How to give a 5minute speech in English

welcome to speak English with Tiffany I

am teacher Tiffany and today I am going

to teach you exactly how to give a

five-minute speech in English this

lesson will help you speak English more

confidently in front of people are you

ready to learn how

well then let’s jump right in giving a

speech is not easy especially when it is

in English but there are 4 easy steps

that can help you give an amazing speech

in English let’s begin step 1 the

attention grabber the attention grabber

is the starting point of every speech it

is the step where we get grab and hold

the attention of the audience there are

three types of attention grabbers the

first one is a story for this one you

start off by telling a short story that

connects to your speech and is also

engaging the second one is an

interesting fact for this one you want

to tell an intriguing fact that directly

relates to your topic and the third one

is a question and answer time for this

one your goal is to ask a

thought-provoking question that your

audience will have to actually respond

to this will get them engaged with you

from the beginning so for example if our

speech was about Oprah Winfrey and her

success the three attention grabbers

would be set up like this

remember this section only lasts for one

minute for the story you can give a

story about the success of Oprah Winfrey

one of the most successful women in the

entire world by giving the story behind

her success you will have the

attention of your audience from the very

beginning of your speech for the

interesting fact you can give facts

about the number of successful women

there are in the world who are mothers

and finally for the question and answer

time you can think of two to three

questions to ask the audience about

their definition of success and also who

is the most successful woman they know

next step - the introduction the

introduction is the transition section

that leads directly into the topic of

your speech this step is simple but very

important there are three types of

introductions the first one is general

details for this one you simply give

basic information about the topic the

second one is three main points for this

one you state the three main points of

your speech and the third one is state

your opinion for this one you can give

just your main point on the topic so for

example if our speech was about Bill

Gates and Steve Jobs the three

introductions would be set up like this

remember that this section only lasts

for 1 minute as well for the general

details you could say today I will talk

to you about Bill Gates Bill Gates is

the co-founder of Microsoft which is the

largest PC software company in the world

his work has totally changed technology

so I would like to tell you the three

reasons why I like him

for the three main points you could say

today I would like to discuss why Bill

Gates is the most important man of the

21st century I have three main points

for my opinion first he is a genius

second without him many businesses would

fail and third he is an innovator and

finally for state your opinion you could

say recently there has been a debate

about who is the greatest computer

innovator the debate compares Steve Jobs

to Bill Gates both contributed a lot to

our society but in my opinion Bill Gates

is the greatest computer innovator let

me explain why now let’s look at step

three the body the body section is the

place where most of your information

will be located it is basically the meat

of your speech which means that this is

the information that will be most

important for your audience there are

three different ways to write your body

the first one is three details for this

one you choose three details about the

topic and explain each of them in more

detail the second one is three reasons

for this one you give three reasons for

your opinion and explain them also in

detail and the third one is three

examples for this one you give three

examples that support your opinion or

the topic in general so for example if

our speech was about lions the three

different ways to write our body would

be set up like this

remember this section lasts for three

minutes for the three details style you

could give three specific

characteristics of lions and why those

characteristics are

amazing for the three reason style you

could give three reasons why lions are

considered the king of the jungle and

finally for the three example style you

could give three examples stories of

lions and how they behave in their

natural environment finally step four

the conclusion the conclusion is the

very end of your speech and it’s quite

important because it will be the last

thing that your audience will remember

there are three types of conclusions

the first one is restate for this one

you simply state your points briefly one

more time the second one is summarized

for this one you summarize your opinion

one more time and the third one is make

a final point for this one you make a

final strong point to emphasize your

opinion remember that this section only

lasts for one minute and there you have

it how to give a speech in English in

four easy steps until next time try to

use these four simple steps to make your

own speech in English this week you can

do it you can speak English


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