How To Master English Grammar In 7 Days
English grammar books check English
grammar videos check your notebook ready
for English grammar notes check and you
start studying but the problem is you
still don’t understand English grammar
well don’t worry
today I’m gonna teach you how to master
English grammar in seven days this video
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Skillshare thank you so much for
sponsoring this video let’s jump right
in alright day number one pick a grammar
rule and memorize the definition okay so
the first thing you want to do is you
want to choose a grammar rule that
matches your current english-speaking
level you see
also look for one you don’t already know
you can find one in a grammar book for
example grammar and use or maybe you’re
taking English class and you overheard
your teacher talking to someone else
about a certain grammar rule that you
don’t know about whatever grammar rule
you choose it needs to be something that
matches your level and also you need to
memorize the definition word for word
this is very important in other words
you need to know the grammar rule like
the back of your hand or remember add a
1 this is important so let me show you
an actual example this is day 1 in our
notebook okay now the grammar rule that
I chose is the present perfect
continuous ok this is an intermediate
English level grammar rule ok so this
can be from a class or a grammar book
now I have the definition written out on
the page shows that something started in
the past and is continuing at the
present time so I’ve written up the
definition in detail then we need to
memorize the definition repeat it over
and over this is very important remember
day one is just for finding the grammar
rule and memorizing it ok all right now
day to memorize ten sentences related to
the grammar alright so here’s the thing
you want to find 10 English sentences
that use the specific grammar rule you
learned on day one now you can find the
sentences in a grammar book or on the
I love using Google is very helpful or
you can even find sentences in a
magazine you’re just finding sentences
that have that grammar rule as their
base ok now you do want to remember that
you need to find English sentences that
vary in length ok so short then a little
bit longer and then longer sentences so
beginner intermediate and advanced okay
in other words you need to find some
short and some long sentences ok this is
going to help you a
so again let’s go back and see this in
action alright so again day two our
grammar rule just like day one is the
present perfect continuous okay so you
need to have a personal notebook I have
a personal notebook and you’re gonna use
the same notebook as you study the
grammar rules now you’ll notice that I
have my ten sentences listed in my
notebook I’ve written them out okay now
because of the video I’ve chosen medium
length okay sentences alright so for
example I have been reading that book
for a month or number four they have
been studying in the library four or
five hours okay
so what you’re gonna do again you’re
gonna write the sentences read them out
loud and then memorize them okay you
need to understand these sentences and
that’s what you need to do on day two
now moving on to day three you’re gonna
find three images to match each of the
sentences that means 30 different images
okay so you want to find actual images
that visually display what the sentences
you memorized described so you can find
the images in a magazine you can find
them on a website or you can even take
the picture yourself okay
now you do need to remember that you
have to think creatively in order to
find images that match the sentences you
memorized don’t give up you can do it
this is a very important step so again
going back to the sentences I chose day
three and my notebook looks like this so
what I’ve done is I’ve chosen the first
five sentences to show you all the
images so citizen number one is I have
been reading that book for a month
well you see on the bottom left that
image is of a lady reading a book in a
tent okay number two he hasn’t been
feeling well lately well in the top
right corner I found a man who looked
like he was blowing his nose because he
has a cold all right number three he has
been watching television for two hours
so again top left I have an image with a
person holding a remote control number
for they have been studying in the
library for five hours well I found a
picture on the right side the second
image is of a group of individuals that
are studying or talking to each other in
what looks like a library and finally
number five the example I said the kids
have been playing all day and the last
image on the right side is of two little
boys at a playground okay so remember
the images need to show at least one
aspect or part of the sentence visuals
enhance your memory okay so now moving
on today number four change one of the
five W’s for each sentence alright so
you want to change either the who what
when where or why portion of each of the
sentences you memorized so for example
if we have this sentence we have been
doing homework for two hours in the
library because we have a lot so this
sentence answered all of the five W’s
but then I am going to go and change one
of them so instead of we I could say
John and Michael have been doing
homework dot dot okay now you do need to
remember that it is totally up to you
you can choose whichever part you want
to change in other words be creative so
going back to my actual example okay day
four in my notebook alright so again
we’re still dealing with the present
perfect continuous tense that grammar
rule okay so I have my ten sentences but
I’ve chosen the first five once again so
what I did for number one instead of for
a month I changed it to be all semester
which answers the when for number two
instead of he I put my friend so I
changed the who for number three instead
of watching television I changed it to
cooking dinner which answers the what
now for number four instead of in the
library I wrote for the exam in the
library which answers the why okay
and number five instead of all day I
said all day at the park which answers
the where okay this is how you’re gonna
day number four in your notebook okay
for each of the ten sentences okay all
right now moving on to day number five
find and memorize ten more sentences you
see you want to pick ten different
English sentences that use the grammar
rule now that you understand the grammar
rule okay
so you could find them again in a
grammar book on the internet or even in
a magazine but the thing is now that you
understand the grammar rule it makes it
easier for you to understand the
sentences okay now remember that it will
be easier to memorize the new sentences
since you have been studying the grammar
rule for four days basically you have a
base or foundation in your brain so
again going back to my example we have
the present perfect continuous and again
you have your personal notebook use the
same notebook as you study the grammar
rules but you’ll see that I have ten
more sentences that use that grammar
rule and again I write read and memorize
you need to understand these sentences
as well okay all right now moving on
number six change all twenty sentences
to match your own life this is a very
important step you see you want to find
one aspect one part of each sentence
that you can change to match something
in or about your life okay for example
we have been doing homework for two
hours okay this is the aspect to change
so I will change the amount of time okay
now remember that you only need to find
one part that is similar to your life
you don’t have to change the entire
sentence okay only one part so again
going back to my examples day six and my
notebook looks like this okay so again
things in your real life so instead of I
have been reading that book for a month
I changed it to I have been exercising
for a month
why because I actually enjoy exercising
then for example in number five the kids
have been playing all day well I changed
that too my niece’s have
been playing all day why because my
niece’s do actually play all day so
again remember only change one aspect of
the sentence okay now moving on to day
number seven the final day quiz yourself
using the images and twenty sentences
okay so you want to review everything
that you learned over the past six days
this includes all of the images you
found okay basically practice what you
learned the sentences and the images now
remember that you can do this by making
flashcards for the sentences and for the
images you found and you can practice
alone or in a group it’s up to you
whichever way is easier for you okay so
again for example I have my images on
top right then I have on the front is
where the image will be and on the back
is the sentence that describes the image
and again for the sentences and the
front I have the sentence but I have
taken out some of the words so that on
the back I have the complete sentence I
can practice with myself okay and that’s
how you master English grammar in seven
days I hope you enjoyed this English
video lesson if you want to continue
studying with me teacher Tiffany click
on the next video lesson that’s on your
screen right now