How To Make Long English Sentences Using 5 Methods

here’s a simple English sentence that

describes this image the family was

walking together but what happens when

we want to expand this sentence you see

in order to expand this sentence we need

to use one of the five methods and these

are the methods that we are going to

learn about in this English video lesson

this video lesson is being brought to

you by the speak English with Tiffany

Academy it is the number one online

English Academy for intermediate and

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alright let’s jump right in

method 1 relation to you alright so for

the first method what we need to do is

realize that this method focuses on how

the sentence actually relates to your

own personal experience or experiences

so for example if we’re looking at this

picture on the right side we can see

that there are four different people in

this picture we see a mom a daughter a

dad and even a son and it looks like

they are playing together and spending

time together so if we’re gonna make a

sentence about this entire situation it

would look something like this

the little children are playing with

their parents and that would be the

simple English sentence however since

we’re trying to connect it to our

personal experiences we need a way to do

this and that’s where we have a B and C

so this is what happens for the first

way we can do this we can say when I

look at dot I am reminded of dot dot dot

now don’t worry I’m gonna explain

exactly using a real example how to use

these patterns okay next for letter B we

can say

dot-dot-dot reminded or reminds me of

how dot dot and finally dot dot dot

makes me think of dot dot dot so you’ll

notice that we have a lot of dot dot

dots but that is just the area we’re

gonna enter the information okay all

right so let’s see this in a real

example here we go so again our initial

sentence is the little children are

playing with their parents alright so

for letter a we have this right here

when I look at dot dot I am reminded of

dot dot dot so what we need to do is

figure out how do we take the original

bring it here and then add that and take

it and make a longer English sentence so

let’s look at the sentence now here we

go when I look at remember this is part

of the pattern the little children

playing with their parents so again

that’s part of the original sentence

that we have at the bottom the original

simple sentence okay I am reminded of so

again that’s part of the pattern that we

have from over here and now we have the

new portion how I use to play with my

parents as a child so again this is

giving us an opportunity to talk about

our own personal experience from when we

were a child playing with our parents

and even playing with our siblings okay

so again you’ll notice the person just

told about their personal experience and

added it to this initial or original

sentence okay all right letter B now

letter B is dot dot dot reminded or

reminds me of how dot dot dot so again

our initial or original sentence is

right here so we’re gonna see how if we

take this we add it to this add them

both up and bring them over here to get


longer sentence so here we go the little

children are playing with their parents

so again that’s the original short and

simple sentence and it reminds me of how

again that’s now our new pattern that

we’re adding and now the next part is

the new part I used to run and play with

my parents many years ago so again in

talking about your experience you said

what happened and who was involved okay

so again who you’re with your parents

and you guys were playing together when

you were a child but you also gave some

more details you said that it was many

years ago

so again separately these are two very

simple sentences but when you combine

them so you have simple plus simple

equals complex or a long sentence which

is what we are learning okay all right

very good so let’s move on to letter C

alright letter C says makes me think of

okay remember relation to you all right

so again the original sentence right

here and then we’re gonna take this add

it here add that and bring it over here

all right so the little children playing

with their parents again the original

sentence makes me okay makes me think of

okay and now the new part all of the

Sundays I used to play with my parents

outside as a child so again it’s

bringing to mind one of your personal

memories from when you were a child and

you use to play with your parents on

Sundays okay so again you’ve added two

simple sentences and May

them one complex along English sentence

alright great job

now method to add facts or observations

alright so this is what we’re going to

do now from method two this method helps

you make longer English sentences by

focusing on expanding the specific

details or information alright so again

we have specific details or information

so our picture we have we see it right

here it looks like two people sitting

down together just enjoying a meal so

our simple sentence as you will see on

the bottom gives us some basic

information about this image and the

sentence is the couple is eating dinner

together very simple and easy to

understand now we want to once again

expand the details or information so

this is how we’re gonna do this there

are three different ways right here here

we go use three extra adjectives and

remember the word adjectives is just a

descriptive word okay just a descriptive

word describing something in more detail

okay descriptive word all right

then we have described the situation or

the scene for example where are they

what’s going on exactly okay and finally

pick one part and expound upon it okay

so maybe you want to pick the couple or

maybe you want to pick the dinner or

maybe you want to pick the fact that

they are together you choose one part to

expound or expand upon okay all right so

let’s go to the next screen and see this

actually in an example okay here we go

alright so letter A is use three

adjectives alright three extra

adjectives now again the initial

sentence is right here

the couple is eating dinner together so

we’re gonna take this bring it on up

here add it to the

and then bring it on over here for our

longer sentence so the initial sentence

is the couple is eating and then we’re

gonna skip to the bottom dinner together

why did we skip because in the middle we

have the three extra adjectives and

again we’ve chosen three adjectives to

describe the dinner okay which made our

sentence longer all right now if we look

at letter beam this says describe the

situation or the scene okay remember in

the previous screen I said you guys can

describe what is actually going on here

where are they okay alright so again

original sentence the couple is eating

dinner together we’re gonna take this

bring it on up here add it to that and

then bring it on over here so the

initial sentence is right at the


the couple is eating dinner together

then we add in what seems to be an

expensive and popular restaurant so the

new information is actually expensive

and popular restaurant why because we’ve

explained the situation or the scene

however look at this right here

in what seems to be now we use this

pattern when we’re speaking about

something that we are making an

assumption about okay making an

assumption or we are guessing okay we

don’t know for sure if the restaurant is

expensive but it looks like that in our

point of view as we see it it looks one


okay so again you are just sitting there

but this guy right here he is guessing

what he thinks is going on in that

picture okay all right and letter C here

we go pick one part and expound upon it

all right so again the original sentence

is the couple

eating dinner together grab that bring

it on up add that and bring it on over

so the initial sentence is the couple is

eating dinner and then next we have all

alone at the restaurant without their

friends okay well you see we’ve added

this all alone and we said without their

friends so again we’re expounding now

you see right here it says the couple is

eating dinner together well that means

that no one else is with them so what we

did was we just added some more facts

well they’re friends aren’t there and

they are all lone okay all right great


so methods number three three reasons

okay three reason so what you can do for

this one is here we go by focusing on

the reasons behind the sentence or

situation in the sentence you can

actually make the sentences longer I’m

gonna give you three different ways of

doing this okay three different reasons

all right so again in this situation we

see that there is a woman and there’s a

man in the center and there’s also

another woman on the right side and it

looks like they are talking to each

other okay they’re talking about

something that is going on let’s close

that up right there all right so the

sentence is they are having a long

discussion all right very simple

sentence so looking at this method we

have a B and C right here so we can use

because since and in order to alright so

again you can choose whether you add one

two or three reasons to your sentence

I’m gonna show you examples that

actually only include one reason but

what I’m gonna do is show you how to use

three different words or patterns to

express the reasons so let’s jump right

in here we go the first one is letter a


cuz alright okay so again we have our

initial or original sentence they are

having a long discussion we’re gonna

bring that up here and we’re going to

use because so again our initial

sentence is they are having a long

discussion and then we have because

right here and now we’re gonna add our

reason what we think is the reason for

their discussion they want to figure out

what caused the problem earlier okay

so again what happens we have the

original sentence remember we use the

blue right there we have the original

sentence plus we have the word or the

pattern right the word or pattern the

pattern will come up in our next example

and then finally have the new

information or the reason okay so this

makes our sentence even longer all right

okay so letter B letter B is since okay

we’re gonna use the word since all right

so again we have our sentence down here

they’re having a long discussion I’m

gonna take it from here bring it up here

and add that and bring it on over here

and we’re gonna start with that word

since which just means because or as a

result okay and then we’re gonna add our

sentence but our sentence is gonna be at

the end they’re having a long discussion

which means our reason can be found in

the middle like a sandwich so for this

one we changed the order we added the

what the first part is gonna be the word

we put W and then to the word we added

our reason which is the R and then

finally we added the original sentence

gonna put original so OS original

sentence all right

and what happened this made a longer

sentence okay all right and finally

letter C let’s go to let’s see it says

in order to okay in order to again a

very good expression and pattern for you

guys to know again the initial or the

original was they are having along the

discussion we’re gonna bring that up

here add that and bring it on over here

okay so we have they are having a long

discussion and then we have in order to

and finally the new information figure

out the schedule for their big event

okay so again that’s the reason I chose

now you can add more than one reason let

me show you how to do that so this is

the reason I gave that’s reason one but

let’s say we wanted to add two more

reasons to make this sentence even

longer so the second reason I could say

is make the budget came remember budget

just refers to the amount of money that

is needed okay

make the budget and finally we could say

create a guest list

okay so create a guest list now these

may be some of the reasons why these

individuals are having a discussion now

if I add these two reasons I’ll put an

end right here and this is what the

sentence will sound like they are having

a long discussion in order to figure out

the schedule for their big event make

the budget and create a guest list okay

so I gave one two and three reasons to

make a longer sentence all right great

job so moving on to method for your or

others opinion alright so this method

helps you to make longer English

sentences by focusing on your opinion or

the opinion of others on the topic or

subject matter so for example in this

image we see that there’s a man and it

seems like he’s sitting at a desk

working on a computer okay so our

sentence could be he is working at his

computer and that’s true because again

the man is doing what working on his

computer very simple sentence now again

we want to make this longer and our

opinion is important so what we have for

this one is three

different ways to express your opinion

or the opinion of others okay so again

in my opinion however in light of dot

dot I think and many people believe that

okay all right so let’s jump into letter

A here we go

letter A says again in my opinion all

right so for the initial sentence we

have once again he is working hard at

his computer we’re gonna take this add

it up here and then add in my opinion

and bring it over here so for this one

if you decide to use in my opinion

you’re gonna bring it to the front in my

opinion then you’re gonna add the

original sentence he is working hard at

his computer and then now add the new

information now because his boss

reprimanded him yesterday after the

meeting okay

again this is your opinion okay real

quick reprimanded I want to explain what

this word means reprimanded alright

reprimanded just means to scold okay to

scold so I want you to think about a

situation where a boss has given his

employees something to do but the

employees don’t do it so of course the

boss is very very angry right the boss

may start yelling at his employees so he

is scolding them or reprimanding them


so again in my opinion I think the

reason he’s working hard now is because

he was reprimanded yesterday just my

opinion all right okay now let her be

let her be says however in light of I

think okay so again here’s the sentence

he is working hard at his computer we’re

gonna take this and bring it up here add

this portion and then bring it over here

and here’s what it looks like how

ever in light of ok so before we

continue I want to explain this right

here in light of ok so this means to

take something into consideration okay

to take something into consideration

okay into consideration it means

whatever decision you are going to make

or whatever opinion you are forming this

thing has an effect on that viewpoint

okay all right so let’s continue in

light of the fact that he is working at

his computer again that’s the original

sentence now we have new information I

think up one more time this is part of

the patterns let’s add the yellow okay

now let’s keep going he will do a good


on the next project - all right so this

has become our brand-new sentence we use

both of these patterns that are found in

this example and then we added the old

or original sentence and also we have

the new information okay good job all


letter C let’s keep going to letter C

here we go many people believe that

again now we’re introducing other

people’s opinion okay all right so again

the original sentence is he is working

hard at his computer I’m gonna take that

and bring it up here add that and then

bring it over right here all right so we

have right here many people believe that

and again this just represents the

opinion of many people okay so if you

know the opinion of many people and what

they’re saying about this person or this

situation you can use it right here okay

so again many people believe that now we

have the original he is working hard at

his computer and now the new information

because he wants to impress the new

manager again this is just representing

the opinion of many people okay this is

how you can make your sentence longer

all right great job okay

method five use the five W’s method now

if you’ve never heard of the five W’s

method you can hit the link in the top

right corner of your screen but I’ll

explain it a little bit more here here

we go this method helps you make longer

English sentences by focusing on the

five W’s method who what when where and

why okay so again our sentence right

here says the man was explaining how to

use the computer alright so we do see

the man right here and it looks like he

is talking to this woman and we do see

the computer right here so it’s easy to

say that he’s explaining how to use it

now with this method is only one letter

who what when where and why so let’s see

how this actually turns our basic

sentence into a longer sentence so

here’s what we’re gonna do so again

right here we have all of the five W’s

we’re gonna take this initial sentence

bring it up here add those and bring it

over here

now let’s underline the information that

has been added okay so we have the man

wearing a black tie was explaining in

detail how to use the new office

computer on the desk this morning

because she was a new employee so let’s

see this is describing who very good now

we have this part right here explaining

in detail that is let’s use a different

color this is what we’re explaining in

detail what he’s doing then office

computer on the desk

now we have we’re okay we know it’s in

the office okay morning we have when and

finally we have why she was a new

employee so again now that we have all

of the five W’s we have a longer English


our initial short sentence has now

become a very long English sentence all

right great job now remember this video

was brought to you guys by the speak

English with Tiffany Academy and if you

want to learn more English and improve

your English ability click the link in

the description below and you can

continue to study with me remember to

keep studying English and watch the next

video I’ll talk to you next time