How to learn English in only 30 minutes a day

welcome to speak English with Tiffany I

am teacher Tiffany and today I am going

to teach you how to speak English in 30

minutes a day are you ready

well then let’s jump right in

you are probably busy seven days a week

right but you still want to learn

English so you are curious to know what

is the most effective way to learn

English well that’s exactly what I will

teach you in this lesson let’s look at

the breakdown of how to study English in

30 minutes a day day one if you want to

study English effectively you must

remember that your interests are very

important you may be interested in

sports or maybe you’re interested in

technology or maybe even music but

whatever your interests are it is

important to select one of them on day

one after you select a specific interest

the next thing you will do is find an

English article that talks about your

interest it can be a newspaper article a

blog post a magazine article or even a

page from a book first read the article

all the way through for this first time

don’t stop to look up any words just

simply read it

second you should read the article again

and highlight any vocabulary words or

expressions this time that you don’t

know third after highlighting the words

and expressions you will look up their

meanings in a dictionary write them down

in a notebook so that you can review

them later and finally you will read the

article one more time this time you have

a better understanding of what you read

because you looked up the words and the

expressions day 2 on day 2 you will once

again look at the article but this time

you’ll select three to five sentences

from the article these sentences will

become the patterns that you will use to

make new sentences your new sentences

should be about something related to

your life or the things around you after

writing them down and checking the


you will then memorize them remember

that you are only to memorize the

sentences that you personally wrote this

will help you to remember the sentence

patterns because you used them along

with your own words

day 3 on day 3 you will focus on

creative learning to do this you will

look at the vocabulary and expressions

that you looked up on day one and find

images that show the meaning of each of

the terms this will add a visual trigger

to each term and make it easier for you

to remember them and use them in the


next you will test yourself and see how

many you can remember

day four on day four you will do your

writing practice your writing should be

about something that happened to you on

that day or during that week your goal

is to use three of the vocabulary words

or expressions that you found in the

article you read on day one day five a

day five you will focus on learning

English for fun by watching an

interesting and fun English television

program the goal of this day is to

simply accept English and to learn

naturally without any stress you should

not worry about taking notes while you

are watching the television program

instead simply use your eyes and your

ears to connect what is being said with

what is actually happening you are free

to watch as long as you would like but

make sure you watch at least thirty

minutes day six on day six you will

focus on reviewing what you learned over

the past five days you can go over

things that you had difficulties with

review the images that go with your

vocabulary words and expressions and you

can also go over your sentences and

finally on day seven

you can simply relax and rest this day

will be simply a day for your brain to

take a break from study you are free to

write or look at things online in

English but try not to focus on studying

hard on this day take a 30 minute break

then start the cycle all over again for

the next seven days now start following

this effective English study plan today

and watch your English improve

immediately you can do it you can speak



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