How to organize your thoughts and answer any question in English Part 1

question have you studied English for

years but still can’t speak today I will

teach you part one of the first secret

to speaking English welcome to speak

English with Tiffany I am teacher

Tiffany and today we are going to learn

part one of the first secret to speaking

English this secret will improve your

ability to speak clearly and logically

in English are you ready

well then let’s jump right in one of the

foundations of speaking English is being

able to properly express your thoughts

and feelings logically in other words

special emphasis is placed on being able

to logically express yourself when

speaking whether it is an answer to a

question or simply in a conversation it

is very important to give support for

your opinion it is this support that is

the foundation of your answer or speech

but how do you know if you have properly

supported your answer you do this by

using the web if you think about your

English ability as being a building the

web is the foundation of that building

it is your starting point and the

support for the middle and ending

portion of your response the first step

of the web is to determine what will be

the main idea for your response or

spoken opinion this main idea becomes

the center of your web at this point

your goal is not to write sentences

instead your only goal is to write

simple notes now after you have clearly

designated the main idea for your

response the next step is to select

three of the 5w

what are the five W’s well they are who

when where what and why these will

become the starting point for the

support of your main idea the web has

three branches at this point each of

these branches represents one of the

five W’s you may choose any three of the

five W’s that you would like now after

selecting the three that you would like

to use as the support for your main idea

you will then write down a short note

relating to the selected W for example

if you choose who what and why you will

write something like this who the person

related to your main idea what more

information about the main idea or what

happened that relates to the idea why

why the main idea occurred or why the

main idea was chosen this becomes the

basis of your response now let’s do one

together question why are you studying

English main idea for work

three w’s I have chosen when where and

why now it’s time to support my three WS

so my win monday to friday my where

language institute and my y promotion

now let’s look at the spoken response I

am studying English for work actually I

want to get a promotion soon so I study

English Monday to Friday at a Language

Institute your answer was clear logical

and precise it answered the question

and it gave three supporting pieces of

information when where and why all right

amazing today you learned part one of

the first secret to speaking English you

learned the web step one determine the

main idea step two select three of the

five W’s and step three write supporting

information for each w now try to use

the web at least one time today when you

give your opinion in English you can do

it you can speak English I hope this

video helped to give you more confidence

in your English ability if you would

like to receive English worksheets via

email once a week that go along with

these video lessons click below and

start getting your free worksheets in

your inbox today this has been speaks

English with Tiffany I am teacher

Tiffany and I hope that you have an

amazing day until next time remember to

speak English