How To Improve Your English Vocabulary in 7 Days

How To Improve Your English Vocabulary in 7 Days

in today’s lesson you will learn the

secret to improving your vocabulary in

only seven days welcome to speak English

with Tiffany I am teacher Tiffany let’s

jump right in

alright day number one on day number one

you need to first pick a topic of

interest and find a related article or

blog now let’s look at this a little bit

closer to find out exactly what your

interest is let’s say for example you

enjoy dressing nicely well that may mean

that your interest is fashion or maybe

you enjoy watching basketball maybe you

watch basketball games with your friends

or even with your family on a weekly

basis well that may mean that your

interest is the in b.a or maybe you

enjoy something with plants maybe you

enjoy growing plants well if you enjoy

growing plants or you have a green thumb

which just means you’re good with plants

maybe your interest is gardening or

maybe you even enjoy let’s say reading

let’s change that maybe you enjoy

reading about and also watching and even

playing golf so that would mean that

your interest is golf

and finally maybe you actually are

really good at playing the guitar so

that may mean that your interest is

music so as you can see there are many

different interests that we can have but

the most important thing is for you to

choose your favorite interest or

something that you really enjoy doing on

a regular basis ok now the next thing

you have to do is to find an article or

a blog about that interest so for

example let’s say you want to find a

magazine article

now magazine articles are really good

because magazine articles include

interesting monthly information ok they

come out on a monthly basis and they

give monthly information ok or maybe you

want to look at a blog now blogs are

very good because they include the

opinions of others ok opinions of others

so it can give you a different aspect

about or a different aspect of your

interest and finally maybe you actually

decide to find an article in the


now newspaper articles are very popular

ok one reason that newspaper articles

are so popular is because they include

daily pieces of information ok

daily pieces of information and they are

updated on a regular basis let’s do this

I’m just going to write daily info

remember info is just short for

information ok this is day one find your

interest and then find a blog or an

article about your interest let’s move


day number two read the article or blog

and circle ten words now you see what

happened on day one you don’t have to

read the article you only have to find

it on day two is when you read the

article okay

let’s look at this a little closer now

with this one what you need to remember

first of all is that you must read the

article or the blog read the article or

the blog very carefully that means you

need to look at each of the words in the

article okay next what you need to do is

to remember that there will be many

unknown words that there will be many

unknown words and many of my students

have become very frustrated with this

because they feel like they don’t know

enough English vocabulary but you must

remember at this step on day two even

though there are many unknown words you

need to only circle the words you have

never seen before okay

the words you have never seen before

okay sometimes there are words that you

have seen in passing maybe as you’re

driving or walking around you’ve seen

the word before if that is the case

don’t circle that word try to find a

word that you’ve never seen okay now

only circle 10 that’s very important

only ten words okay and the last thing

to remember is don’t worry about the

other words

okay don’t worry about the other words

sometimes when you worry about every

single word as far as memorizing it your

brain can be overloaded and you get very

stressed okay so don’t worry about the

other words on day two only worry about

these right here these ten words okay

let’s move on today number three day

number three on day number three we are

going to write the definitions and the

sentences from the article or blog okay

so let’s look at it in a little bit more

detail all right now the first thing we

need to remember again is that on day

two we circled ten words okay we got ten

words from the article or the blog that

we read and as we said before we’re

going to write down the definition of

each word and we’re also going to write

down the exact sentences from the

article okay the exact sentences so the

sentences came from the article or the

blog okay now what you’re gonna do after

that okay after you’ve written them down

what you need to remember to do is this

so put this right here you need to

remember to go over the definitions and

memorize them okay this is the time that

you’re going to start memorizing a lot

okay but remember it’s actually only one

group okay they’re a group of ten

sentences so you’re going to memorize

the ten definitions this is the

definitions now for the sentences you

are going to do something

little bit different okay for the

sentences your only goal is to do what

read each sentence three to five times

aloud this is very important to do it

out loud you need to speak so you need

to say it out loud okay this is your

goal for the sentences on day three okay

let’s keep going all right Dave four on

day four you are going to change out the

words but keep the same sentence okay

let me explain exactly what that means

okay so again what do we have we have

ten words and on day three we wrote down

the ten sentences right okay now this is

what’s going to happen this day we can

also retitle it practice finding


now remember synonyms are just words

with similar meanings I’ll write it out

really quickly for you

okay synonyms are just words with

similar meanings okay that’s what a

synonym is okay now why are we looking

at synonyms if we’re trying to learn

more vocabulary why are we looking at

the synonyms simple synonyms well

there’s a reason the reason is that this

will help you remember the new vocab

okay the new vocab and sentence patterns


the new vocab remember vocab is just a

short way of saying vocabulary and

sentence pattern okay now let’s take

a look at an example okay let’s make

this a little bit clearer for you so

we’re gonna look at an example so let’s

say for example the word that we learned

was e leu say date now many of you have

probably never heard this word so I’ll

say it one more time elucidate one more

time elucidate now the word elucidate

just means to explain okay now let me

give you a sentence so let’s say I read

an article or a blog and in the blog I

read this sentence to elucidate his

point the man showed a picture okay now

what did I say earlier remember the word

elucidate just means to explain so on

this day day four what you’re going to

do is rewrite the same sentence but

you’re going to take out the vocabulary

word and replace it with a different

word so this is how the sentence you

would write would look okay two blank

space his point the man showed a picture

okay now I explained before that the

meaning of the word elucidate is

explained so we can write to explain his

point the man showed a picture now what

happens is the next time you see

elucidate or the next time you read the

sentence to elucidate his point the man

showed a picture you will remember the

word explained or the definition because

you changed it okay that is

why this practice on day four is so

important and so helpful okay let’s keep

going day number five

alright on day number five you’re going

to find one image to match each word

from the article or blog okay don’t

worry this is simpler than it sounds

okay so let’s look at it really closely

alright so again we have a total of ten

words right let’s do that s one more

time ten words okay and let’s say that

the ten words we have let’s give two of

the words let’s say for example let me

write them down mm-hmm let’s say one of

them is beaming and don’t worry I will

explain what they mean

number two is edifis okay edifis let’s

make this a little bit cleaner and let’s

say number three was terrain okay so

number one beaming number two edifis and

number three terrain so in the article I

read those were three of the ten words

that I found now I’ll give you the

meaning very quickly so beaming just

means to smile an edifice is just a

building or you can also say a structure

okay building our structure and terrain

just refers to field or a piece of land

okay now remember on this day day five

you’re trying to find a picture that

matches the words you found in the

article or blog so for example I said

beaming which just means to smile that

means that we can use this picture right


and what about edifice well I want to

use this picture

right here and finally terrain field or

land I want to use this picture right

here in the back so you see what you’re

doing is making a visual connection with

the vocabulary words that you found in

the article or blog all right we’re

almost there let’s keep going all right

day number six on day number six you’re

going to make sentences about the images

using the vocab word now this is when it

gets really interesting okay okay

let’s jump right in now explain

everything okay

so there were three words that I taught

you on day five I taught you beaming

edifice and terrain but let’s just use

two of those words

so first let’s use edifice remember a

building or a structure and let’s also

use beaming Kaymer beaming just means

smiling or to smile okay now let’s clean

up that G okay now on the left side we

have our images okay

so let’s start with the first one so we

have this picture right here which

connects with this right here

edifis so now what I want to do is I

want to make a sentence so let’s do this

I’m going to use the red color and I’m

gonna make a sentence for the word

edifice now remember you can make a

simple sentence or you can make an

advanced sentence whatever your level is

you can decide okay remember if you need

help making longer sentences watch my

video on how to make longer sentences

it’s a three part series and it will

really help you okay let’s keep going so

we can say the edifice remember this is

going to be about the picture okay the

edifice is located in Madrid okay so my

sentence uses the vocabulary word but

it’s also about the

picture why because you see the word

Madrid right there okay

now let’s do the second one so we have

this picture right here and we’re going

to connect it to this word beaming okay

so we’re gonna come over here and we’re

gonna write our sentence so our sentence

will be the man and woman there we go

are beaming across the a at each other

okay so again we have beaming right here

and we also have the fact that they’re

looking at each other which describes

the picture okay very good now we’re

almost done let’s go today number seven

all right on day number seven you’re

going to review the images and say the

sentences okay

let’s look at this a little closer all

right so what we’re going to do is see

we have 10 right up until this point

we’ve learned ten words we found ten

images and we’ve written ten sentences

to go along with the words and the

images okay so this is what you’re going

to do on this day you need to let’s get

a different color

you need to make flashcards so you can

make flashcards using the words and the

images that you found or let’s see or

maybe you want to look at a notebook

okay you can use

a notebook and then I’m gonna show you

visually what you can do okay you can

use a notebook so either flashcards a

notebook or you can even maybe you

decide to make a digital file so you can

make a digital file okay on your

computer on your iPad even on your phone

okay make a digital file now this is

what you’re going to do okay so remember

that on day six what did we do we had an

image okay let’s say there’s an image

right here and we took that image and we

made our own sentence about that image

and we used one of the vocabulary words

okay so basically what is happening on

day seven we’re reviewing by practicing

ok practicing using the images and the

sentences we made so again you can use a

digital file you can use a notebook or

you can use flash cards make the

flashcards draw it in your notebook or

even save image files on your computer

or iPad but the most important thing is

you need to practice using the images to

actually be a trigger again if you need

to know what a trigger is you can go to

one of my other videos where I talk

about the importance of using triggers

to learn vocabulary and use the triggers

or the images to actually memorize the

words and also the sentences this is how

you can learn vocabulary in only seven

days and you keep doing this over and

over now if you really want to keep

studying English I have a free gift for

you I would love for you to download

this free speak English ebook there are

tons and tons actually hundreds of

examples and hundreds of expressions

vocabulary words and idioms and I’m

just for you so please go to speak

English with Tiffany dot-com / ebook and

download yours today I would love to

help you have an amazing day and watch

another video on the left side

