How to Become Fluent in English Live Lesson

welcome to the Facebook live support

sample video from the course The

Fearless fluency Club in this video

you’ll see a recording of the live video

that I did on the speak English with

Vanessa Facebook page when you join the

full course for The Fearless fluency

Club you will get live support like this

each week to help you understand and

keep up with the full course enjoy this

video and learn a lot hello hello

welcome to today’s Thursday live

Facebook lesson here on the speak

English with Vanessa Paige you are

either watching us on Facebook or on


either way welcome and thank you for

joining me thank you for taking the time

to improve your English today I know

that your goals are fluency speaking

clearly speaking without hesitation

communicating well and today that’s what

we’re going to talk about we’ve got a

great topic today how to become a fluent

English speaker this is a huge topic so

I’m gonna need your help and your ideas

today to give other perspectives the

thing for joining me good morning

afternoon evening and I time possibly so

usually welcome eggwin welcome Monta

baboo welcome I’m glad that you are here

I have a quick question for you today I

have a quick question well maybe this is

a quick question maybe I should ask a

quick question instead I want to know

how old were you when you first started

to study English how old were you maybe

you were six years old in elementary

school maybe you started a couple years

ago in your 30s or 40s or 50s or 60s or

70s let me know how old were you when

you first started to learn

English I think we’ll be surprised to

see some similarities between people all

around the world you took out a welcome

welcome sit down welcome hubby it

wonderful I’m glad that you’re here

oldest says I started being when I was

13 Gabriela says in 15 all right early

teenagers Saddam says I think I was 14

years old

aha he quits his thirty-six great grades

Ali’s is a 12 he took oh hi how are you

doing she said when I was 12

ah luscious love says when I was 26

we’ve got mud is 16 honey sorry about


you’ve got 13 all right so mainly mainly

as teenagers it seems like most of you

start as teenagers maybe a little bit

later a couple of you started as adults

26 36 years old but mainly as teenagers

leo hi how are you doing in the 35 Greek

Claudio 35 told Edwin says I was 15 at

high school Oh Babu says 10 years old oh

you’re the winner so far with the

youngest age 10 years old I saw I was 24

24 years old excellent here in the u.s.

uh when I was in high school we didn’t

start to learn foreign language up until

age 16 I think I was 16 years old when I

started to study Spanish 16 years old

this was the first time I had ever heard

a foreign language that wasn’t my native

language that’s pretty late I feel like

to be the first time that I had ever

heard a foreign language even if you

started like probably says I was 37 so

maybe you started studying English when

you were 37 but you probably heard

English earlier than that but you didn’t

start studying it but for a lot of

people in the u.s. some people have


heard another language until they start

to study it which can be a big shock and

it’s also pretty difficult to get

started because as you know learning

another language is another world

another mindset different sentence

structure different cultures two ideas

this is a big deal oh I think we might

have a winner for the youngest oh see oh

she says when I was an elementary school

student seven years old out

did anyone start to learn English

younger than seven years old

hmm sushi maybe you are the winner you


the youngest prize today which is a clap

congratulations I hope I was okay for

because our education system you learn

English in the primary school primary

school so like elementary school primary

school my welcome I’m glad you’re here

ah I am since I was eight years old when

I started learning French and 15 for

English aha so in your country you were

introduced to foreign languages two

foreign languages as a kid that’s really

interesting opening your mind to a lot

of different languages and ideas but

it’s also in school so maybe not quite

opening your mind to a lot but

introducing you to it yeah Osama has a

good point here we were taught with the

boring school method which I don’t want

to mention at all yes I I also have a

lot of just disappointing memories with

language classes so much time so much

fear I remember walking into my Spanish

class and feeling so worried that the

teacher was going to ask me a question

and if I answered incorrectly was going

to make a big deal about it and as you

know you have to be mistakes with

language and it’s usually not a big deal

if you make a mistake maybe someone

doesn’t understand you

they ask you what did you say and it’s

okay you just repeat yourself but in

that classroom there’s so many bad

feelings about language fear that you’re

going to make a mistake because the

teacher is going to make a big deal

about it maybe you’re worried about your

grades or just it’s not a fun

environment so that’s why we’re here

today to learn in a different way learn

through connection with other people

through communication you’re

communicating with me I’m sharing with

you and today we’re going to share a lot

of ideas for becoming a fluent English

speaker um I would ask you

my main question today and as I asked

you that question I want you to think

about some possibilities my question is

this are you ready my question is your

friend asks you how can I become fluent

in English what would you say to your

friend what would what kind of advice

would you tell your friend so in this

situation over the lack of weeks we’ve

talked about could would should you are

welcome to use this this kind of

sentence structure or you can say

whatever you want I want to give you

some examples the other day when I had a

live lesson the paper was switched a

little so we’ll try it today and see

happens so we could say you could or you

should probably if it is a switched

around let me know but to give advice to

your friend your friend wants to learn

English what kind of advice would you

give them that you could you could

listen to English music you should

probably listen to English music there

are these are two sentences you could

probably use there are plenty of other

ways you could give advice but here are

two examples Gabriela says you could


with Vanessa certainly certainly I think

speaking is a great way so let’s start

to write down ideas you should probably

speak with someone if that’s me

if that’s another English Learner if

that’s your friend you should first is

speak with someone

aha I think my friend should read books

and speak with Vanessa read books great


read books you should spend more time to

practice your pronunciation first and

build up your vocabulary all right so

you could or you should practice

pronunciation pronunciation and

vocabulary great practice pronunciation

and vocabulary let’s see what else do we

have you should Valentina hi Valentina

said you can watch films maybe listen

some music on YouTube great watching

films watching movies listen to Inc

music you can find almost any kind of

music on YouTube great advice


you should listen to podcasts every day

podcasts for English learners and also

for native speakers are going to test

your listening skills and help you to

really improve I love listening to

podcasts myself I think that is

excellent I’m sorry about the paper for

some reason maybe a skype artist Skype

Facebook decided to flip the if so I’ll

just tell you I’ll read out your answers

aloud uh-huh I just love says something

interesting he says I would tell my

friend I’m not fluent in English either

and I think this is an interesting point

because even if you are not at the

highest level that you want to be at you

can still give advice to your friend

about what you are

doing to get higher or what has helped

you to reach your level now so maybe if

you studied English in school when you

are 13 years old and it was awful and

now you can understand me you can

communicate enough you did something to

reach that level so you could give that

kind of advice to your friend I think

even if you’re not fluent you can still

share your journey uh-huh Malta says you

should study with natural English

speakers you could do this with Vanessa

at speak English with Vanessa calm great

great so if you have not yet downloaded

the free sample lesson set for The

Fearless fluency Club you can click on

the link up here I want to mention that

really quick so that as you are thinking

what can I do to become fluent this is

the great step agrees that to be able to

download the lessons set learn through

conversation learn through vocabulary

and grammar naturally in pronunciation

naturally so the link is in this post I

think you’ll enjoy it

listen to podcasts another vote for

podcast 11 great all ears English this

is a great podcast all ears English comm

how you listen to native speaker

podcasts I Tina how’s it going oh

ossama said I would say to him that you

should choose a topic you love in your

native language and try to apply it to

English this is a great point for me I

love travel and learning about other

cultures so when I want to improve my

French skills I try to find YouTube

videos about French people who are

talking about their travels they’re not

teaching French but they’re simply

talking about their travel experiences

or different cultural things between

different countries they’ve visited this

is a great they think about something

you love animals travel food and find

YouTube videos of people talking about

that that’s a great that’s great advice


I’ll get really

has another thing we haven’t mentioned

yet you should probably shadow youtube

videos just for those of you who are not

certain what it is shadowing shadowy

means that you repeat directly after

someone else so this is going to

exercise your speaking muscles this this

will help you with your English muscles

that maybe you don’t use that often and

it’s also going to help your

pronunciation and grammar and vocabulary

because you’re repeating after a native

speaker and the native speaker is using

natural grammar and sentence structure

you’re not thinking about the rules

you’re just following directly after

them like a child

maybe I’m the winner today because I

started to learn English when I was zero

but as a kid I heard English from my

parents I heard English from people

around me and as you know if you have

kids in your life kids love to imitate

if you say anything they will eventually

imitate it even if it’s something bad

they will imitate it and that’s how

they’re learning so shadowing is a great

way you can do that

find a three minute YouTube video and

repeat after the native speaker just use

those English muscles ah

Utica says you could speak English 24/7

great expression yes excellent

I’ll Jory says you should read the

newspaper newspapers are a great way

especially online there’s so many

sources I recommend NPR right oh I can’t

write it down right but NPR comm NPR

comm can check out like CNN BBC lots of

letters the NPR CNN BBC these are great

websites for being introduced to news

topics and if you feel like there are

you’re too challenging there are

websites for English learn

the website takes a news article and it

makes it a little bit simpler not

totally simple but is it a little bit

simpler so this is a good place to start

once those websites is called breaking

news English breaking like a breaking


breaking news English or like lace to do

striking in English calm this is a good

way to start with the news because you

are hearing something or you’re also

audio hearing or reading something

that’s not too difficult of a level

great advice Rita visit Burton aha yes I

guess I speak with Vanessa yes speaking

speaking with an eight-speaker speaking

with another inch learner this is going

to be a great way and one way that you

can speak with me or you can speak with

another english learner is on Saturday

on Saturday The Fearless fluency Club is

going to open and in the fearless

fluency Club you will have the

opportunity to get a speaking partner so

I will help you to find a speaking

partner in the group who is a good fit

for you their personality their level

and I will provide questions to help you

interact with them and ask questions

together to use h so you’ll be able to

speak with another member of the

fearless fluency club and once a month

I’m gonna choose a featured student to

talk with me on skype we’re gonna talk

together on Skype make a short video

together and share it with you all to

let you know that yes you can speak

English you can become a fearless fluent

English speaker so make sure that you

are you have downloaded the sample

lesson set if you already receive my

emails you will see the the notification

and the early bird discount which is

going to start on Saturday on setting

uh-huh we’ve got other recommendations

mica says you should study too

three hours a day mmm this is this is

good advice because I want to clarify

study study could mean listen to a

podcast maybe you’re driving in the car

for 30 minutes you could listen maybe

not in your ears if you’re driving but

you could ascend to a podcast 30 minutes

going to work 30 minutes coming home

that’s an hour you’ve already introduced

English into your life for an hour great


aha edwin says you should find a partner

in the conversation club certainly

certainly I know a lot of my students

have already started talking with other

people that they’ve met using Skype

communicating once a week twice a week

talking together it’s great to make

friends around the world friends who you

speak English with but you’re not

focusing on grammar you’re not focusing

on pronunciation you are focusing on

your connection and relationship with

them and maybe you’ll learn something

new in grammar or you’ll learn some kind

of new vocabulary from them but this is

going to be a natural situation that’s

beautiful huh marsinah says hello

Vanessa hi Marcia hook they should

probably watch some series like TV

series repeat the sentences and imitate

the voices this is great advice use

shadowing with TV shows excellent it’s

fun TV shows are entertaining and it is

completely different from the kind of

study that you did in school the kind of

study that made you fall asleep or hate

English this is completely different it

can be interesting and fun Delfy hi

Delphine Duncan says you should make

friends with native English speakers and

practice speaking English with them

certainly this is our first point to

speak with anyone speak with native

speakers speak with other people who are

learning who are motivated this is

yes finding native English speakers and

one way that you can find native English

speakers is meet n e ET u p meet

up comm find in your city a group of

people who are getting together to speak

english i do this twice a month with

french there’s a french meetup group in

my city we just go to a coffee shop and

speak french together this is a really

natural situation and a great way to

feel comfortable with the language and

just have a good time meet other you’ll

feel encouraged

thank you much as low for the link yes

you can download the lessons set speak

English with Vanessa DOM / fluency there

are four videos conversation vocabulary

grammar pronunciation

there are mp3s for all of them there are

transcripts for all of them and there is

a lesson guide with some questions as

well so these questions will help you to

use what you learned in the video set so

you can ask yourself the questions you

can use those questions with your

friends with your speaking partner with

your teacher this is a great way to

connect and really learn the material

and if you are an English teacher

this is also a really good way to have a

lesson plan for your students you can

use this information natural information

as as homework as a material for your

class asking questions and using it this

is a really clear plan so I hope that

you enjoy downloading it and using it if

you are an English Learner

or a 2/3 tatiana says you should

communicate as much as possible in


certainly as much as possible any chance

you have Oh Claudia says I think the

best way to be a confident English

speaker is to maybe we just say to let


aside to set shyness aside forget that

you feel shy and try your best to do

something that is challenging for you

outside of your comfort zone because it

is true that speaking with a stranger

it’s me if it’s another inch learner if

it’s a some group in your city it takes

a lot of guts to be able to do that so

you have to mentally be able to set

shyness aside and this will help you to

gain confidence I know this is a big

task so starting small speaking with one

person maybe an English Learner for a

couple minutes then speaking with one

native speaker for a couple minutes then

speaking with a group of people after a

couple months this will feel so much

more comfortable and your nervousness

will be a thing of the past you’ll feel

much better a treaty says you should

only try hard by reading and listening

yes thank you for that advice uh-huh yes

yes so far has a great suggest I suggest

that sometimes talk about rammer I have

in the past we will talk about it in the

future as well

I recommend the other live lessons that

we’ve talked about the other live

lessons on this page two weeks ago we

talked about could and would and how to

use this grammatically in the sentence

so I recommend going down the Facebook

page you can check out those live

lessons and also you can check out the

grammar video that you can download in

the fields fluency Club of sample lesson

it’s up here the link you can download

it and learn this month’s grammar with

me ah campuses you should speak with

Vanessa great yes

hi Francesca ah valerie has a good point

if you could certainly you should try to

visit the target language country and

speak with native people as much as you

can yes if you have a

chance to go to England to the u.s. to

Canada to Australia to other

english-speaking countries try your best

to speak with other people even if it’s

at the store ask a question I’m gonna

buy this marker have you tried this

marker before what do you think about

them asking people questions and trying

to use it at the store anywhere this is

great advice try to visit the target

language country an english-speaking

country Oh

Valentina says you couldn’t date someone

who’s an English speaker certainly if

you find someone who is an English

speaker who you love this will help you

improve your English certainly just

don’t date them because they speak

English date them because you love them

ah mark John says I think what the best

way is to listen to audio write

everything that you heard and your

listening skills will increase quickly

this is a technique called dictation

dictation and some people love it some

people hate it but I think it could be

useful if you enjoy it listen to

something and try to write down what you

don’t understand or what you understand

try to understand everything write down

everything and then you can’t go back

and see which sound or which words were

difficult for you maybe this could be

full if you don’t know which sounds are

hard for you you could do a dictation

listening and a writing and when you

review that you’ll be able to see oh I

missed this word every time I can’t hear

this word so I’m gonna listen really

carefully for this the next time that’s

a possibility thank you for bringing

that up I think that’s something I

haven’t really talked about before so

congratulations brought it up before me

great ah mom content you should probably

read books that you like the most

TED Talks TED talks or die notices news

in levels become great advice this is

like breaking news English it will help

you read the news in different

holls maybe beginner intermediate

advanced great advice oh because you

should dream of having a chance to talk

to your favorite Hollywood star it could

be good motivation I think focusing on

your dream if your dream is I want to

meet this star I want to talk with them

maybe it will never happen but it’s my

dream that will help you stay motivated

or if your dream is to study abroad

focusing on that dream will help you to

keep your motivation another great one

for Hussein says we should read a story

it’s the best way to improve read a

straight great scroll down i’ve passed a

lot of them chat with native speakers

yes sir oh great lewis says usually

watched CNN articles videos on the

internet about lots of topics

oh stop it says I have an exam on

September 4th that’s my birthday they’re

going to not check your English speaking

level only other classic traditional

things I think that’s the that’s the

hard thing because you want to show them

you’re speaking not reading and

listening you want to focus on speaking

but tests often don’t do that

oh my battery is getting low I think it

might be time go soon all right I don’t

want this to cut off at the end so I

want to say thank you everyone for your

hi John Jack hi yes Dean hi Magda I’m

glad you’re here ah thank you everyone

for your wonderful advice about how to

be a fluent English speaker what I

recommend is watching this video again

and writing down a lot of these ideas

see which ones you already do which ones

you don’t do and decide maybe one thing

choose one thing that you’re going to

try this week maybe it’s watching the

music videos in English on YouTube or

maybe it’s trying to find a new double

group or maybe it’s downloading the

sample lesson set and following the

conversation the information this is

going to be really useful ice tip that

you can take this week I want to give

you some good news that on Saturday

because the fearless fluency Club is

going to open on Saturday at 8 a.m.

which is two hours earlier than our

usual face book lesson at 8 a.m. on a

Saturday morning there will be a live

facebook video here where I will be

answering questions about and giving

answers about the fearless fluency Club

so on Saturday the fearless fluency Club

will open this means that you can

download the new lesson set you can join

our private Facebook group you can start

to find an English speaking partner you

can enter our community this is going to

be great a good chance for you so on

Saturday the fearless fluency Club will

open and I want to answer as many

questions as possible about it so on

Saturday at 8 a.m. you’re welcome to

come back here and there will be a live

lesson where I will be answering

questions about the hairless fluency

Club and you’ll have the chance to join

the club for a special early bird

discount rate so typically normally the

course will be $27 per month but bring

this special opening week from Saturday

August 27th until September 4th my

birthday I planned it like that fifth

the course will be only 22 dollars per

month so there is going to be a discount

during the opening week but after the

opening week it’s going to be gone so

you’ll be able to join for a special

price and I’m going to give you as much

help and answer your questions as much

as possible because I want you to make

sure that it’s a good fit for you I want

to make sure that you know exactly what

it is

because it will

really help you to satisfy I’d be

motivated and improve English I really

believe that this does that help you to

increase your skills and feel

comfortable with English and use it a

lot there’s going to be guides and tips

and information to really help you

become a fluent English spirit so come

back on Saturday I’m Saturday at 8 a.m.

Eastern Time this is two hours earlier

than the usual face book lesson you can

see at the top of this post I wrote it I

wrote it in this post 8:00 a.m. on

Saturday and I’ll answer any questions

you have about the fearless fluency club

and I hope to see you there thank you

everyone for this live chance to talk

with you and encourage you about English


John Jack a good question would there be

another conversation between you and

your sister each month there’s going to

be a conversation with a different

person so in the future yes I will talk

with my sister again but the first month

in September there’s going to be a new

person so thank you everyone for coming

live I hope to see you on Saturday on

Saturday est est time is New York time

mark time a.m.

see you on Saturday and have a wonderful

Thursday have a wonderful Thursday bye

everyone bye Louise

bye Claudia filos vitamin E I Karen

thank you for joining me I appreciate

you taking time for English today have a

wonderful Thursday bye thank you for

watching this sample video lesson from

the fearless fluency Club I would love

to help you continue to improve your

English would you like to get full

lesson sets every month and personalized

feedback from me click the I at the top

of the screen to join or click the link

in the description below you

can become a fearless fluent English

speaker let’s start now