Free English Conversation Training

in the comments all right oh good I

think we found some comments all right

so we were going to get started and all

change with you over here all right so

if you have any questions you can write

them in the same box the the home page

oh it’s great to meet you too and I hope

that we will be able to give you some

great information today

thanks for your patience today we’re

going to talk about conversation English

tips because I know a lot of you want to

be fluent speakers and speak naturally

smoothly right right yes so Dan is here

today to help me explain some things and

to give another perspective because I

hope I have a lot of valuable

information to share but another person

and hearing that dialogue together is

really valuable and that’s what we’re

going to talk about today so we will put

this over here and get started all right

so they maybe should have the mind map

right yes so do you have the download I

gave a download which is a mind map

thanks for asking it is on outline with

some blanks where you can fill in any

answers that we talked about so if you

want to take notes or if you want to

remember what we said but you want to

listen at the same time it might be

helpful to follow the outline so in the

on the Google+ Google Hangouts page I

gave a link a Google Drive link where

you can download the mind map so I hope

that you have been able to do that if

you have not been able to do that if

you’re not able to do that go to the

main page for this video and you’ll be

able to find it I will also send it to

you try to figure out how to send it to

you now let’s see

all right I will try to send this link I

think they may be stuck all ranks

downloading oh there are so many

questions that’s right yes yeah we don’t

know how to send things to you yes okay

we will figure it out don’t worry let’s

just try to follow the outline yeah yeah

we’ll only have the outline try to

follow with us yes yes wonderful

oh all right are we good yes all right

if you are watching can you please mute

your sound and turn off your video that

would be great that would be great I

think yes yes all right so first the

first things we’re going to talk about

first I’m going to give you a little

personal introduction so we can

introduce ourselves some of you have

already met us some of you I’ve talked

with on skype but if you haven’t met us

I’m Vanessa and you are I’m Dan hi

this is my husband Dan and I run the

website speak English with Vanessa so I

get a chance to speak with many of you

each week and make videos and have a

chance to really help you learn English

and we live in the eastern US so about

15 hours south of New York City very far

from New York but in the same time zone

so we live in a city called Asheville

North Carolina and we just moved here

about six months ago from Korea and I

see we have a comment from your son Kim

who says he is in Korea too oh yeah go

Korea yes I think I see there’s also

some of you here from Brazil excellent I

think some of you from Europe it’s very

late at night for you wonderful from all

over the

world hello world yes yes as some from

Russia excellent excellent

so then would you like to tell them

anything interesting about our city

maybe some people are curious our city

is quite different from most cities

around the world it’s very small so if

you’re from Korea you wouldn’t see a

city like this but it is very we would

say charming very interesting city so

there are not many people but there’s

many things to do we live in the

mountains and by rivers and there is a

lot of local business here and everybody

is very interested in living locally we

say so going to the farmers market or

going to the local restaurant and stuff

like that yeah yeah I work at a local uh

coffee shop so I am a barista right now

and maybe someday I’ll open up my own

coffee shop so this is what kind of what

we do in Asheville there’s more but it’s

an interesting little town yeah there’s

a lot to do here it’s a small place and

not many foreign travelers come here but

if you have a chance I recommend it we

will take you to a nice restaurant how

about that so I I want to tell you first

some about my personal journey having

difficult frustrating boring language

classes and going from that situation

which many of you have probably

experienced with English boring classes

grammar classes to being able to speak a

foreign language fluently so the

language that I learned to speak

fluently is French and if any of you are

French speakers out there bond Rue and

when as many of you saw in my free ebook

I talked about I used to have Spanish

classes where the teacher just talked

the whole time we just listened and read

the textbook and that’s boring right

yeah yeah you’re boring just thinking

about it is more

yes yeah it’s not very easy to learn

language for a long time in school yeah

or be able to speak fluently from school

unfortunately yeah and I’m sure you are

very familiar with that situation so in

my case I didn’t really learn Spanish

very well because that situation was

just boring and not helpful or useful it

was pretty stressful in tests and the

teacher would always ask us really

difficult questions and it wasn’t a good

environment so with French I decided

that I wanted to do it a little

differently so I went to the French

teachers office and I asked her

questions just one on one and you know

what that was amazing because she was so

patient with me and just told me things

like oh if you don’t understand

everything eh it’s no problem

let’s just talk together and try to say

anything and that was exactly what I

needed so I had some classes with my

French teacher and then I also went to a

local French group so I lived in the US

but there were a lot of French speakers

in my city so we met up together each

week at a cafe and that was great

because I got to hear French and just

try to speak and I bet a lot of you

would love to meet up with people who

aren’t going to pressure you or make you

feel stressed so we’re going to talk

about how to do that a little bit later

but yes so meeting up with the teacher

helped a lot meeting up with the local

group helped a lot and I think just

having the bravery the courage to be

able to speak is a lot so I know a lot

of you you’ve asked great questions here

in the question and answer about how can

I speak how can I feel confident and

that is exactly what we’re going to talk

about today so let’s get started yes yes

so let’s go to section number one if you

have the mind map if you have the down

load the the second section is how to

speak fluidly even if you don’t live in

an english-speaking country so then what

do you think is the first step what do

you think is the first step to speaking

fluently well it’s funny it has nothing

to do with speaking it’s actually

listening aha you’re correct listening

regularly yes English so the first thing

is of course listening I know I talk

about this a lot so trying to listen to

anything and do you have any

recommendations for things that learners

can listen to well I like to listen to

podcasts which are radio shows on the


so just normal people talking which is

perfect to listen to on a regular basis

you can also watch TV shows their movies

obviously but sometimes the dialogue the

conversation is not very real it is

funny and interesting but not not always

the most real version of conversation

but still very good sure sure that’s

very useful especially since you don’t

live in an english-speaking country so

there’s a special rule that I want to

tell you about though when you’re

listening to TV shows movies podcasts I

like to call it the 70% rule so the 70%

rule it means if you can understand more

than 70% don’t use subtitles don’t use

your native language subtitles don’t use

English subtitles try to test your

listening by using no subtitles so if

you understand if you’re watching the TV

show friends a lot of you love to listen

to watch friends so if you’re watching

friends and you understand about 70%

turn off the subtitles and try to watch

it just regularly with no subtitles

that’s the 70% rule so under 70% it’s

okay it’s no problem to use English

subtitles and if you don’t have

subtitles it would be

boring because you wouldn’t understand

what’s happening so under 70% don’t feel

bad about using subtitles some of my

students say oh I’m so sorry

I used English subtitles but it’s not a

big deal

that’s okay yes if you understand less

than 70% go ahead use subtitles as much

as possible

that’s the 70% rule so what about the

second tip for how to speak fluently if

you don’t live in an english-speaking

country what do you think so on the mind

map on the document I gave to you it

says hmm out loud is the second step

what do you think what do you think

should be there I believe it should be

reading out oh good reading in your head

uh-huh I have to read out loud to hear

your voice to practice pronouncing and

pronunciation yes yes so the the second

step for speaking fluently first is

listening just training your ear the

second one is training your mouth

muscles by reading something out loud

and of course if you want to be a fluent

speaker try to read something natural

don’t read like CNN it’s not very

natural for conversations so try to read

a dialogue try to read a blog post read

something that’s in a conversational

tone so read it out loud a short story a

few paragraphs an article one of my blog

posts on my website for each lesson

I have blog post you can read and you

help your ear get used to hearing your

own voice speaking English and that’s

really important because it will help

you have more and more confidence so the

more confidence you have the easier it

will be to do step number three which is

speaking uh-huh to someone else yes of

speaking to someone else in English of

course oh yes of course I want to learn

English so I’m going to speak Portuguese

even oh yes so if you want to improve

your speaking first of all listen it’s a

good first step then read out loud train

your mouth and the third

train your social skills by practicing

speaking with someone so this is if you

feel like you are up high beginner or

low intermediate it’s a good time to

start speaking if you can understand 70%

of our presentation today yes

you should start speaking with a native

speaker speak with anyone who can speak


even if they’re not a native speaker and

this is maybe the most challenging thing

to do but it is also maybe the most

important thing to do to try to we say

put yourself out there so try to

challenge yourself and fighting you know

really trying to go and say I’m going to

speak to somebody in English and we have

a couple tips on how to do that yes yes

so we have here there are several tips

three tips for how you can find someone

to speak with because this idea you’re

not in an english-speaking country how

can you find someone so the first tip is

I think you should go to the Internet of

course we are here on the internet

together so there is a website I

recommend the website is meet

M eet u P calm and meetup calm is great

for finding people anywhere around the

world who are going to a cafe and you

can just buy a coffee and speak English

together it’s not a class but you’re

just having a chance to practice

together so I recommend checking out

meetup calm and yeah do you have any

personal examples with meetup comm that

you’ve used before um not necessarily

that I’ve use but I’ve definitely seen

you use meetup right the best thing

about meetup comm is it’s just people

coming together in a group in your local


who want to do similar things so it’s

very simple very basic but you have to

be a little brave because you have to

put yourself out there yeah

oh there do something uncomfortable yeah

it’s a little uncomfortable but once you

do it you’ll feel very proud yes yes so

I personally I’ve used this website

so much in fact yesterday I went to a

local French meetup group we met at a

cafe everyone with strangers I didn’t

know anyone there and we just sat down

and started talking hey where are you

from how did you learn French how long

have you lived in the city and you could

do the same thing in your city I’ve

checked many of my students hometowns on

Meetup calm and almost always there are

English meetup groups in their city so I

recommend if you are really serious

about improving your speaking

check out meetup comm I don’t work for

their website I just want to recommend

it to you as a great in-person

opportunity because language classes are

okay but really you want real

experiences so this is real experiences

can you meet native speakers there too

yes if you live in a medium-sized city

almost always there’s going to be native

speakers there so yes it’s a great

chance and let’s go to the second tip

how to find people who you can speak

with so the first one is meetup calm the

second one is free language exchanges

online so free language exchanges online

are places where you can meet up with

someone who wants to learn your native

language now personally I haven’t had

much success with these websites because

the time zone didn’t work or we I came

to Skype and they weren’t there so I

don’t have a website recommendation for

you for this but some people have a lot

of success with this so there’s a lot of

language exchange websites if you speak

Korean and someone wants to learn Korean

and you want to learn English great you

can exchange your languages and it could

work fine so yes mera kaam language

exchange websites and the third thing

what do you think the third thing

dan I would say meeting a wonderful

tutor to give you feedback and speak

English with a native speaker would be

very wise sure so meeting someone

one-on-one on skype in person it’s so

valuable to be able to have like Dan

said feedback now can you explain what

is feedback maybe some of you know this

word maybe some don’ts yes feedback is

when somebody has more knowledge than

you so is better at speaking English and

they can listen for your mistakes or

problems or just give you any general

tips and then they give you feedback so

this is what you did wrong this is what

you did right good job

bad job it’s not bad job attitude yes

yes so I think one of the most important

things for learning English is giving

personal feedback so that could be a

teacher or someone saying hey I

understood what you said but it’s not

very natural to say it like that you

should say it like this instead and

maybe some of your friends if you have

English speaking friends maybe they

don’t do that with you they just say

uh-huh oh really oh oh because they

don’t want to stop you it might feel

uncomfortable but it’s so valuable to

get feedback so that you can know where

you should improve so feedback is very

important and let’s go to the next

points yes yes the next point are some

of my best conversation tips what works

and what doesn’t work

and from my experience learning French

and my not-so-great experience trying to

learn Spanish I think we have some good

tips for you so number one is if you

want to be a fluent native speaker you

have to listen to what natural fluent

conversation yes just like

just exactly like this conversation yes

yes so you need to listen to what you

want to be so if you want to be a fluent

speaker you need to listen to fluent

speaking but a lot of people think oh

I’ll read some news articles or I’ll

I’ll read something or I’ll do something

else that’s not exactly what you want to

do in the future so I recommend if you

want to be a fluent speaker listen to

fluent English participate in fluent

conversations like meetup comm or Skype

lessons something where you will have

the chance to experience what you want

to be and there’s a lot of great ways

you can do this YouTube has a lot of

great videos that you can use to hear

natural conversations to learn those

little tips and tricks that native

speakers use little dialogue bits and I

think that this is a great resource

because it’s free and of course there is

some negative sides to it because if you

understand less than 70 percent you’re

not going to be able to always have

accurate subtitles so YouTube sometimes

has automatic subtitles and

unfortunately it might be a little

difficult to find accurate subtitles so

you need someone to explain or to talk

about expressions in the video but on

the mind map that I sent to you so on in

the document I sent three YouTube

channels that I recommend now these

three YouTube channels are for native

speakers so they have very natural

fluent conversation they have a lot of

great dialogues and these three YouTube

channels on the mind map if you didn’t

get it I’ll make sure I send it

afterwards in the mind map I talked

about three channels one is soul pancake

in so pancakes channel they have a lot

of family-friendly happy interesting


our conversations lots of stuff going on

yes it’s supposed to be inspiring yes

I’m seeing ideas make you feel like I’m

happy to be alive

oh yes I can do it I can learn English

yes but it has very real English yes so

this is one of the channels I recommend

and the second one is a BuzzFeed video

this is like pop culture kind of videos

and the final one is the fine brothers

so the fine brothers videos they have

interviews and reaction videos so their

videos are very famous for showing

people reacting to for example a hint

pop song like Gangnam style yes like

Gangnam style or something else they’ll

show people reacting so you’ll have a

chance to see natural reactions and that

kind of dialogue back and forth so these

three channels I recommend for listening

to natural English alright let’s move on

to the next point the next thing is I

have three tips for you three tips of

what my most successful students do this

is for you yes for you so you want to be

a successful english learner of course

so there are three things that my

successful students do a successful

student is someone who wants to improve

their English and then actually does

improve and these three things the first

one is they ask a lot of questions they

ask questions about some English video

they saw a podcast they listen to and oh

why do you think it’s important to ask

questions well if you ask questions then

that means you are curious so you are

not just thinking give me all the

information you are thinking hmm what

can I ask or how can I think to get

better information myself yes so a

question puts the power in your hands

yes so you have the power yourself for

learning English when you ask questions

so I know a lot of you here in the


and Starbucks have asked a lot of great

questions so great I’m excited to answer

those when we finish and asking

questions is great and the second thing

is they use English regularly regularly

exactly often it’s a habit maybe even

every day yes yes they use at least a

little yes as much as possible regularly

and maybe they listen to English every

day at breakfast or they listen to a

video or watch a video while they’re

sitting on the train they they reserved

five minutes 30 minutes a short period

of time that they can use to learn

English regularly and I know I have some

students who really feel passionate and

they watch an english movie every day

and listen to a podcast every day

and after one week they feel really

tired and burnt out how would you

describe burnt out

it just means very tired right so they

don’t want to do more work right right

so they did too much and then they feel

burnt out or maybe they feel frustrated

because they worked for eight hours

every day for a week and their English

isn’t improving so take it slowly take

it step by step take English in small

sustainable pieces okay bite-size

bite-sized chalk sium bite-size pieces

and you need to do something that is

sustainable don’t forget to be

sustainable something that you can

continue doing for a long time

not ten hours every day it’s impossible

to continue like that so find a time

period five minutes a day great maybe 30

minutes on the weekend you can do it

every weekend great find something that

you can do continually and take action

right action is important right right we

have a saying in English called use it

or lose it

ah huh yeah this means you must practice

English regularly or you will lose

English it will just go away in your

head or it will not be effective site

use it or lose it

oh yes yes you have to use it or lose it

so the final thing number three so the

first thing that my successful students

do is to ask questions the second one is

that they use English regularly and

finally they have diligence no and they

have fun they have fun so they laugh at

themselves they’re not stressed they’re

not worried about improving all their

English in one week I have to do it now

no they just have fun it realized that

yes it’s going to take time but don’t

worry you can do it so for example one

of my students said last week ah my

favorite place in the earth is the

mountains so I said wow you went in the

earth it’s amazing but I think now he’ll

never forget because we laughed about it

he’ll never forget that he should say

wow my favorite place on earth is the

mountains though because we had fun

about it

ah he I think he’ll never forget it so

having fun is really important maybe

you’ve been playing a game yeah playing

a game in English yes yes which games

video games boobies are fun you could go

to a meet-up and play a board game haha

in English that would be very fun useful

so yeah keep it fun keep it fun keep it

light realize that yes you want to be

serious about studying English but you

have to enjoy yourself too or else

you’re not going to continue so let’s go

to the next step this is on the mind map

this is part 4 how to improve your

English even if you’re really busy I

know a lot of you are very busy

everyone’s busy right so the most

important thing for studying English if

you’re really busy is what Dan said

what was that expression you used use it

or lose it use it or lose it and you

also said the bite-sized chunks oh yes


it’s practice English in bite-sized

chunks yes and manageable something

sustainable yes

something sustainable so using it in

bite-size chunks small pieces and I’m

really excited because on the course

that we made together 30 days of English

we did all of the hard work for you so

that you can improve your English just a

few minutes every day while you’re

eating breakfast or commuting to work

it’s something that you can use and you

won’t feel stressed about how much

information you need to learn every day

so in in this idea you can use all three

tips we’re talking about today in the

course you’ll learn speaking from

hearing natural conversations how to use

specific expressions from conversations

and you’ll get really valuable feedback

because we said that’s really important

right yeah getting feedback is so

important so having someone to tell you

hey it sounds a little strange when you

say that you should say this instead so

in the course thirty days of English

that we put together for you we will

give you feedback you’ll hear

conversations you’ll learn new

expressions and that’s so relieving

because you don’t need to worry about

what you should be doing and I have a

special exciting thing to share with you

yes because you are here wonderful

people who have asked great questions in

this course I have a special gift for

you some free things I want to offer you

so usually in our 30 days of English

course there are how many conversation

videos are there there’s 12

yeah there’s 12 conversation videos 12

expression videos where you can learn 24

new expressions with us and for quick

response videos so those are going to be

speaking videos where you can answer

some questions and record your voice and

then send it to me and I’ll give you

some of that personal feedback we were

talking about so you’ll get that

personalized feedback but

have some free things I’d love to share

with you so for the next 24 hours from

now about 24 hours I’m going to share

with you for free a super English

membership so super English membership

is for extra conversation videos and for

expression guide downloads and then mp3s

mp3s is a new addition for the course

and the mp3s are where you can download

the mp3 for each video and listen to it

so if you have time to watch the video

great but if you have just time to

listen to an mp3 while you’re waiting in

line or while you are falling asleep or

listening to my voice in your dreams you

can listen to the mp3 so it’s another

addition for super English members that

I want to give you for free and usually

people have to pay 15 dollars for this

edition but it’s free excellent over 20

bro yes only for 24 hours but I want to

give you two more things one of them is

the audiobook so a lot of you have read

my free ebook 5 steps to becoming a

confident English speaker but there’s

also a 22 minute audio book that goes

with that and the audio book is usually

seven dollars and fifty cents but I want

to give it to you for free so you can

listen to it and enjoy it and to thank

you for being on this webinar so we have

super English Membership a free ebook

audiobook download and finally this is

the most exciting one I’m looking

forward to is free 10 minute lesson with

me on skype so this is exciting because

usually this costs about ten dollars for

10 minutes and you’ll have a chance to

meet with me on skype ask me any

questions I can give you feedback for

your speaking and you’ll be able to

listen and hear a native English speaker

maybe some of you have never spoken with

a native English speaker before so it’s

a great chance to test it out for 10

minutes not too long

too short so it’ll be a good chance for

a lot of you so I am really excited to

share this with you and in the mind map

I gave you a link where you can go to

that and I’ll send it again when we

start answering questions I’ll start

I’ll give you the link so that you can

join the 30 days of English and get all

of those extra free things super English

membership audiobook and the ten minute

Skype I would love to meet you on skype

it would be great maybe if you’re lucky

Dan will be there too but we don’t know

definitely you can meet me and yes so

this is our special gift to you and all

of the tips we’ve given you today I hope

really helpful for you I’d like to

answer some questions now yeah let’s

take a look at them yes let’s look at

these questions Dan’s going to help read

the questions and some of these we

probably already answered during our

presentation but if there are any

questions we haven’t answered yet let’s

give it a chance and answer that let’s

see yes would you like to Rita this is

from Jefferson Silva okay so it says I

have a lot of difficult to heard English

so I think you mean I have difficulty

listening and understanding so what

would you recommend

aha what would you recommend for

listening and understanding English well

I think what we talked about a 70% rule

that’s really important because if

you’re listening to native English TV

show but you only understand 70% it’s

going to be difficult to get the 80%

more so I recommend listening to

something that is closer to your level

and after this presentation I can send

you some links to websites where you can

listen to conversations or you can

listen to like a dialogue or short story

with different levels so maybe if you

are a beginner you can listen to

beginner stories and then you can

improve your English in that way so I

recommend using something that’s closer

to your level and I

would also recommend maybe just practice

practice track as we said hard truth the

only way you can really get better is to

listen more hmm and regularly so it’s

very difficult but it’s start at a level

you can understand most of it but

eventually try to keep on going and

build yourself up and then you also have

to practice speaking with real people so

actually speaking yourself knows

actually doing it creates uh and

speaking it will help your listening to

so just general practice yes great

question Jefferson let’s go to the next

question all right we have evaldo evaldo

hello London book Korea yes Korea maybe

I think you’re from Brazil okay let’s

see what does she say would you like to

research do you think music it could be

an effective for learning English or

better improve ha ha music could be

effective for learning English better

improving yes definitely I think

learning English is a great way to hear

the rhythm and to memorize the words

well especially if you really enjoy it

then you will listen more and you can

maybe buy or find the lyrics online and

read the lyrics and speak the lyrics and

sing the songs your I think the only

negative thing about music is that

sometimes the lyrics are like poetry so

maybe it’s it’s good grammar but it’s

more poetic grammar so that’s just

something to keep in mind hmm yes maybe

not conversational English but you can

certainly learn idioms or phrases right

right stuff like that I know I listen to

a lot of French music and I love singing

along with it and hearing phrases that I

already know in the music so yes go

ahead and listen to music let’s see what

is another great question we have mm-hmm

all right let’s see we have how do i

improve my speaking oh I hope that you

learned some tips in this presentation



all right we have a good question here

from less less sick let sick mystic I

hope I said your name correctly house

key quite cows key sounds like a coke

Red Cross key good try let’s see she

says he says hmm I’m not sure I think he

you think he alright

this wonderful English Learner says I

started learning whole phrases with

particular words I’d like to remember I

use flashcards to remember them what are

your methods for this so what are your

methods for learning particular words

and learning you said you’re learning

them with the whole phrase the whole

phrase so I think you’re on the right

path the way not to learn words is just

to memorize the word there’s no context

there’s no idea how to put them into a

sentence so you’re on the right path I

think it’s a very good thing to do for

beginners especially flashcards you know

just to try to remember very basic or

very important phrases that’s very good

you were going to use important phrases

all the time but again for fluently

speaking it you have to really practice

and do it sure maybe you can read the

flashcards out loud using those steps of

listening and reading speaking so using

the flashcards to be able to read so

learning the vocabulary words in whole

phrases sentences even a story that’s

better the more context you have the

better all right let’s see what is

another question right can you continue

let’s see I like this one though speak

this is my afraid oh alright listen I

think you mean you are scared of


alright we have a good question here

Marcelo Barbosa so are eight boys

alright he says speak this is my afraid

I think you mean to say I am afraid of

speaking more I’m scared of speaking I’m

scared of speaking yes yes and that’s

very difficult a lot of people are in

the same boat so don’t worry a lot of

people feel similarly but you know what

it’s best just to try just to try to

speak maybe to yourself this actors

reading a book out

out and just use your mouth in that way

yes maybe find a friend you like and try

to speak English with him or her first

somebody you feel comfortable with yeah

I think if you feel afraid to speak

follow those three steps first listen

then read out loud so that you get used

to hearing your voice speaking and then

try to speak with someone so Marcello

that’s a wonderful question and a lot of

people here wrote similar things they

feel afraid to speak so I hope that that

advice is helpful for a lot of other

people let’s see what some other people

have said here all right all right we

have ha ha very general yes many people

had a similar question to you Marcello I

feel worried about speaking I feel

scared about speaking how can I improve

so I hope we gave a lot of tips already

about that let’s see this is like

grammar aha so we have mindo Marcellus

you know I hope I said that right do you

know so as you know says so I think I

will not get well structure the sentence

it makes me give up talking to someone

hmm so I think you mean I think my

sentence structure isn’t good our

grammar my grammar isn’t good and I I

give up speaking with people because I

feel frustrated so basically you are

scared to make mistakes oh that’s


grammar mistakes sure giving up speaking

with someone and I really encourage you

to try to find someone to speak with who

you won’t feel stressed speaking with

maybe that’s going to be someone in a

meetup group from Meetup calm maybe

that’s going to be online but if you are

giving up speaking with someone because

you’re so worried about your sentence

structure just try to find someone who

you can speak with and you’re not going

to feel stressed with because stress is

not going to help yes we have a saying

in English take baby steps which means

try to take a small step if you want to

improve your grammar or structure don’t

take a big step and feel very scared


maybe just take a small step try to

listen to something regularly uh maybe

speak with somebody online and again a

friend or somebody who who you are more

comfortable making a mistake with by

step and you also have to remember

everybody makes mistakes yes yes I make

English mistakes oh I am a very good

English speaker

he has everyone makes mistakes alright

let’s go to the next question all we

have a nice comment from Marcia Lewis he

says I bet you will open your coffee

shop oh yes yes yes alright and we have

another question from Allah from evaldo

thank you she says I’ve been to Madison

Wisconsin once are there any

similarities between this and your city

oh I’m sorry it is warmer

oh it’s warmer I’ve never been to

Madison Wisconsin but what we know about

Madison Wisconsin is it it is very cold

for much of the year yes yes it’s very

cold so let’s see we have another

question here

aha would you like to read this question

hi this is from Jer

where I you know I you I don’t know

maybe we need to practice our Spanish or

Portuguese I think so yeah like I

realized I understand you better than

other people

Oh I think your accent is perfect tone

perfect to me Oh to me oh thank you

I’d like to know where you are born what

city do you live it sounds like there is

a perfect accent for each ear I love you

so much thank you

Jerry from Brazil oh thank you EJ oh

that’s very strong feelings so I’m glad

that you can understand my accent I hope

you can understand damn - we have very

Jin general American accents nothing too

strong nothing too specific we would say

um maybe a Midwestern accent in America

yeah like a standard a movie or news

broadcast accent nothing too strong so I

was born in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania in

the north

and I moved to the south when I was

really young

so I don’t really have a northern accent

or southern accent just from anywhere

what what about you and I was born in LA

in California

but I was five years old when I left so

I don’t remember California very much

yes yeah I would say we also probably

sound very clear because we are trying

to speak clearer now so there are many

search situations where people mumble in

English so people who speak English are

very bad at taking words and smashing

them together so nobody understands them

so yeah a lot of people speak very

quickly and take words and put them

together and it can be confusing but I

know we try to make it a little easier

for this these kinds of videos sure

having some natural conversation but

also having something that you can

understand because like I said about 70%

I want you to understand at least 70% so

that you can improve that 30% more that

will be really helpful

hmm so all right let’s see if we have

any other questions and then I think it

might be time for us to go so Lizzy if

you have any final questions you can ask

them in the question question box and

what about vocabulary okay we have a

question about how to learn how do you

remember it okay

I think it was uh-huh all right Amir

Amir Wadi yes Amir Amir says so what is

the best way to remember vocabulary well

in my opinion there is not one perfect

way to remember vocabulary because it’s

going to depend your learning style but

there are definitely ways that don’t

work so like we said I don’t recommend

memorizing a list but one of the better

ways to learn vocabulary is to learn

phrases or learn words in a story or in

a conversation so for example in the

course we talked about in the 30 days of

English course then a nine

talk about a specific topic for each

video so one topic we talked about like

friendship and we use a lot of

friendship words in the video like

respect a good listener kind gentle same

interest we use a lot of words about

that topic so that’s a great way to

learn vocabulary is in context so don’t

study vocabulary words in a list or

you’ll probably be very bored it is also

difficult to remember vocabulary I think

if you have too much pressure you have

to maybe feel a little more relaxed

there’s not a big test you have to study

for and you’re you are studying all the

vocabulary where it’s you know you have

to really be wanting to learn the

vocabulary and having it be part of your

life part of your habit you know that’s

why we said make it part of your routine

and your habit and that will be more

sustainable so yeah sure if you have a

list of maybe five words in one day and

you want to use those words throughout

the day make a little game of it right

so maybe you could make it more fun so I

think that’s a good way to remember to

our shortcut is on some words great yes

and thank you everyone who wrote some

some nice comments here we didn’t get a

chance to answer all of the questions

but I hope during our presentation we

answered some as well so if you have

signed up for our our list where I sent

some emails previously about this

training you will receive the replay of

this video and you’ll receive any

updates about this to make sure that you

go there it’s speak English with Vanessa

comm slash conversation so I hope that

if you are already there you’ll be able

to receive the special gifts at the end

of our presentation for the course and

if you have any other questions you can

send them to me so thanks so much

everyone this was great yeah yeah I

thank you so much for joining us sorry

about the technical difficulties

it’s our first time using Google

Hangouts yes yes thank you for your

patience at the beginning and for

sticking through the whole presentation

yes we got a chance to talk for a long

time hopefully you got to learn some

great tips and I’ll send everyone a

message some information after this so

you can review what we talked about and

hopefully you’ll be able to take action

take action and find some way to speak

whether it’s listening and reading

speaking some way that you’ll have a

chance to speak use it or lose it yes

you doesn’t lose it so thank you for

joining us and we’ll talk to you again

another time and see you if you want to

join our first 30 days of English make

sure you do it in 24 hours you’ll have a

chance to get those special free

editions together all right thanks so

much thanks everybody yes goodbye