How To Communicate With Native English Speakers In English

  • [Narrator] The problem.

You want to speak to English
speakers, but you feel nervous,

you can’t understand, and
you don’t know what to say.

Well don’t worry, today
I will teach you how.

Welcome to speak English with Tiffani.

I am teacher Tiffani, let’s jump right in.

So here’s the truth about
native English speakers.

First, they are willing.

Native speakers, specifically
Americans, are usually willing

to talk to you.


they talk to others.

Native speakers talk to
strangers frequently, so they are

seen to be quite friendly.

And third, they are interested.

You see, native speakers have opinions,

and they are interested in
other people’s opinions.

So let’s look at the five
steps to help you communicate

with native English speakers.

Now, we must remember that
the term “communicate” means

an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions,

or emotions by two or more persons.

In other words, it means to
inform, to express feelings

and to influence.

So, let’s keep going with the first step.

Alright, number one, how to start.

The first thing you need
to do is let them know

you are an ESL learner.

Don’t be shy, don’t be ashamed.

It’s better to let them know.

So you could do this by
saying “Hi, my name is Sue.

“I’ve been studying English
for almost two years

“and I love it.”

So what happen?

By saying “I’ve been studying
English for almost two years”

you let the person know that you are

an ESL Learner.

Okay, so the person listening
to you will have a better


Or you can say “This is my first
time speaking with a native

“English speaker.”

Well right here by saying
“my first time speaking with”

you’re letting the person know
that you are an ESL Learner.

This is what you need to do.

Or you can also say “It
is nice to talk to you.

“Please forgive me if I make
any mistakes while speaking.”

So right here you say “Please forgive me.”

“Please forgive me.”

So what’s happening is
you’re once again letting

them know that you are an ESL Learner.

Or you can say “Hi, I’m
from Brazil. I love learning

“and speaking in English.
Are you from America?”

In this example we’ve done two things.

First, you’ve said the
country that you are from,

and it’s not a native
English speaking country.

And you also said “I love
learning and speaking in English.”

But this word right here is the key.


it shows that you are

an ESL Learner.

Alright, and you could
also say “Hello, I’m Max.

“My hobby is studying English.”

Well, right here we have
“hobby” that means, once again,

you are an ESL Learner.

This is step number one, how
you should start when you’re

trying to communicate.

Now, number two, how to choose a topic.

You see, the second thing you
need to do is find a topic

that interests you
both, something you both

want to talk about.

So, what to do is think about
your personal interests,

and you want to pick three of them.

So, right here we have,
maybe you like fishing,

maybe you also enjoy running
and exercise, maybe you like

extreme sports or painting
and drawing or even baking.

Well, what you want to do
again is pick three of them.

Okay, this is all happening in
your mind, pick three of them

then what you’re going to do
is, the native speaker needs

to know more about you,

so say your top three interests.

You can say “I have many hobbies,

“but I really enjoy running,
baking, and drawing.”

Okay, so this pattern right
here “really enjoy” means you’re

going to focus on your top three.

What you’re going to do next is give

the native speaker a chance to answer.

You’re going to ask them
about their hobby or interest.

And how you do that, you
just say “How about you?”

This is asking them for their interests.

Alright, now, warning, don’t
pick a topic you are not

interested in.

If a topic comes up that
you are not interested in,

try to change the subject, okay?

You don’t want to get stuck
when you’re communicating with

a native English speaker,
you want to be able to speak

fluently and comfortably.

Okay, let’s go to number
three, How To Listen.

The third thing you need
to do is listen closely

to what they say.

So, this is what happens, in
your mind you want to be able

to recognize the who,
what, when, where and why

in the native speaker’s statements.

Basically, you’re listening for the 5W’s.

Remember, if you need to get
a refresher on this, go to the

lesson, the link is in the
top right of this video

that talks about the 5W’s and
how to recognize them, okay?

Now, after that, as you
are listening, you need to

find the key point.

In other words, listen for the
most important part of what

they are saying.

Okay, this is all happening
inside of your mind as you’re


Now what you’re going to
do, finally, as you listen,

you need to find something
that you are curious about,

in other words, find something
to ask a question about.

Remember, curious, this word,
just means something that you

are interested in.

Interested in or want to learn more about.

Want to learn more about.

That’s what the word curious means.

Warning number two,
don’t assume that native

English speakers don’t
want to listen to you.

Instead, think positively
before you speak,

you can do it.

So let’s go on to number
four, how to answer.

The fourth thing you need
to do is give an answer

that leads to more talking.

This is how you do that.

The first key point to answering
is to restate the question

or previous comment.

You see, you’re going to be
talking about a lot of things

and they’re going to be
making a lot of statements.

What you need to do is, as
you’re listening, pick one thing

and then restate it when you speak, okay?

Alright, now, the second key
point to answering is to give

your opinion on what they said.

For example, you can say “I
think…” or “In my opinion…”

You’re giving your
opinion on what they said.

Now, the third key point
to answering is to use the

following equation for your answer.

First thing you’re going to
do is give your response,

as you’re giving your response,
you want to give one proof

for why you think that,

and the last thing is you want
to give a follow-up question.

This is key,

giving a follow-up
question, back and forth.

Remember, this is what it’s all about

when you’re having a conversation.

If you need to brush up or get
a refresher course go to the

video on the top right corner
that talks about how to master

English conversation.

It’s a back and forth in a conversation.

Okay, number five, how to end.

The fifth thing you need to do is

end the conversation


So let’s look at some ways
to end the conversation.

Here is the first example of
how to end a conversation.

You can say “It was great talking to you.”

You see right here you’re
giving a little bit of emotion.

“It was great talking to you.”

It means you enjoyed speaking with them.

The second example of how
to end a conversation is

“Let’s do this again.”

“Let’s do this again.”

So you’re showing that you enjoyed,

and you want to speak again.

You want to speak to that person again.

The third example is “It was
great chatting with you.”

The word chatting is just
another way of saying talking.

Talking comfortably or in a relaxed way.

“It was great chatting with you.”

Or for the fourth example you
could say “I really liked how

you said… Let’s talk more.”

In this spot right here, what
you’re going to do is restate

something that was interesting
from your conversation.

Restate something that was interesting,

something they said
during your conversation

that was very interesting.

It shows again that
you were listening well

and you’re also saying “let’s talk more.”

Now, the fifth example is

“Thank you for the great
conversation. Have a good day.”

We talked earlier about
saying “great” and now we have

“Have a good day.”

You’re letting them know
that you appreciated

the conversation and you want them

to enjoy the rest of their day.

Now this is a warning.

Don’t act like you understand
something if you don’t.

In other words, instead of
pretending, it is better to ask

them to repeat what they said.”

Please remember this.

Don’t be shy, don’t be
embarrassed, it’s okay to ask them

to repeat if you don’t understand.

If you want to continue
studying with me, you can go to

my website

and look at my eBooks
that I made just for you,

or you can also go to

to start studying my special
courses just for you.

Also, remember on the
left side of your screen,

to watch my next English video lesson.

Until next time, remember
to speak English.