How To Make English Sentences 15 English Sentence Patterns

so you desire to make long sentences in

English now let’s say this is the image

you have well an example sentence is

there are many green leaves in the

forest but look at the pattern that we

learn from this sentence there are many

things or people in the and then a

specific location you see we can use

this sentence as a pattern and we can

choose our own examples for instance for

things in people number 1 balls or kids

or cars or animals and if we change the

sentence using this pattern we can say

there are many balls in the and look at

location classroom or we can say there

are many kids in the bathroom next there

are many cars in the garage and finally

there are many you guessed it animals in

the zoo see these are the tools and tips

that we are going to go over in today’s

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alright let’s jump right in

ok so now we’re back at our first

picture now we have our next sentence it

says many different types of leaves can

be seen in the image well now we have a

pattern many different types of things

or people can be seen in the thing or

location now let’s see some examples so

for example for the things or people the

first part I’ve given examples like

computers shoes singers and books now

for the second part we have thing or

location I’ve put office picture book or

library so now let’s see the sentence

now that we have this pattern in these

examples we can say many different types

of computers can be seen in the office

or let’s see number 3 many different

types of singers can be seen in the book

you see that means the person is looking

at a book that has various singers in it

or pictures of singers ok so let’s say

we have one more sentence about this

image the image on the left the

waterfall seems to be bursting through

the trees or coming through so now we

have a pattern what’s the pattern the

pattern is the noun seems to be and then

a description so how is this going to

work now we’ll see examples so we have

the noun we have Apple plane school or

man and for the description we have very

juicy packed empty or hungry now make

the sentence you see you’ve given the

examples make the sentence here we go

let’s do number two the plane seems to

be packed you see now you have a full

sentence because you follow the pattern

or number four the man seems to be

hungry scene

now you know another sentence pattern

that you can use to make your English

sentences now let’s look at another

picture here’s the first sentence for

this picture both of the girls have long

black hair a very simple sentence but

the pattern is both of the noun have and

then a similar description okay so

follow along here we go so again on the

left side we have nouns so I’ve chosen

four different nouns houses videos men

and lessons now for the similar

description meaning adjectives that

describe both of the nouns I’ve chosen

big windows amazing intros long hair and

audio files so let’s say I chose number

three okay

my sentence would look like this both of

the men have long hair or number for

both of the lessons have audio files so

again your sentence is perfect and all

you did was choose different examples of

nouns or similar descriptions okay now

another sentence about the picture that

I made up myself the girls are both

wearing tennis shoes and shorts so now

the pattern the sentence pattern you can

use is the noun are both adjectives or

action and adjectives or action now

don’t get confused this is also a very

simple pattern to follow so here we go

the examples for the nouns

I chose cars boys books and students now

for the adjectives or action either one

you can choose so I put red and sporty

okay remember we needed two okay number

two I put running and laughing three

interesting and long and number four

reading and writing so let’s say I chose

number two all right so example number

two I’m going to say the boys are both

running and laughing perfect sentence

and let’s do number four the students

are both reading and writing again

excellent sentence now we have one more

sentence about this image the girl on

the right is thinking about the next

again an excellent English sentence

here’s the pattern the person on the and

give the direction or location is give a

verb about and in the topic or situation

now this one’s a little bit more complex

but again I will show you so one simple

example here we go so for the person I

put teacher for the direction or

location I put left alright

then for the verb I put talking and for

the topic or situation I put the test so

my sentence would be the teacher on the

Left is talking about the test again

perfect sentence okay you’re doing a

great job here we go next picture

there are sprinkles all over the table

so again our pattern is there are and

then the thing all over and then a thing

or a location alright so again my

examples here we go for the first thing

I have either aunts books phones or

papers and then for the second thing /

location I have plate library store or

desk again I chose them randomly but the

sentences I can make with these words

are great here we go number three there

are phones all over the store perfect

sentence number does number one go back

to number one there are ants all over

the plate again perfect sentence here we

go next sentence about the picture some

of the chocolate from the milkshake

spilled what is the pattern here we go

some of the thing not a person because

we’re using the verb spilled from the

and then a connected thing okay so here

we go I’ll explain to first thing is

juice or candy and then the connected

thing so number one carton why is that

connected because juice normally comes

in a bottle or a carton and then number

two bottle why is that connected because

candy normally comes in a bag or a

bottle okay so again my sentence

following this pattern would be for

number two some

of the candy from the bottle spilled

perfect sentence again you guys need to

be writing down these patterns so that

you can yourself use these and actually

speak English well also number three

this is a new signature milkshake on

their menu now okay

so again what’s the pattern this is a

new thing plus description alright now

I’m going to show you how this is gonna

work here we go there’s three examples

so number one sports car from Italy so

again I have a thing but I’m giving a

little bit more detail about it why

because it came from Italy number two

English book written by my teacher again

the description it was written by my

teacher and number three song by my

favorite artist again giving more

details about the thing so let’s say

number two this is a new English book

written by my teacher excellent sentence

all right okay now we have our next

image our next picture we say the house

has four balconies now our pattern is

the person place or thing has a number

and then person place or thing so here

we go you got it person flies your thing

I chose man and plane then for number I

chose three and two hundred and then for

person place or thing

I chose older sisters and seats so let’s

do both of these sentences following

this patterns and number one becomes the

man has three older sisters perfect

sentence next the plane has two hundred

seats again perfect sentence following

the pattern now the next one is the

forest has trees that have orange and

black leaves now the pattern is the now

number one has now number two remember

it cannot be a person that have now this

is an adjective about now number two and

then another additive about now number

two so let me show you exactly how this

looks okay so again these are my

examples so let’s do the first one I’m

gonna read the sentence following the

pattern my first example sentence

be the woman has two cars that have

tinted windows and keyless entry so you

see what’s happening I’m describing I’m

using these as adjectives to describe

what actually is on the car now a window

is a noun but in this situation I’m

using it as an additive or a descriptive

form of chemical scribing the car


tinted windows not just windows but

tinted windows and not just an entry but

a keyless entry okay number two the

building has bathrooms that have big

stalls and large mirrors again I’m

describing the mirrors and describing

the stalls very good now our next

sentence the lake house is located in a

very secluded or secret or hidden place

so our pattern is the place is located

in a very and then description plus

place so here we go let’s see an example

okay number one the Institute is located

in a very populated area of the city

again I gave a description of the place

the place is the city but I described it

by saying it’s very populated or there

are a lot of people there

number two the concert hall is located

in a very quiet town again location is

town description is it’s quiet very good

all right now our next image the girl is

wearing a jockey hat so the pattern the

person or animal is wearing and then a

certain thing so again the examples I’ve

given I’d given four so we have teacher

dog singer and athlete now the things

are a long coat a winter sweater a

bright shirt and sweats this is a short

form of saying sweatpants or a

sweatshirt okay so let’s do number three

the singer is wearing a bright shirt

very easy right or you can say number

four the athlete is wearing sweats so

you see how that works very good you

learn another pattern now

pattern is there are tall green trees

far off in the distance so again in the

picture you can see that there are tall

green trees in the distance okay now our

pattern is there are two the description

plus a noun far off in the distance

so our examples we have number one

ferocious are very violent or dangerous

lions number two big clouds number three

storm clouds and number four happy

children so again following this pattern

we’re just gonna put one of these

examples inside of the empty space so

here we go let’s do number two there are

big clouds far off in the distance great

job alright now number three the jockey

is taking her horse to the open field

for a ride here’s the pattern the person

or animal is taking we have a noun to a

location for a reason here’s the example

the young man is taking his girlfriend

to Central Park for a picnic and that

becomes our new sentence because we

followed the pattern excellent job now I

hope you enjoyed this video lesson and I

hope you learned so much about English

patterns and I hope it helps you moving


you can also watch the next English

video lesson by clicking the videos on

the bottom of your screen and as always

remember to speak English