How to Learn English on the Go

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what are the best ways to learn a

language on the go you might be

surprised to find there are lots of

moments throughout the day we can

transform into language learning


these might be on your commute during an

exercise session or even just when

you’re trying to kill some time

in this video we’ll introduce you to

three tips for learning on the go

number one how to learn a language on

the go

many of us are probably used to studying

when we have time to sit down and


we take out textbooks and notepads and

prepare to focus our attention for an

hour or so

like in a classroom it might be hard to

think of studying in other settings like

when you’re sitting on a bus or are

stuck in traffic

but there are still things you can do

even if your hands are full

for example think about your commute how

much time do you spend

traveling to and from work school or

other activities throughout the week

if you have a one hour commute every day

that’s a lot of time you could be

spending working on your language skills

even if you’re not ready to devote your

whole commute to study a little bit

every day will help

but how do you study in environments

like these by changing the way you

approach your learning

these days many people now have a

computer right in their pocket

smartphones make it easy to access many

different kinds of study materials

depending on our needs and the time we

have available we can watch youtube


listen to podcasts study vocabulary

review infographics and

more there are many different ways to

build our language skills

and we can choose study methods that

work for our schedules our personalities

and our goals

there are a lot of different methods to

consider so in part two

we’re going to share a few ideas to help

you get started

number two five easy ways to learn a

language on the go

if you’re standing on a crowded train

you can’t pull out a book or do workbook


if you’re exercising it’s probably

impossible to review textbooks or take


if you’re driving you need to make sure

you’re watching the road

so how do you transform times like these

into study opportunities

situations like these are great for

audio and video lessons

we have huge libraries of both so you

can choose whichever is best for you

all you need to study is a smartphone a

lesson and a pair of earphones

just press play and watch a video or

listen to an audio lesson like you would

with music

during your commute or exercise session

you’ll hear a simple conversation

focused on a specific goal like

introducing yourself or ordering food

then our teachers will explain the words

and phrases in just a few minutes

you’ll be working on mastering an entire


our second study method suggestion is

our app innovative language 101

you can download it for free for the

iphone ipad and android

this will allow you to take your lessons

with you wherever you go

study idea 3 is for those of you who

want something super quick and easy

you can use it to kick off your studies

each day it’s our word of the day email

every day you get an email with a new

word example sentences

audio and a picture to help make it

stick in your mind

if you check your email during your

commute you can also check the word of

the day

our last two study method ideas are

about tools that can help you remember

what you study

first is our vocab slideshow tool this

study tool is available on all vocab

lists and lessons

just press play and listen to words and

phrases one by one

you can even set the slideshow on a loop

and listen to the words over and over

finally our last suggestion is our smart

flash cards

these flash cards use spaced repetition

to help you study and remember words

and the cards are mobile friendly the

cards remember your progress

and quiz you on words at the right times

this helps ensure you don’t forget the

things you study

to access these visit the site on your

phone and find the flashcards in the

vocabulary menu

swipe through as you study our system

will remember your progress

if you get a word wrong you’ll see it

more often the flashcards know to quiz

you again and again

until you remember that word number


be consistent if you can find new ways

to use your time and work towards your

language goals

great but remember to be consistent


all or even part of your commute or your

downtime to study can be a fantastic way

to make progress

but you need to make sure to do it

regularly try to build a habit of

starting a video lesson as soon as your

commute begins

or pressing play on an audio lesson as

soon as you begin a jog

creating these habits will help you

stick with your study methods long term

and will lead to greater progress for

the tools we’ve talked about in this

video and much more

check out our complete language learning

program sign up for your free lifetime

account by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

subscribe to our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye

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