How to make a GOOD English New Years Resolution Become Fluent in 2017

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm happy new year happy 2017

should you make any resolutions this

year let’s talk about it a new year’s

resolution comes from the word resolve

resolve i resolve to change my habits

this year resolve means i plan seriously

plan on doing something over the next

year I resolve I promise when we make a

promise to ourselves for a whole year

that’s a pretty big deal I think new

year’s resolutions have a bad stereotype

because it’s hard to keep them up it’s

hard to do them for an entire year so I

want to present a couple ideas for you

because I know you want to improve your

English skills this year

it’s a wonderful goal and I want to help

you make that happen so let’s talk about

a couple ways that you can realistically

resolve to improve your English this

year the first way to make a resolution

for English this year is to think about

the past year if you learned a lot over

the past year why stop continue on the

same path if you found a good method you

enjoyed a series of videos or podcasts

or a course and it has really helped you

why stop keep going with that that’s the

simplest resolution I resolve to do the

same thing as last year if you’re making

a lot of progress keep going this second

way to make a new year’s resolution for

English is to choose something simple

that you can definitely do throughout

the year an example of this might be I

know that I have to drive for 20 minutes

to go to work every day so this year

I resolve for 20 minutes when I’m

driving to work I will listen to an

English podcast this is really simple

but you’re using your free time to learn

English it’s not I will listen to this

specific podcast every day but when you

get in the car you’ll think oh yes I had

a resolution I wanted to listen to an

English podcast in the car so this is a

good reminder something’s simple that

you can do over the next year it’s not

all the time non-stop but a specific

thing that you can do the third and

final method for making New Year’s

resolutions for English is for those of

you who feel a little bit hesitant about

making a resolution for the entire year

sometimes I feel like that too I like

short term resolutions this month I will

do this next month I’ll think about it

at the end of this month I’ll decide

what I’m gonna do for the next month so

this is the third method make a one

month resolution it seems short but in

reality it might be more realistic for

you each month might be different in

your life you might have a lot of

changes a lot of things going on so it

might be more realistic for you to make

a one month resolution in January this

year I’m gonna watch a YouTube video in

English when I get home from work every

day great that’s five minutes of English

everyday it’s not much but it’s a great

habit every day you’ll do that for one

month and then at the end of January you

can say to yourself hmm how did it go

was it something that actually helped me

should I continue this should I change

to something different for February this

short-term resolution can be really

helpful for people who aren’t sure

what’s gonna happen over the next year

or you like

a lot of change no problem I hope that

these three resolution styles are useful

for you now I have a question that I

want to ask you are you gonna make an

English New Year’s resolution and if you

are share it with us in the comments

below tell us what you plan to do for

the next month or for the next year what

do you plan to do we can get some ideas

from each other maybe you can get

inspiration when you see someone else’s

comment when you see their resolution

check out other comments and I’m so glad

that you’re learning with me in 2017 see

you later everyone bye the next step is

to download my free ebook 5 steps to

becoming a confident English speaker

this will help you know what is the next

step in your English journey to help you

really master English and speak fluently

feel free to subscribe so that you get a

notification every time there’s a new

English lesson thanks so much and I’ll

see you later bye