How To Get Fluent In English In 5 Days

you get nervous when someone asks you a

question in English you don’t know how

to speak about certain topics in English

you feel like you don’t know enough

English vocabulary you don’t know how to

speak English for a long time

fluently and you don’t know how to

actually think in English well turn your

frown into a smile because today I am

gonna teach you how to get fluent in

five days this episode is being brought

to you by the speak English with Tiffany

Academy the number one online English

Academy for intermediate and advanced

English learners if you want to continue

studying with me

teacher Tiffany and join the Academy

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let’s jump right in day one all right

day one the first thing you want to do

is select five topics you are interested

in it’s very important that you are

interested in the topics now this is

because you will gain confidence by

speaking about topics you are actually

interested in you see let me explain

this more with the graphic what happens

is your current world is filled with

many different things that you like you

may enjoy hanging with friends or

reading books or watching TV or playing

video games or maybe even painting an

art these things are a part of your

current world and now you are trying to

introduce English into that world so the

problem is not your interest the problem

is English so the second part is after

you’ve picked or chosen the topics you

are going to write three reasons for

each topic now this is important because

you are going to organize your thoughts

from the beginning and this is key for

fluency so look at a graphic look at

this graphic right here

what’s happening is inside of your brain

let’s say this is your brain right here

now again we already understood that you

have interests in your current world

right now so let’s say you like reading

now right the reason why you like

reading right three reasons what’s gonna

happen is you will be able to speak

fluently because you already have the

reasons organized in your head now again

remember this is day one so let me show

you an actual example with me so what I

have done is on day one I have chosen

five things that I am interested in and

these are real things so I’m interested

in health cooking sports art and travel

again in my world currently I like these

five things so this is my world right

here these five things now what I have

to do again is I need to go and give

three points or three reasons why I

enjoy these five things or why I am

interested in them so for example health

I like healthy food I want to enjoy life

and health affects the mind these are

the three reasons why I am interested in

health now let’s skip down to art okay

you all know that I’m an artist now

three reasons why do I like art as a

topic well I gave you one I’m an artist

it was my college major and I believe

art is a way to express yourself in a

beautiful way okay so again right here I

have shown you my notebook for day one

okay great

now day to day two now what you’re gonna

do for day two is find a blog or article

about each topic now again remember you

chose five topics which means you’re

going to be finding five blogs or five

articles okay now why is this important

you see this will help you see how other


native English speakers actually speak

about the topic you see what’s happening

is as an English Learner you have your

own ideas but what you need to do is

find out how native English speakers

actually speak about the topics you have

chosen okay so after you found the

article or blog post you are going to

pick out three interesting points about

the topic okay now this is important

because by finding interesting points

from the article it will enhance or

improve your ability to speak fluently

about it later now I want to emphasize a

point you see when you’re looking

through these articles you are only

skimming them you don’t have to read

each article in detail I know you may

say teacher you want us to look up five

different articles that’s a lot for one

day remember you’re only skimming the

articles okay skimming just means to

read over quickly okay read over very

quickly so you don’t have to read all

the details you’re just looking for key

points so I’ve shown you guys I picked

out three key points like this you just

highlight them now for my example can

remember I told you guys that my five

topics were health cooking sports art

and travel now I literally found actual

articles for each of these topics

because I want you guys to see that it

is possible to improve your fluency in

five days so if you want the actual

articles the link is in the description

below for each of the articles okay so

now let’s look at for example cooking

alright so for cooking the topic was or

the title of the article was ten things

I learned from culinary school that

every home cook should know now what I

did was I skimmed the article very

quickly and then I selected three

interesting points

and I only wrote down the points so for

example to me it was interesting that

you don’t have to be a professional chef

in order to cook like one at home since

I enjoy cooking that was very

interesting to me

number two basic tools are just as good

as expensive ones it’s very interesting

to me and finally use scraps or

leftovers to make other dishes okay so

these three points were very interesting

to me now the same is going to be done

for each of the articles okay so when

you find the article or a blog post

again just skim the article and find

three points that are interesting to you

and write them down okay I did it for my

five and you can do it for your five

again this is what you’re gonna do on

this day okay all right now we’re gonna

move on to the next day day number three

now on today number three what you’re

gonna do is pick three vocabulary words

you already know that describe the topic

yep you read that correctly you already

know so what does that mean that means

you don’t need to get a dictionary out

for this part you want to pick something

you already know okay now why is this

important you see this is important

because it will help you realize that

you already know topic-specific

vocabulary words it’s gonna give you

more confidence in what you already know

so here’s the deal again I mentioned to

you guys that your current world

involves things that you are interested

in so again if I have chosen art then

what words do I already know that

describe art okay now for the second

part what happens is we’re gonna find

three synonyms now again remember the

word synonym just means similar words

okay you’re following along you are very

intelligent I know you’re following

along so find three synonyms or similar

words for each

vocabulary word I’m gonna highlight that

for each vocabulary word for each topic

so this is important because it will

help you expand or improve your

vocabulary by making connections in your

brain you see this is what happens in

your brain you already have these three

words and now you’re giving your brain

three extra words that are connected to

each vocabulary word now what does this

look like in an actual example so again

we looked at mine in a previous day

right so again I have health cooking

sports art and travel so let’s pick out

the sports category okay the topic of

sports well the three words that I

already know are athlete sweat and

competition athlete sweat and

competition so what’s gonna happen is

I’m gonna go all the way over here and

I’m gonna find synonyms for each of

those words so when I picked athlete I

found in the dictionary now this part

you can go to the dictionary player

competitor and contender now these are

three words I didn’t know before so I

have three new vocabulary words that are

connected to the word I already know

this is why this is so important okay so

again I go to the next word sweat

well perspiration moisture and dampness

okay three more words that have a

similar meaning

and finally competition bout fight and

match so for the topic of sports now

instead of just knowing three words I

now know three plus nine you guessed it

and that means I know twelve words

related to the topic that I am studying

all right so you see how your vocabulary

can expand very quickly so now we have

12 12 12 and 12 right here so when

one day your vocabulary is gonna expand

very quickly and you’ve made connections

all right now for day four on day four

what you’re gonna do is you need to

think of personal experience I love this

step because it connects you to the

topic and makes it easier to speak about

it in English see this is important

because it will help you feel

comfortable when you speak about the

topic if it’s your personal experience

you will naturally speak more about it I

remember when I was learning Korean this

happened to me many times my personal

experience became easier to talk about

so this is what’s going on you have a

topic then you’ve learned the vocabulary

words plus the synonyms now these are in

your brain and now you’re trying to find

an experience in your life that connects

to the topic and also those vocabulary

words now after you have thought of that

experience what you’re gonna do is write

the five W’s for each of the experiences

you listed in part one okay alright now

why is this important this is important

because the more information you are

able to give the more fluent you will

sound so you see this is what’s going on

you have your experience that you’re

gonna talk about but now you’re already

organizing your thoughts about who was

there what happened when did it happen

where did it happen

and why did it happen and this will make

it ten times easier for you to speak

about it if someone asks you a question

about this topic later so again let’s

look at my example my five topics were

again health cooking sports art and

travel now my personal experience for

health is becoming a vegan for my health

okay a vegan is someone who doesn’t eat

meat or milk or cheese products okay

then for cooking I chose cooking Mexican

food for my Korean friends now

all of these experiences are real it’s

very important that they are real for

sports playing basketball and soccer in

college I was a very I was very active

when I was in college I loved sports

now for art being an artist my entire

life that’s true and for travel

traveling to London Paris and Madrid so

you see what’s happened is I have

personal experiences for each of these

topics which means immediately my brain

is starting to formulate an idea now

what I’ve done is I’ve given all of the

information connected with the five W’s

for each of these experiences okay so

that’s why it’s important this step is

important for you to list your details

okay so for example let’s say for sports

okay right here me that’s for who for

what I played basketball and soccer when

in college

where in Alabama why I enjoyed playing

sports if you notice a few moments ago I

actually gave you all that information

naturally why because I am fluent in

English and you can be - all right now

day five day five is where you are going

to create five possible questions for

each topic you selected that’s right now

you’re going to be creative you see now

this is important because it will help

you mentally prepare and not get nervous

when speaking so many times students get

nervous when someone asks them a

question they never heard but if you

prepare possible questions beforehand

not only will you be comfortable you

will be able to speak fluently because

you prepared yourself now what’s gonna

happen is after you have created these

questions you’re going to review the

previous four days and see how that

information connects now this is

important because it will help you learn

how to connect information with certain

topics and

prove your fluency so you see what I

have done I’ve laid out we have day one

day two day three and day four again

we’ve already looked at these four days

previously now we’ve created these five

questions on day five and I have

connected them with one of the previous


maybe the vocabulary or my personal

experience so let’s look at this in an

actual example okay so again we have my

five topics at the top and let’s say for

travel I’m gonna give you the questions

I made so I said do you like to travel

which is the very common question that

ESL learners are asked have you ever

traveled abroad number three if you

could go anywhere where would you go

number four which form of travel do you

prefer backpacking or a cruise and

number five why do you think travel has

become so popular over the last ten

years so again you can make five

questions for your topics now I will say

this if you have difficulties making

questions you can find them on line ok

just type the topic and look for

questions about the topic that is okay

but that’s how you become fluent in five

days I hope you enjoyed this lesson if

you want to continue studying with me

join the speak English with Tiffany

Academy now click the link in the

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studying and improving your English also

remember to click the video on the left

of your screen and continue learning

more as always remember to speak English