How To Go From A Basic To An Advanced Response In English

Tell me about yourself.

Well the basic response to this is

I am American and I am very friendly.

However, the advanced English
response is a lot longer.

So, how did I do this?

I used this formula: F+P+E

And today, I will teach
you how to just like I did.

Welcome to Speak English With Tiffani.

I am teacher Tiffani, let’s jump right in.

Alright, the basic English response.

This response focuses on
giving the most general

piece of information in
response to a question

or when speaking about a topic.

Now, the formula we use for the basic

English response is just F.

That’s right, just F.

And it stands for fact.

What you do is, you give the
fact that answers the question

or expresses what you
think about the topic.

Now, there are two purposes for this.

The first purpose is
that by stating the fact,

you show that you understood the question.

And the second purpose
is by stating the fact,

you show that you have knowledge

or an opinion about the topic or question.

So let’s look at this in real life.

Let’s say for example someone says to you,

“Tell me about yourself.”

Well, you can say, “I am
American and I am very friendly.”

Remember, this is the fact.

I am American and I am very friendly.

Alright maybe they ask you,
“How was your weekend?”

Well I could say, “It was good.”

Why, because this is a fact.

Or let’s say they ask you,
“How was the movie yesterday?”

Well you could say, " It was funny."

That is a fact.

It was funny.

And let’s say for example, they say,

“Do you prefer juice or soda?”

You may say, “I prefer juice.”

Giving the fact, the general information.

Or let’s say they say to you,
“What’s your future plan?”

You may say, “My future
plan is to travel abroad.”

Again you’ve given the fact,

the general piece of information.

Which is what makes these answers

or responses basic English responses.

However, the advanced English
response is different.

You see, this response
focuses on giving the general

piece of information plus
the extra information

needed to support your response.

Now, here’s what the
formula looks like: F+P+E

Now, remember, before for
the basic English response,

we did have the F right here, okay?

So we already know the
F which stands for fact.

However if we move on to the
P which stands for proof,

this is what we see.

You see, you give the proof that the fact

you gave is true or a good response.

Now, lets look at the two purposes.

The first one says by stating the proof,

you show that you can
support your statement.

And number two, by stating the proof

you show that you understand the five W’s.

Now, very quickly, remember
if you need to refresh

your memory on the five
W’s, you can click the link

in the top right of the screen.

But remember, the five W’s are just

who, what, when, where, and why.

And by giving the proof, you show that you

understand the five W’s alright?

And finally the E.

The E stands for example.

You see, you give the example that

is connected to the proof that you gave.

So the two purposes are:

By stating the example
you show that you can

connect your thoughts to real situations.

And purpose number two,
by stating the example

you show that you can
think logically in English.

Which is important to
advanced English responses.

Okay, now let’s go and
look back at the examples

again that we looked at for
the basic English response.

Now, it says “Tell me about yourself.”

Well remember we know that the
first part is the F the fact.

So, what’s the fact?

“I am American and I am
very friendly,” okay.

Alright that’s a fact that we had in our

basic English response
but, now the next thing

we need to do is look at the proofs.

Now, for this one, we have two.

We have one that says, “I am
American,” which is the fact

and we also had, “I am very friendly.”

So, we’re going to look at
those separately, alright.

So again for the proof so we have two

that we’re gonna try to prove.

Alright, so let’s go on.

“I was born in Arizona,” right here,

“which is on the West coast.

“But I moved to Maryland,
which is on the East coast,

“and I still live there now.”

Alright, these things are all connected

to this fact right here, I’m giving proof.

Now, let’s keep going because

we still have to look at the
very friendly, right here.


“Growing up, I had lots of friends,

“I had lots of friends,

“because I enjoyed
spending time with people.

“I still enjoy hanging out with my friends

“and meeting new people.

Alright, I’m getting proofs that support

the fact that I’m very friendly.

Now, we have to move on now, to the what?

You got it.

To the example.

Alright so here we go.

Actually, my friends and I
went on a road trip last year

and we stayed with a
family that we didn’t know

and I’m still in contact
with them to this day.

Alright so what happened?

Yes, we have the example taken care of

but I wanna explain something
to you really quickly.

Right here you see this term “road trip.”

Now, I want to tell you what that means.

In English, a road trip
is literally used to mean

a journey taken by car or bus.

Okay, so make a journey by car or bus.

In English, we say road trip.

Again, road trip.

So what happened, we’ve taken
care of the entire formula.

The F for fact, the P for
proof, and we had two proofs,

and again the E for example.

So, we have an advanced response.

Now let’s look at it again

in comparison to the basic response.

Alright, so again when we had the basic

it was just the fact and what happened?

We said, “I am American
and I am very friendly.”

Well this is still a part
of our advanced response.

It’s right here and it answers the fact.

But now we have extra, again the proof.

We have it all right here.

This is the proof we have right
in this section right here.

And we have the example in
this section right here.

So now you can see the differences

and also the similarities, okay,

from the basic to the advanced.

Alright now, next, it was
“How was your weekend?”

So, let’s get started again.

We’re gonna start with the fact.

So, we’re gonna use blue for
F this time just change it up.

Alright, the fact, “It was good.”

Well, that was the fact “It was good.”

Now, let’s keep going to give proofs

that show it was good.

It says, “I spent
Saturday resting at home,”

Resting is good.

“because I didn’t want to work.

“then on Sunday my family and I

“spent the day at an
amusement park together.”

Okay, now I do want to explain
what the amusement park is.

In English we say amusement park.

Now, an amusement park, let’s
write it right up here, okay.

An amusement park is
just a large outdoor area

that has lots of rides
and amusements, okay.

So a large outdoor park

but the key is

there are rides

that people can go on, there’s also shows,

and sometimes there’s food.

So, different things like that

and we say it’s an amusement park, okay.

So again, amusement park.

Now, this is the proof that we needed

that said it was a good weekend.

Now let’s keep going.

The next thing is we need
to give an example, okay.

We said, “But, the best part of my weekend

“was when my favorite uncle surprised us

“and came to visit us on Sunday night.”

Alright so, “the best part of my weekend”

and then I say, “when my
favorite uncle surprised

us and came to visit us on Sunday.”

But, I keep going and I say,

“We spent hours talking, laughing,

and eating delicious food.”

So what happened?

Yes, I told you “It was
good,” I gave you a fact.

Then I gave you proofs,
what I did on Sunday

and even on Saturday.

But then I gave you an exact
example of why it was good.

Alright so again if we
compare this advanced response

to the basic response, again
the basic response was,

“It was good.”

That was a fact.

But then what happened is,
for our advanced response,

we brought that down into
our advanced response

and made it the foundation of our response

and then we continued by giving proofs

for why our weekend was good, right here.

And then we ended by giving
the example right here.

An exact example from our weekend, okay.

This is our advanced response.

Now, the next one was, “How
was the movie yesterday?”

And for this one, this is
how we answered it, okay.

“It was funny.”

Now again this is the
fact, “It was funny.”

But now, we need to prove,
we need to give proofs

that show why it was funny.

Alright, here we go.

“The movie theater was
packed when we went,

“so my friends and I
had to sit in the back.”

Now, this is what we’re doing,

we’re giving the background information.

But I want to explain this
term “packed” right here.


So, in English, this
term “packed” just means

to be very full of people, okay.

To be very full of people.

It means there were a lot of people

there watching the movie, we say “packed.”

Alright now, let’s keep going.

“Then we said I could see people smiling

“even before the movie started.

“Everyone in the theater
laughed hysterically

“throughout the entire movie.”

Now we’re giving proofs.

Now before I continue,

I want to explain the term “hysterically.”

Now in English we use this often

but the term “hysterically” just means,

with wildly uncontrolled emotion, okay.

With wildly



Laughing hysterically.

Uncontrolled emotion, alright.

So, again we’ve given the proof

but now we need to go
to giving our example.

Alright, so let’s continue.

We say, “My favorite scene was

“when the two main characters
tried to escape their teacher

“but they got caught by their mothers.

“It was hilarious.”

So, I’ve given the example.

Now again, let’s look at the comparison

between our basic response
and now the advanced response.

So again, the basic response
was “It was funny,” the fact.

But now, this becomes
the foundation for our

advanced English response, the fact.

And again, we gave our proofs, the movie,

starting right there and
then we continued all the way

down here for our proofs
when we talked about the

other people at the theater.

And we got more detailed with the example

when we said what the favorite
scene was from the movie.

Alright that gave us
the advanced response.

Okay now, let’s look at the next one.

“Do you prefer juice or soda?”

Now, again we’re going
to start with the fact.

The fact is, “I prefer juice.”

Okay, that’s the fact.

Now, we’re going to look
at the proofs of that fact.

So, I say, “Growing up my
mom didn’t let us drink soda,

“so I don’t really crave it.”

Now, let’s pause really quickly

I want to explain this term “crave.”

Now the term “crave” just means
to have a strong desire for.

To feel a powerful

to feel a powerful


for something.

For example, children usually desire

or crave candy or ice cream.

They crave these things, alright.

So, let’s continue.

“Plus, I really love fruit.

“I usually eat at least two to

“three apples on a daily basis.

“So, when I have to choose
between juice or soda,

“I automatically choose fruit juice.”

Alright so we’ve answered the proof.

Now we’re gonna give an example.

Okay, here we go.

“Yesterday, my mom and I
went to the store to pick up

“a new organic orange juice
that we heard about on tv.

“it was pretty delicious.”

So I’ve given the example.

So again, if I’m comparing
my basic response

to the advanced response I just gave,

we can notice again, “I
prefer juice,” was the fact.

And it becomes the foundation
for my advanced response.

Then when I’m giving my proofs,

Let’s put the check mark here first,

when I’m giving my proofs,
it’s this portion right here.

And the next thing again we do,

we need to give the example,
which starts right here

and becomes this section right here.

Remember you can choose how many sentences

you do for each part of the equation,

it’s up to you, alright.

Alright now the next one was,

“What’s your future plan?”

Alright so we’re gonna
start again with the fact.

The fact is, “My future
plan is to travel abroad.”

Now, all we need to do is give the proofs.

So, let’s continue.

“I have always wanted to
do a trip around the world.

“I think that experiencing other cultures

“is one of the most important things

“anyone can do in their lifetime.

“So, I really want to travel more.”

Alright, so I’ve given the proof that

yes, I want to travel abroad but,

now I need to move into the example.

So now I’m saying, “Next year
I am planning to do a trip

“around Europe with my best friend.

“We are planning to
visit all of the European

“countries over a 2 month period.

It will be the first of many trips.”

So I’m giving a specific example

because I want to go to Europe.

So again let’s look at this in

comparison to the basic English response.

So, my basic response was,

“My future plan is to travel abroad.”

That’s a fact and it
becomes the foundation

of my advanced English response.

And now after we check that
we move on to the proofs

which is this section right here.

Okay, remember again I
stated before it’s up to you

how many sentences you
want to use for each.

And for my example I talked
about next year my plan

with my best friend to
go to European countries.

Alright, so, that’s the
comparison between the basic

and the advanced English response.

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