How To Communicate Your Ideas In English

this is what your brain looks like you

have tons of thoughts and ideas but you

don’t know how to communicate them in a

clear and concise way but there is a

formula SR CS simplify your idea prove

your idea connect to an emotion and

share your examples and today I’m gonna

show you exactly how to use this formula

welcome to speak English with Tiffany I

am teacher Tiffany let’s jump right in

simplify you see the first thing you

need to do is simplify your idea this

means that you need to make sure your

idea is clear concise and easy to

understand for example let’s say this is

you right now and you have many

different ideas about animals you see

there the dog is a parent there’s a cat

there’s a rabbit there’s a turtle and

there’s even a fish all of these things

are running through your mind but you

don’t know exactly what to talk about

because you can’t talk about all of them

you see your goal is to do what your

goal is to find the common idea this is

the first thing that you need to do when

it comes to properly communicating your

idea so again in your mind you have all

of these thoughts pulsating and all of

these ideas pulsating in your mind but

what needs to happen is they need to be

grouped together to find the common idea

they need to be simplified so let’s look

at it in a little bit more detail again

the first point in order for your idea

to stick you need to make your idea as

simple as possible now let’s look at

this part right here very quickly to

stick the

is an expression we use in English to

stick just means to remain in a certain

place okay to remain in a certain place

so since we are talking about an idea

sticking we’re actually referring to our


staying in the person’s mind that we are

talking to okay so we want it to stay

inside of their mind

we want our idea to stick okay

that’s how you understand to stick

alright the second point break your idea

down until you get to the core of your

idea now this part right here break your

idea down is just another way of

explaining dividing a point into smaller

parts okay into smaller parts or smaller

pieces so in English we say break your

idea down okay divided into smaller

pieces and then the last part says the

core of your idea now for this one you

can think of an apple core think about

when you eat an apple it’s this part

right here the center of the Apple okay

so core just means the center or the

main point okay

the main point so once again point two

says break your idea down until you get

to the core of your idea remember we’re

learning how to simplify so that we can

properly communicate our idea and then

the third point regarding simplify is

come up with one simple and impactful


or statement now this word right here

impactful just means to have a powerful

effect okay to have a powerful effect on

something okay

effect on something so even though your

idea needs to be simplified and needs to

be simple it still needs to have an

impact or some kind of effect on the

person that will listen to your idea


so let’s keep going now the next thing

is to prove so the second thing you need

to do is prove your idea

this means that you need to give clear

reasons why your idea is valid correct

or believable so let’s look at an

example now in this example the first

thing we have is an apple which

represents Mac or the apple company and

this company is very popular around the

world but we need to prove that so as

you’ll see there’s the Mac’s computer

the laptop there’s the iPhone and is

also the iMac or the desktop computer so

what has happened is these things prove

the point to be true or approve the idea

to be true that Mac for Apple as a

company is very popular or let’s say for

example we’re talking about fashion or

clothing and the point or idea that we

want to present is that fashion is

important to everyone well in order to

prove that we may talk about men’s

fashion or ladies fashion or even babies

fashion and these things actually become

a way to prove our idea so once again

what is the goal the goal of this step

let’s write it right here the goal is to

find the support

information that is the goal of this

step find the supporting information for

your idea okay so let’s keep going

so what’s happening again in your mind

is you have these ideas but you need to

search for proofs once you find the

proofs they become the three points that

prove your idea remember you can give

more than three but three is always a

good number the first point is it helps

to support your idea and in essence

becomes the foundation now you’ll notice

here that this is a special expression

in English in essence this expression

just means basically and it is used to

emphasize the most important or central

point okay the most important or central

point okay so it’s just a different way

of saying that but it’s used very often

so in essence okay all right so the next

point is it helps to give clarity to

your idea

now the word clarity is also another

word that is commonly used in English

and this word means to be clear so no

confusion okay again clarity and then

our last point is it helps to round out

your idea now once again we have another

English expression that is very useful

round out

okay round out now round out means to

complete or finish

a thought or idea okay a thought or idea

this is also something you can use on a

regular basis

round out okay so let’s keep going

connect the third thing you need to do

is connect your idea to an emotion this

means that you need to know the

listeners emotions now let’s look at

this example right here okay so let’s

look at some examples of some ideas you

may be thinking about depending on a

conversation maybe you’re having a

conversation about food or maybe about

an exam or shopping or even about nature

now these things are ideas but you need

to actually connect them to an emotion

so let’s look at some different emotions

we have happy we have angry or worried

we have shocked and then we even have

serious now which emotion can we connect

these things to well if we’re talking

about nature we can connect it to the

emotion of calmness or relaxed or as you

see in this picture he looks very

serious just thinking deeply and then

what about if we actually are talking

about food

well usually food makes people happy so

we can connect it to that emotion and if

we’re talking about an exam or a test

that we did not pass normally we feel

angry or worried it’s not a good emotion

so as you see we’ve connected it to that

person’s face or that person’s emotion

and finally shopping well sometimes when

you go shopping the prices are a little

high so we’ve connected it to the

emotion of shock or stunned this is the

emotion we’ve connected it to so again

the goal for this section is find an

emotion to match your idea once again

find an emotion to match your idea

remember we’re all talking about how to

communicate our ideas properly in

English okay so let’s keep going to

understand a little bit more what goes

on in our minds so in your mind you have

all of these different ideas and you

also have a kind of a general idea of

what kind of emotion to attach to these

ideas and you want to connect those

emotions with your ideas so now the

first point about this is this is

important because your idea will stay in

the listeners mind if they care about it

so the key is you need to make sure your

listener actually cares about what

you’re talking about

so you don’t just want to talk over and

over or speak without caring about the

listeners mind or the listeners feeling

okay so the person listening to you

needs to actually care about what you’re

talking about okay second point when

someone cares about something they pay

attention to it more this is a fact if

someone is interested in something they

will listen closer and they will pay

attention now pay attention to just

means to focus on well okay to focus on

something let’s see if we can get this G

in there to focus on something I used to

tell us to my students when I taught

junior students I would tell them pay

attention in class or in other words

focus on the information okay and point

three by connecting your idea to the

listeners emotions you inadvertently

answer the why question in their mind

now this word right here is a common

word in English and it actually means to

do something without intention or in

other words to do something accidentally

okay not on purpose

accidentally okay we say in advertently

okay all right let’s keep going now

share the fourth thing you need to do is

share your examples this means that you

need to give a metaphor or an analogy or

in other words a story or an example so

for example there are many different

experiences that happen in our lives so

let’s say for example you wanted to talk

about a movie that you saw recently or

maybe you wanted to talk about a trip a

vacation or something you did where you

travel to somewhere special or you can

even talk about a celebration maybe a

birthday celebration or even a wedding

anniversary or you can talk about office

life what it’s like to work at your

company these are things that you can

share in order to support your idea so

again the goal is to find a story to

match your idea once again find a story

to match your I D F it’s that I dia

that’s your goal find a story to match

your idea so what’s happening in your

mind is you have all of these stories

and you’re looking for a way to share

them to connect them to your idea so

your ideas in the center and you’re

actually putting out more information

giving them stories and sharing

information that’s connected to your

idea so the first point is this is

important because your story or

experience makes your idea more real you

see the person listening to you is just

listening to your idea so the first step

again when you’re talking and you’re

giving your idea the first step is the

person is simply listening to you

they’re just seeing what your idea is

but if you share a story what happens is

now the person is listening and also


what your idea really looks like so

instead of just listening they’re also

imagining what’s happening so it becomes

more real to them okay it’s an easier

way of communicating your idea point to

when someone hears your story they may

also think about your idea more remember

when you’re giving your idea you want

the person listening to you to actually

think about what you’re saying

but this says they will think about it

even more which will make your point

even stronger because they’re paying

attention more and the third point is by

connecting your story to your idea your

story to your idea you actually help the

listener understand it even more than

before now this actually connects back

to the point that was made here they

understand it more because now they are

hearing it and they are also imagining

your idea this is why it helps to

properly communicate your idea if you

have enjoyed this lesson and you want to

keep studying with me go to speak

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remember to watch my next English video

lesson on the left side of your screen

and as always keep studying English