How To Learn English In 15 Minutes A Day

here’s the fact you have a busy schedule

but you want to study English and you

just can’t find out how that’s when you

realize that you have 15 minutes pots

throughout your day in today’s lesson

I’m gonna teach you how to effectively

study English in 15 minutes a day this

episode is being brought to you by the

speak English with Tiffany Academy the

number one online English Academy for

intermediate and advanced English

learners if you’d like to learn more

about the Academy and join tons of other

students click the link in the

description below let’s jump right in

this is gonna be done in a six-day cycle

now Before we jump into this part I want

to explain something to you all you see

English can be broken down into six

different parts you have expressions

idioms vocabulary reading listening and

writing and speaking now the bottom

portion of this diagram is separate from

what we are gonna be talking about today

and let me explain why

what we are gonna discuss is the top

portion of this diagram or this graph

expressions idioms and vocabulary you

see these three can be grouped together

so since you only have 15 minutes a day

let’s utilize that time wisely so let’s

go right back to our previous stream the

sixth day cycle now you notice that it

says topic a for each part of this cycle

what you’re gonna do first is pick one

topic for this cycle so let’s look at

day one okay 15 minutes you’re going to

learn three new English expressions the

focus of day one is learning new English

expressions these new expressions need

to be connected to the topic you

selected for the week all right

why is this important you see English

expressions are a very important part of

everyday English they are found in

written and spoken English so as an

English Learner you need to study

English expressions now the result

is you will become more fluent in

English and will be able to communicate

even better

why because native English speakers use

lots of English expressions now day one

how do you actually do it how do you

actually put these things into practice

so we’ve broken up our 15 minutes into

three different sections three

five-minute sections alright so for the

first five minutes you’re going to

search and find and you’ll see our

computer on the screen the drawing go to

Google Google is your friend and all you

do is type out this exact expression or

this exact wording okay English

expressions about dot or related to dot

dot dot so if you’re talking about

swimming if you’re talking about the

news whatever topic you chose for that

week replace the dot dot dot with that

topic now remember that the expressions

must be related to the topic you chose

for the week that’s why this is so

important okay so in your first five

minutes doing that then the next five

minutes is your study and learn five

minutes okay your goal is to get a good

understanding of each new English

expression you’re going to memorize and

try to understand them so five minutes

is a good amount of time to learn three

new English expressions all right now

for the next five minutes you’re going

to absorb and practice okay so you can

either write the expressions on

flashcards or just save them over and


outloud it depends on what kind of

learner you are are you audible are you

visual so you know yourself okay so

that’s the first 15 minutes for day one

now moving on to day 2 review and

practice the three new English

expressions remember this plan is

specifically for those people who only

have 15 minutes a day okay alright so

day two the focus of day two is

reviewing and practicing the new English

expressions this review and practice

will enhance your ability to use these

expressions in everyday conversation

alright so why is this important

we’re gonna look at a very very

important quote from a man named Anton


he says knowledge is of no value unless

you put it into practice this is very

true of English if you constantly learn

over and over or memorize things but

never use them then they are useless the

expressions you’ve learned are useless

okay all right so the result you’ll

become more proficient in your ability

to use them in real life so how is this

gonna be done all right so again we have

the fifteen minutes

broken up into three different parts now

for our first five minutes you’re going

to review okay you can review alone or

with the group it’s up to you

some people like studying alone better

and some people like studying with other

people so you can test each other or you

can just test yourself now the second

five minutes is going to be defined now

this is where it gets very interesting

because you’re putting into practice

what you’re learning what you’re gonna

do is you can search for those

expressions on your computer your iPad

or your cell phone etc using Google or

any other search engine your goal is to

find examples of where the expressions

are actually used in context so you’re

looking for blog posts or news articles

that use these expressions okay now you

just want to find the sentence where the

expressions are okay you want to read

over them okay you’re not memorizing

you’re just reading them and it’s

helping your brain understand the

expressions more okay and the last five

minutes is the think section okay so

you’re gonna think about your own life

and come up with three different

situations that match the English

expressions so again you’re not stressed

during this time you’re literally just

thinking relaxing and just thinking

about how these expressions actually

apply to your life okay all right that

leads us into day three okay now you’re

going to learn three new English idioms


the focus update three is learning new

English idioms these new idioms

to be connected to the topic you

selected for the week now this is

important because English idioms are

used every single day by native English


we use them in conversations they’re

used throughout the media and everywhere

you go you will hear idioms every single

day okay so the result if you are

learning English idioms you will use

them correctly which will amplify or

enhance what you are saying and make it

easier for people to understand you when

you speak in English okay so how do we

do this alright so again the fifteen

minutes is broken up into three

different parts here we go

search and find so we’re going right

back to the computer or your cell phone

or whatever whatever device you’re using

okay we’re going to Google and we’re

typing in English idioms about dot dot

dot or related to dot dot again the

topic you chose for the week each week

you can choose a different topic this is

how you’re going to enhance your English

skills okay even though it’s only 15

minutes you will enhance your ability to

talk about certain topics each and every

week okay all right so always remember

that now the next five minutes again is

your study and learn five minutes okay

your goal is to get a good understanding

of each new English idiom okay you can

memorize read over them over and over

again and get a good understanding of

them and finally for the last five

minutes you’re gonna absorb and practice


so again you can either write the idioms

on flashcards or just say them over and

over out loud

alright so moving on to day four okay

review and practice the three new

English idioms all right the focus of

day four is reviewing and practicing the

new English idioms this review and

practice will enhance your ability to

use these idioms in everyday

conversation now one famous man named

Malcolm Gladwell said practice isn’t the

thing you do once you’re good it’s the

thing you do that makes you good and I

really tell my students this over and

over again practice practice practice

okay now the result you will get more

confident in using them

of the idioms and you will begin to

recognize them more in daily life so for

example when you’re watching TV or

listening to an English program okay

alright now how do you do this so again

you break that 15-minute period into

three different parts first you’re going

to review you can review alone or with

the group next you’re gonna find again

on your computer your iPad or whatever

mobile device you have or you can access

the internet find these idioms in

different spots okay specifically things

that are written by native English

speakers and you’re gonna find those

idioms and those sentences and how they

are used okay

and finally think think about your own

life and come up with three different

situations that match the English idioms

this is gonna be so helpful for you okay

all right and day five is going to be

learn three new English vocabulary words

okay the focus of day five is learning

new English vocabulary words these new

vocabulary words need to be connected to

the topic you selected for the week okay

why is this important you see vocabulary

is the most required skill when learning

a foreign language and this is because

all other skills depend on vocabulary so

reading writing and speaking are very

important but without vocabulary they

can’t stand okay so what’s the result

gonna be you’re listening speaking

writing and comprehension will all

improve so how do we do this again break

up your 15 minutes into three different

parts and this is what’s gonna happen

you’re gonna search and look for English

vocabulary about dot which is where your

topic will be inserted you’re gonna look

on Google ok then you’re gonna study and

learn your goal is to get a good

understanding of each new vocabulary

word don’t just memorize it but think

about it memorize it and think about

what you’re learning okay and then for

the last five minute period you gonna

absorb and practice you do this again by

either using flashcards or saying them

over and over to yourself out loud or if

you’ve another method of learning you

can also do that okay now day six this

is where you’re going to review and

practice the three new

English vocabulary words okay so this

review and practice will again enhance

your ability to use these vocabulary

words in everyday conversation there is

a famous quote by an unknown author that

says don’t practice until you get it

right practice until you can’t get it

wrong in other words practice until you

know it like the back of your hand now

like the back of your hand is a very

popular idiom it means something you

can’t forget something you know well

okay what will the result be you will be

able to express exactly what you are

feeling and that’s your goal as an

English Learner

okay so again 15 minutes broken up into

three different parts here we go first

you’re gonna review again alone or with

the group and you can change this up you

can pick a group for day six and then

for the next time you can pick to do it

alone it’s up to you okay alright for

the next five minutes again search for

examples of when these vocabulary words

are used and just read again read the

example sentences so that you understand


and finally think think about your own

life and come up with three different

situations that match the English

vocabulary words okay alright now I hope

you enjoyed this lesson and I hope you

learned a lot about how to maximize your

15 minutes if you want to join the speak

English with Tiffany Academy and

continue studying with me click the link

in the description below and I would

love to have you join and become one of

my students I hope you have a great day

and remember to speak English
