How to make long sentences in English Trump and Clinton

welcome to speak English with Tiffany I

am teacher Tiffany and today we are

going to learn the four teeth the secret

to speaking English how to write long

sentences in English about Donald Trump

and Hillary Clinton this secret will

improve your ability to speak logically

and fluently in English about current

events are you ready

well then let’s jump right in today we

are going to start our lesson off with

four simple sentences about Donald Trump

and Hillary Clinton the four sentences

are number one I like Donald Trump

number two I admire Hillary Clinton

number three

Donald Trump is going to win number four

Hillary Clinton is popular all four of

these are very basic English sentences

but today we will learn how to expand

them we will do this using the five W’s

sentence number one I like Donald Trump

next we will use the five W’s to expand

this simple sentence for who we have I

for what we have like Donald Trump for

when we have after watching the

presidential debate for where we have

held in New York for why we have his

confidence now after we insert all of

the five W’s our sentence expands -

after watching the presidential debate

held in New York I started to like

Donald Trump because of his confidence

moving on sentence number two I admire


Clinton now we will use the five W’s

again to expand this simple sentence for

who we have I for what we have admire

Hillary Clinton for when we have after

reading her biography last year for

where we have the library for why we

have she truly cares about people now

after we insert all of the five W’s our

sentence expands to after reading

hillary clinton’s biography at the

library last year i started to admire

her because she truly cares about people

moving on sentence number three Donald

Trump is going to win now we will use

again the five W’s to expand this simple

sentence for who we have Donald Trump

for what we have going to win for when

we have November eighth for where we

have all states for why we have he has

millions of supporters now after we

insert all of the five W’s our sentence

expands to Donald Trump is going to win

in all states on November 8th because he

has millions of supporters and finally

our last sentence Cindy’s number for

Hillary Clinton is popular and just as

before we will use the five W’s to

expand this simple sentence for who we

have Hillary Clinton for what we have is

popular for when we have currently for

where we have all throughout America for

why we have she wants to work for the

people now after we insert all of the

five W’s hours

it’s expands to Hillary Clinton is

currently popular all throughout America

because she wants to work for the people

all right

amazing today you learned the 14th

secret to speaking English how to write

long sentences in English about Donald

Trump and Hillary Clinton you learned

how to expand the following sentences

number one I like Donald Trump number

two I admire Hillary Clinton number


Donald Trump is going to win and number

four Hillary Clinton is popular now when

you give your opinion on Donald Trump or

Hillary Clinton

you can answer like a native speaker so

try to make your own expanded sentence

about Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton at

least one time today you can do it you

can speak English I hope this video

helped you in ability if you would like

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is for you click the link below and get

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inbox today this has been speaking

English with teacher Tiffany have an

amazing thing have a wonderful day and

until next time remember to speak


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