for this week it’s hard to see

this one this free PDF cheat sheet I’ll

hold it up here really quickly it’s so

bright it’s hard to see this it’s hard

to see it but this has vocabulary words

and expressions on the back specifically

for dining it’s really hard to see it

because of the lighting but this paper

is white so it’s alright that’s hard to

see but trust me there are some good

expressions here for going to

restaurants and for cooking so this is a

perfect way to practice some of the

things that we’re talking about in

today’s lesson so please go download

this you can find this in the link below

the video if you’re watching on YouTube

and above the video if you’re watching

on Facebook lots of you asked on YouTube

where is the link I can’t find the link

you need to check the description of the

video on youtube for facebook if you’re

watching on the big video there look

like minimize the video screen and

you’ll see the link above the small

video on your Facebook page so if you

can’t find the link that’s where to find


so please check this out

you can see a lot of other things there

too we have lots of other PDFs but today

maybe the food and dining one is a nice

one to practice today’s points yes all

right let’s pick it back up again if you

are just joining today’s topic is food

and food-related idioms things we can

use at home things we can use in the

kitchen Oscar says Alicia can we use

from scratch to say from the beginning

not necessarily we use from scratch to

mean that we made something from nothing

like so if you’re making like like a

birdhouse or if you have a project of

some kind and you make it without any

like there’s no set box you can say I

made it from scratch but I would say

it’s probably most commonly used for the

kitchen for making things from the

kitchen okay let’s move along so let’s

go to the second part of today’s lesson

I mentioned today we’re talking about

food-related idioms food-related slang

casual words group one was expressions

you can use at home second part is

things we’re going to talk about at the

restaurant so this will actually get

into a little bit of slang this will be

some slang so it’s hard to see I’m going

to read everything don’t worry so let’s

take a look at some restaurant

expressions first one the first word

here is party party so when you visit a

restaurant visit a restaurant when you

visit a restaurant they will tell you

like or they will ask you rather how

many in your party party means group how

many people in your group so your party

and when they when they tell you like

okay you’re you’re going to wait ten

minutes or five minutes or something

like that you sit at the restaurant and

you wait when they call you they say

your name plus the party number so for

example you’ll see here in just a second

I used one of our team members names

here Meg party of

three so this you will hear this at a

restaurant when you have been waiting

for your table and they call you so if

it’s me I would they would say like

Alicia party of five

party of five means five people group of

five people if it’s my friend Meg

they might say Meg party of three so

party means number of people like the

number of people in your group and then

we follow it with of and the number in

your group so this is quite common the

restaurant staff might also ask you how

many people in your party how many

people in your party yes some of you

might know party of five very famous

very famous show party of five okay good

let’s see someone on Facebook asked a

very complex question about tenses right

today’s lesson is about a different

topic please send other questions to ask

Alicia that’s perfect for ask Alicia

today this is the topic okay um let’s

move on to the second thing the second

verb the second this is a slang

expression especially if you work in the

restaurant industry the expression is

too short too short someone as a verb so

I know you guys know short means like

not tall too short someone however as a

verb too short someone is usually used

for drinks so when you order a drink at

a bar for example a glass of wine or a

cocktail and the bartender the waiter

the waitress they don’t pour enough into

the drink so there’s a there’s a regular

amount for the drink but the person

making the drink doesn’t pour enough

it’s like not enough we say short we use

the verb short to describe that so I’ll

show you a very casual but quite common

expression that you can use here let’s

take a look at this example sentence

this expression is the bartender shorted

me on that pour okay so what is this

bartender is clear I think the person

working at the bar

then shorted me shorted me means didn’t

give me enough of the thing I ordered

and then here on that poor so pouring

means like making the drink so in this

amount of drink that went into my glass

there wasn’t enough in other words so we

used this expression to talk about that

the bartender shorted me didn’t give me

enough when they made my drink this is a

casual way to say that too short someone

too short someone okay good then let’s

move on to another restaurant industry

word if you work in kitchens maybe you

know this word the expression is too

stiff too stiff so again stiff is an

adjective that we use to mean like tough

or tense for example but too stiff as a

verb too stiff means to leave a

restaurant without paying or you leave a

like a bar and you don’t pay the bill so

this is more an expression the

restaurant staff might use but if I

guess if you get in trouble you might

hear this expression so too stiff so

let’s look at an example of how to use

the word stiff as a verb let’s take a

look here thank you

those kids stiffed us those kids stiffed

us so here stiff is used as a regular

verb so we use edy at the end those kids

stiffed us means those kids left and

they didn’t pay us the restaurant staff

so this is a sentence that staff at the

restaurant would probably say those kids

stiffed us as kids stiffed us they did

not pay their bill okay um let’s see a

flower rode on YouTube says the chef

shorted me on that serve actually we

would not say that no on we would use we

used pour as I talked about in that

example sentence but the chef shorted me

on that serve we probably wouldn’t say

that like you might just say I got

shorted on this portion or some I feel

like we tend to use short more for drink

actually we don’t get very specific with

other uses of short you could just say

ah I got shorted for example like it’s

not enough in other words okay ah good

you the vanilla oil says I’m America

I’ve never heard that sentence in my

life or the words stiffed really okay

yeah these are some restaurant industry

whereas I think okay uh good

those kids left without paying yes

that’s what stiffed means that’s what

stiffed means okay good good then let’s

move along to the last one for the

restaurant list and you might hear this

in other service situations the

expression is to upsell to upsell so two

we have here two kind of parts to this

verb up and sell so up and sell

something for money this means to

suggest a higher priced item to suggest

a higher priced item so if you’re

debating like there’s a cheap glass of

wine and a more expensive glass of wine

the waiter or waitress might upsell you

try to convince you like push you to buy

the more expensive item that’s called

upselling to upsell someone okay

so we’ll look at one example here yeah

great okay so to upsell someone right

here is the waitress tried to upsell me

on my wine choice so to upsell someone

the waitress tried to upsell me so

upsell we don’t have down sell

interestingly enough we don’t use down

sell I suppose I think upsell is

something we don’t we use to mean I was

pushed to buy something at a higher

price but down sell know so interesting

word so these are some expressions you

might hear more at restaurants yeah okay

good good good good

we’re about really have ten minutes left

yeah that’s true it’s not considered

selling anymore if you down sell someone

oh right

let’s go on to another break then so if

you missed it before today as always we

have free

stuff I was thinking this it’s hard to

see from here but it’s also hard to see

up here this dining like a champ cheat

sheet pdf it is free from the website

from English class this has of

course some food related vocabulary

words and images you can check the

pictures here and the vocabulary words

also there are some great expressions

for like complimenting food or

criticizing food I know it’s hard you

can’t see this very clearly but you can

look at it on the screen

right now there are some other ones

available too so you can check out other

topics as well but for the dining one

you can find some vocabulary words for

making requests at the restaurant

finding foods that you like at

restaurants and also an important one

maybe is talking about your allergies

how to talk about allergies Adriel star

on youtube what is the opposite of up

cell there’s not an opposite of up so we

talked about that there’s no down so we

don’t use down so so we don’t really say

that okay let’s move along then let’s

move along yeah it’s just normal selling

just normal selling up cell Jamila says

upsell or up space sell no space up sell

no space Fair up sell one word - up

sells on alright let’s move along then

let’s move along to the third topic

today again if you are just joining us

today’s topic is food-related slang

idioms and some casual expressions for

food and dining topic one food-related

expressions at home topic two was

restaurant related expressions let’s

move along to some general words you can

use for eating eating and other things

okay first one maybe you have seen this

on the internet this I’ve put it in put

it in parenthesis here this is on nom

nom n om

nom okay so this is an expression it

mimics the sound of eating omnomnom is

like a very casual way to make a sound

similar to like an excited enthusiastic

eating sound so we’ll sometimes we say

omnomnom all together but in a lot of

cases we just use nom so if you’d see

like on Instagram for example someone

posts a picture of like delicious

looking food you might see in the

comments someone writes nom like it

means like delicious or that looks great

I want to eat that

nom is what that is so that means like

casually it looks delicious

or I’m imagining eating that

enthusiastically so no I’m good one

om nom nom you can use to this sounds

extremely casual a kind of childish so

don’t use this at work this is very

casual situations only okay let’s go

along oh I have yeah good example

sentence thank you so here if you are

watching a couple weeks ago oMG oh my

god that chicken you posted on Instagram

nom so here it’s in caps all capital

letters that chicken you post it on

Instagram nom like it looks really

really good I’m talking about something

that you shared on Instagram last week

this is how you might use it very very

casual okay let’s go on to the next one

of maybe a very important one there are

two words here it’s hard to see I know

so I’ll read it here I’ve begun with I’m

it’s hard to see sorry I’m so I’m uh

okay I’ll get to that a second I’m full

I’m full or I’m stuffed

I’m full or I’m stuffed so these two

expressions I’m full I’m stuffed mean I

cannot fit anything else in my stomach

my stomach has no more space in it yeah

so I’m so full I’m so stuffed so full is

kind of I would say a slightly more

polite way to express it stuffed is like

I can’t move it’s like it’s really

really full I can’t I can’t do anything

else anymore mm-hmm all right so yeah I

feel like a turkey says producer I feel

like a turkey like you’re stuffed like a

turkey you’re so full you can’t fit

anything else in so these are

expressions you can use when you’re

eating something okay oh right the next

expression then is booze I’m sorry I

forgot my fork um example sentence I got

a message oh man that was so good I’m

stuffed I’m stuffed so here’s how we use

it it’s usually like a good thing to be

stuffed like we use it in a positive way

yeah Hart hi Harley oh my god that

turkey was so good I’m full yeah exactly

exactly yes it means your stomach is

full usually at full of food we don’t

use it so much for drinks actually but

for food all right let’s go on to the

next one important perhaps the word is

booze booze this is a slang word which

means alcohol booze means alcohol

it sounds very like rough kind of casual

booze so we use it in casual situations

only you might know this expression B

why o be very hard to see BYOB BYOB is

common on party invitations party

invitations sometimes say BYOB which

means bring your own booze bring your

own booze to the party or bring your own

beer perhaps but this means please bring

your own alcohol to the party if you see

this on a party invitation it means you

should prepare your own drinks so booze

means alcohol example this one can you

pick up some booze on your way home can

you pick up some booze on your way home

so meaning can you get some alcohol can

you get some alcohol to drink

it is a request okay extreme English

just for food or can it be for a drink

which which one do you mean if you’re

talking about full or stuffed full of

stuffed is typically for food actually

we don’t use this so much for drinks

though drinks can be involved good

Crale later on Facebook careful not

bronze but booze B Oh oze not bronze

booze booze no are there okay

onward next one next one maybe you’ve

seen this one on the Internet

this is the key part here this word is

munchies munchies the spelling is M u n

CH IES munchies and I have here in

parentheses I’ve got I have got I’ve got


so munchies munchies alone this word can

refer it means like snacks

let’s get munchies I want some munchies

it means snacks so to munch is a verb

too much

this part here up to the H to munch is

like a casual verb that we use to mean

to snack like to eat like two things so

munchies are snacks so this is like the

plural form you can imagine munchies is

snacks if you say though I’ve got

munchies or I’ve got the munchies also

it means I want to eat snacks I don’t

want to eat like a big meal I just want

to eat a bunch of snacks so this happens

to me a lot so let’s look at an example

sentence them with munchies please good

perfect thank you so I’ve got as I said

I’ve got the people will sometimes use

this farme this I’ve got the munchies

because the munchies is like a very

commonly like a very common feeling I

think to want to eat just some snacks so

I’ve got munchies or I’ve got the

munchies let’s go to this store like

let’s go to the store to get some snacks

so munchies is a great word to know

munchies yes to munch something

okay good let’s move along this is

another important one actually I talked

about this in an episode of ask Alicia -

this is a set phrase here this is

important the store so this is a set

phrase when this is an American English

point - I think the store when we talk

about going to the supermarket to go

shopping for food to get drinks for

everyday items we don’t usually say I’m

going to the supermarket I’m going to

the grocery store well maybe we do but

in many I would say arguably in most

situations we say the store the store

when we say the store

it means supermarket like I’m going to

the store do you need anything from the

store that’s our example sentence here

do you need anything from the store

always with the article the so the store

means the store in your neighborhood

where all of the everyday items are

where everything you need for your

kitchen or for your life those small

everyday things that’s the store so we

always say I’m going to the store do you

need anything from the store that’s the

expression we use I would not use

supermarket Supermarket is not wrong but

if you want to sound more natural use

the store this is an American English

point like I said if you prefer British


I believe British English uses shop more

than store so an interesting point there

okay good let’s go on to last one oh

gosh I guess I should make this the last

one I had other things do but out of

time alright for a last maybe point for

hamburger fans hamburger cheeseburger

burger sandwich fans the expression here

key expression is fixings fixings

specifically all the fixings fixings

means toppings toppings so if you like

hamburgers or cheeseburgers or

sandwiches whatever toppings are like

cheese lettuce tomato bacon avocado lots

of sauce for example fixings means

toppings if you say all the fixings it

means you want all the toppings all the

toppings on your sandwich all the

toppings on your burger so fixings means

toppings this is a slang expression

example then a burger with all the

fixings sounds good you might also hear

a burger with all the fixings like the G

sound is dropped a burger with all the

fixin’s sounds good so fixings means

toppings it’s a good one sounds


I’m getting hungry okay so this is a

burger expression or a sandwich

expression we do not use this for like

pizza toppings that we just say toppings

actually so sandwiches and burgers use

fixings with that one for sure alright

yeah and then another one BYOB has

another bonus word one more I’ll end

today just because it’s a quick point

it’s depending on the part of the USA

you visit or depending on other things

oh that’s quite small there are three

words we use for carbonated drinks they

are soda soda is 1 SOT a soda

there’s also pop P o P and finally there

is Coke or Cola as well I think soda pop

and Coke there are a lot of words oh

thank you

perfect thank you thank you there are a

lot of words that we use to talk about

carbonated drinks carbonated drinks

means drinks that have bubbles in them

bubbles lots of little bubbles so fizzy

drinks yeah fizzy drinks ah fizzy that’s

a good word too I’ll add that here fizzy

fi z z y fi z zy means lots of bubbles

in drinks fizzy is an adjective so fizzy

drinks we use soda pop or coke to talk

about those it depends on where you are

in the u.s. different people use

different words like on the west coast

where I was growing up we used pop

actually we used pop

maybe like California we used soda as

well too a little bit

I think coke and cola might be used more

in like the south and on the East Coast

perhaps I’m not sure actually maybe

someone will get mad at me but I don’t

know but I tended to use like pop or

soda now I think I use soda like soda

water or soda to drink but you will hear

all of these actually to talk about

fizzy drinks fizzy drinks good so a

little point to end on for today all

right so those are maybe a nice list of

vocabulary words that you could probably

use today or tomorrow in your studies

when you’re eating or visiting a

restaurant or just thinking about food

in general so I hope that you can use

this stuff right away that’s good stuff

to know I think all right Washington

you’re late I saw it Oh No

okay but we have to finish up there for

today we’re out of time oh no no so

thanks very much as always for joining

us we’ll be back next week of course at

the same time same channel next week

will be June 13th Wednesday June 13th at

10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time our topic

will be English

proverbs English proverbs so I’m going

to choose a few kind of common and

hopefully useful proverbs and we’ll talk

a little bit about them when to use them

and what they mean so please join us

next week for English proverbs

10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that is

New York City time Wednesday night 10

p.m. please google your local time if

you don’t know what time that is please

check that up um everything else ever


did I say everything I need to say I

don’t know oh yeah check out make sure

to download this week’s free pdf this

dining dining cheat sheet it has lots of

really really good vocabulary words and

expressions for eating at restaurants

and for cooking so please check the link

below the video on YouTube

is in the YouTube description box check

the YouTube description box on Facebook

if you’re watching on Facebook make sure

you’re looking at the small video on

your feed and the link is above the

video please check there if you’re

watching elsewhere should be somewhere

through there on the Instagram

go check YouTube or Facebook okay so

next week yeah next week will be English

proverbs English proverbs will be next

week’s lesson so thanks very much as

always for joining us please make sure

to LIKE the video if you haven’t already

but thank you so much for liking and

sharing and for sending your great

questions and comments very helpful if

you have other questions also please

send those to ask Alicia that would be

perfect perfect so then I can find them

all and try to answer them in a video so

please make sure to send your questions

there and yes we are working on

improving our live stream too so thanks

so much for your patience as well anyway

we’ll finish there for today so I have a

good day have a good night enjoy the

rest of your week and I will see you

again next week

next time okay bye bye
