How Fast Can I Become Fluent 30 days One Year


I’m Vanessa from

How fast will you become fluent in English?

Let’s talk about it.

I get emails and questions from students a
lot that say the same question, “Vanessa,

how soon can I become fluent?

How fast will I become fluent in English?”

Today I thought I’d help those students who
ask me that question and also help you in

case you have ever wondered how fast can I
become fluent?

How long will it take?

To talk about this topic, I want to ask you
a couple questions because for each person

it’s going to be a little bit different.

My first question is how much time do you
spend with English everyday?

Do you spend five minutes?

Do you listen to a podcast for an hour?

Once a week or twice a week, do you talk with
someone on Skype?

How long do you spend with English everyday
or ever week?

Let’s start with this idea.

Do you think that students who spend 15 minutes
with English everyday are going to learn faster

than students who use the same material and
study two hours a day?

Probably not.

It’s going to take them a little bit longer
because they’re not devoting as much time

to English.

I know that time in our lives is really limited.

We have busy lives.

You probably have a job and family and friends
and you want to relax.

Maybe sleep.

Maybe eat.

How can you find enough time everyday to be
able to become fluent?

Well, my main recommendation is to try to
make your world English.

I’ve talked about this a lot before.

Making your devices, your computer and your
phone in English.

Trying to read books in English instead of
your native language.

Go to websites that are in English instead
of your native language.

Try to make everything English so that you
can keep doing your normal daily habits, but

it’s in English.

This is going to help you save time, but also
just naturally integrate English into your

daily life.

My second question, of course, is what are
you using to learn English?

Are you reading your high school textbook?

Oh, it’s probably going to take a quite awhile
to become fluent.

Maybe impossible if you’re only using your
high school textbook.

But if you’re using real material, if you’re
watching YouTube videos, TV shows, you’re

reading real articles, you’re talking with
other people, even other English learners,

you’re just using English in a real way, this
is going to help you to become fluent faster.

First of all, spend enough time, spend as
much time as you possibly can with English,

and two, use natural materials.

Use material that’s interesting and real because
you want to imitate native speakers.

You want to become as close to that as possible.

If you’re not watching and interacting with
native speakers, it’s going to take a lot


I recommend surrounding yourself with English
so that you can combine these two ideas.

Natural material as much as possible.

Unfortunately, there’s no magic number.

Three hours a day.

Four months you will become fluent.

There’s no magic number, but I recommend combining
these two ideas: realize that time is valuable,

time is really important, and the material
you’re using is also important.

Make sure that it’s something that native
speakers actually use and something that’s

interesting to you.

My final question, the third question, is
what is fluent to you?

We’ve talked about this in a previous video,
how do you define fluency?

Each person might have a different definition
of this word.

Because if you’re reaching for a goal, you
need to define that goal first.

If your definition of fluency is I want to
be able to speak with native speakers comfortably

and without much hesitation, then you know
what you need to focus on.

You need to focus on confidence and speaking.

Make sure that the time you spend is spent
on speaking.

It’s spent on gaining confidence.

I have a lot of videos on this channel to
help you gain confidence and to help you be

able to speak and use English even if you’re
not living in an English-speaking country.

If you’d like any tips for those things, make
sure you check out the other videos.

You’ll get a lot of valuable advice.

Even though there’s no magic number, no magic
time for becoming fluent, if you follow these

three steps, if you answer these three questions,
you will be able to define for yourself how

long it will take.

Number one, how much time are you spending?

Number two, what materials are you using?

Number three, what is fluency to you?

When will you reach your goal?

This will help you to be able to understand
and enjoy learning English.

Before we go, let me know in the comments
below how much time do you spend learning


What kind of materials do you use to study

What is your definition of fluency?

Let us know in the comments below.

These are big questions, so if you need some
time to think about it, no problem, but let’s

learn from each other.

I can’t wait to see what you have to say and
I’ll talk to you later.


The next step is to download my free eBook
“Five Steps to Becoming a Confident English


I want to help you master English and speak

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Thanks so much for learning with me.
