HAIRY English Lesson MinuteEnglish

This is your minute of less English lesson.
We’re talking about the word “hairy”. 

People can be hairy.

But I was working on a  

contract and I called it “hairy”.
How can a contract be hairy? 

If something is hairy, that’s just calling it 
complicated. You’ll also hear the word “hairier”. 

This contract is hairier than the last 
contract I signed. It’s more complicated.  

You’ll hear it a lot with the word “problem”. 
A big hairy problem, that’s complicated. 

is one of those big, hairy 
problems that we have to solve. 

When you have this big hairy problem, let’s break 
it down into simple and manageable steps, right? 

So I think part of it is decomposing 
the big difficult hairy thing of doing  

all of those things at once into a bunch of 
smaller tasks that you can do all the time. 

Can you think of something 
in your life that’s hairy?