How Often Do You Get A Haircut Learn natural expressions

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today it’s time to get a

haircut in this video we are gonna talk

about what you do when you go to the

Haircutters how can we naturally

describe what happens when you go there

you are going to get a haircut get a

haircut in english we have a lot of

expressions that use the word get and

this is one of them that we use when we

talk about haircuts getting a haircut so

because this is something that someone

else is doing to you you’re not the one

doing it someone else is doing it you

could say I’m getting a haircut I’m

getting a haircut you are not cutting

your hair you’re getting a haircut

someone else is doing it the hair cutter

is cutting your hair but as you can tell

I have some scissors here these are

because I cut my own hair yes it’s true

I cut my own hair at home I just use

these scissors and a cut or trim trim is

a little cut I trim the end of my hair

whenever I feel like it

so in this situation because I’m not

getting it from someone else I’m the one

doing it

I shouldn’t say I’m getting a haircut I

could simply say I’m going to cut my

hair today I’m going to trim my hair

today so for my husband Dan I also cut

his hair so I can say I cut his hair but

for him he is not cutting his own hair

so he can use today’s expression he is

getting a haircut he gets a haircut once

every two months or whenever he feels

like his hair is too long he gets a


and I’m the one giving the haircut so I

want you to be able to use this

expression it’s great to know it but you

need to use it so if you are not on my

website at the moment click the link

below this video so that you can write a

sample sentence to answer my question my

question for today is how often do you

get a haircut how often do you get a

haircut how often do you go to the

haircutter how often do you get a

haircut let us know in the comments

below and use the English that you’re

learning today I’ll talk to you later

bye if you enjoyed this video be sure to

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much for learning with me bye