How to make long sentences in English Part 1

after studying English for years

are you still only able to answer in

short simple sentences is it frustrating

would you like to know the secret to

making longer sentences in English well

don’t worry

today I will teach you part 1 of the

second English secret welcome to speak

English with Tiffany I am teacher

Tiffany and today we are going to learn

art one of the second secret to speaking

English this secret will improve your

ability to speak clearly and logically

in English are you ready

well then let’s jump right in as an

English Learner sometimes you experience

difficulty finding the right words to

express your ideas or opinions but an

even greater problem is being able to

completely and thoroughly express

yourself in English many times your

answers come out in short very simple

sentences this becomes very frustrating

for you but you don’t have to be

frustrated anymore

why because there is a secret to

learning how to make longer sentences in

English here’s how it works

in English basic sentences answer at

least one to two of the five W’s you

will remember in our previous lesson

that the five W’s are who when where

what and why these five W’s also become

the foundation for a good sentence for

example I like ice cream the word I in

the sentence represents the WHO and the

words ice cream in the sentence

represent the what next I live in Korea

the word I in the sentence represents

the WHO and the word Korea in the

sentence represents the where and

finally he is drinking the

he in the sentence represents the WHO

and the word drinking in the sentence

represents the what so all three of

these sentences pass as basic English

sentences because they each answer one

to two of the five W’s however if we

want to expand these basic English

sentences we must give more information

how is this done well this is done by

looking at the W’s that are already a

part of the sentence let’s look at our

first example sentence I like ice cream

now what are the two double use for this

sentence who and what so let’s choose

three different examples for each of the

devil use for who let’s use student

American and outgoing for what let’s use

strawberry cone and lots of these

selections become the extra information

that will be added to our basic

sentences so the first expanded sentence

is I am a student who likes strawberry

ice cream

the second expanded sentence is I am an

American who likes ice cream cones

the third expanded sentence is I am an

outgoing person who likes lots of ice

cream and the final expanded sentence

including all of the examples is I am an

outgoing American student who likes lots

of strawberry ice cream cones our

sentence went from a basic English

sentence to an expanded English sentence

simply by focusing on two of the five

W’s now let’s quickly look at the last

two examples I live in Korea for who

let’s use English teacher 40 years old

and American for where let’s use

soeul an apartment a quiet neighborhood

so the first expanded sentence is I am

an English teacher living in Seoul Korea

the second expanded sentence is I am 40

years old and I live in an apartment in


the third expanded sentence is I am

American but I live in a quiet

neighborhood in Korea and the final

expanded sentence including all of the

examples is I am a 40 year old American

English teacher living in an apartment

in a quiet neighborhood in Seoul Korea

and now the final example he is drinking

for who let’s use young man Korean and

tall for what let’s use Gatorade big

bottle and ice-cold

so the first expanded sentence is the

young man is drinking a Gatorade the

second expanded sentence is the Korean

man is drinking from a big bottle the

third expanded sentence is the tall man

is drinking an ice cold drink

and the final expanded sentence

including all of the examples is the

tall old Korean man is drinking a big

bottle of ice cold Gatorade all right

amazing today you learned part one of

the second secret to speaking English

sentence expansion we looked at three

example sentences number one I like ice

cream number two I live in Korea and

number three he is drinking now try to

expand your own sentences at least one

time today

you can do it you

you can speak English I hope this video

helped to give you more confidence in

your English ability if you would like

to receive English worksheets via email

once a week that go along with these

video lessons click below and start

getting your free worksheet in your

inbox today this has been speak English

with Tiffany I am teacher Tiffany and I

hope that you have an amazing day until

next time remember to speak English