How to Express Yourself in English when you are happy

do you want to express yourself

naturally in English well don’t worry

today I will teach you how to express

yourself naturally in English welcome to

speak English with Tiffany I am teacher

Tiffany and today we are going to learn

the sixth

secret to speaking English how to

express yourself in English when you are

happy this secret will improve your

ability to speak clearly and logically

in English are you ready

well then let’s jump right in as an

English Learner you spend hours upon

hours studying grammar memorizing

vocabulary and reviewing tons and tons

of expressions but when it comes time to

use what you have learned in a situation

sometimes the words just don’t come out

that is because you have been learning

all of these things separately but when

you begin to learn vocabulary

expressions and idioms as a group

altogether then your ability to express

yourself naturally in English will

improve so let’s look at this method

today and learn how to naturally express

ourselves when we are happy the

vocabulary word we will learn that

relates to being happy is elated elated

elated means very happy very happy three

example sentences using this vocabulary

word our he was elated after winning the

contest he was elated after winning the

contest number two the girl recorded his

elated reaction and the video went viral

the girl recorded his elated reaction

and the video went viral and number

three she met Michael a few weeks later

and her friends were elated she met


a few weeks later and her friends were

elated next we will look at an

expression the expression we will learn

that relates to being happy is jump for

joy jump for joy jump for joy means to

be extremely happy and usually the

person will jump in the air but not

always sometimes it’s a figurative

expression three example sentences using

this expression are number one Samantha

jumped for joy when she found out that

she had passed the exam

Samantha jumped for joy when she found

out that she had passed the exam number


Bryan jumped for joy when he heard that

his wife was pregnant again

Bryan jumped for joy when he heard that

his wife was pregnant and number three

Aaron jumped for joy when he heard that

his wife got the job again

Aaron jumped for joy when he heard that

his wife got the job and finally we will

look at one idiom the idiom we will

learn that relates to being happy is on

cloud nine again on cloud nine on cloud

nine means to be happy three example

sentences using this idiom are number

one I was on cloud nine when the boss

announced that I was getting a raise

again I was on cloud nine when the boss

announced that I was getting a raise

number two she was on cloud nine because

her boyfriend called her from overseas

again she was on cloud nine because her

boyfriend called her from overseas and

number three he bought his first car and

he’s on cloud nine

once again

he bought his first car and he’s on

cloud nine

now that we know one vocabulary word one

expression and one idiom related to

being happy let’s look at an example

question and answer it using what we

have learned the question were you all

happy when you heard the news

answer yes I was elated when I heard the

news my little brother was happy too

he jumped for joy my dad even looked

like he was on cloud nine all right

amazing today you learned the sixth

secret to speaking English how to

express yourself in English when you are

happy we learned one new vocabulary word

elated one new expression jump for joy

and one new idiom on cloud nine so

instead of just saying you feel happy

you will now be able to express yourself

like a native speaker and use multiple

natural expressions so try to use at

least one new vocabulary word expression

or idiom today you can do it you can

speak English

I hope this video helped to give you

more confidence in your English ability

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been speak English with Tiffany I am

teacher Tiffany and I hope that you have

an amazing day until next time remember

to speak English remember to subscribe