How to Learn English Vocabulary Words 10x Faster
hey got a question about English I would
love to answer it right your question in
the comment section right after the
video is it difficult for you to
memorize English vocabulary words well
don’t worry
today I will teach you how to learn
English vocabulary 10 times faster
welcome to speak English with Tiffany I
am teacher Tiffany and today we are
going to learn the fifth secret to
speaking English how to learn English
vocabulary 10 times faster this secret
will improve your ability to speak
clearly and logically in English are you
well then let’s jump right in as an
English Learner one of the most
important things to do is to memorize
vocabulary words this is because
vocabulary words enhance your ability to
express yourself now the most common way
or also the old way of memorizing
vocabulary words is simply to first look
up the meaning of a word you don’t know
and second then memorize it but not
never learn one single word instead
learn groups of words let’s look at this
method of learning groups of words
together now there are three ways of
grouping vocabulary words that will help
you to learn English vocabulary words 10
times faster the first group is learn
words that have the same meaning the
second group is learn words that have
the same letter and the third group is
learn words that have the same sound
okay so today for our example we
are going to look at the word round now
the definition of this word is shaped
like or approximately like a cycle or
cylinder so let’s start with the first
method of grouping which once again is
words with the same meaning there are
three words that have the same meaning
as round
the first one is circular circular the
second one is spherical spherical and
the third one is globular globular now
instead of just one word that means
shaped like a cylinder we have a total
of four words that mean the same thing
let’s move on to the second method of
grouping which is words with the same
letter we have chosen three words that
begin with the same letter as round the
first one is ruff-ruff the second one is
roll roll and the third one is random
random each of these words has a
different meaning but because we are
grouping them as words with the same
letter the word round will also trigger
three more words to come to mind now
instead of just one word that starts
with the letter R we have a total of
four words that start with the same
thing and finally let’s look at the
third method of grouping which once
again is words with the same sound we
have chosen three words that have the
same sound as
round the first one is our round again
ah round the second one is found astound
and the third one is bound bound now
instead of just one word we have a total
of four words that have the same sound
alright amazing today you learned the
fifth secret to speaking English how to
memorize English vocabulary 10 times
faster we looked at three methods for
grouping vocabulary words the first
method was group words with the same
the second method group words with the
same letter and the third method group
words with the same sound using this
secret instead of just one word we
learned a total of 10 words now try to
use these methods at least one time
today you can do it you can speak
English I hope this video helped to give
you more confidence in your English
ability if you would like to receive
English worksheets via email once a week
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been speak English with Tiffany I am
teacher Tiffany and I hope that you have
an amazing day until next time remember
to speak English