How to organize your thoughts and answer any question in English Part 2

fact English is one of the most widely

spoken languages in the world

approximately one new word is added to

the English language every two hours and

around 4,000 new words are added to the

English dictionary every year so in

truth even native English speakers don’t

know every single vocabulary word in the

English language well if this is the

case is it really possible for a

non-native speaker to master the English

language by simply memorizing new words

and expressions or is there a secret

that is more important than memorizing

the answer yes now would you like to

know the secret well I will teach you

part 2 of the first secret today welcome

to speak English with Tiffany I am

teacher Tiffany and today we are going

to learn part two of the first secret to

speaking English this secret will

improve your ability to speak clearly

and logically in English are you ready

well then let’s jump right in

in the last video we learned that one of

the foundations of speaking English is

being able to properly express your

thoughts and feelings logically we

learned that to do this we must properly

use the web and we also learned the

first three steps to using the web step

one was to determine the main idea step

two select three of the five W’s and

step three write supporting information

for each w using these steps we

logically and clearly answer the

question why are you studying English in

this lesson we will go into more detail

about step two in step two we used three

of the five W’s the main point of step

two is to have three designated

information categories the categories

for our first answer were based on the

three WS that we chose

but we can also choose different

categories that are not related to the

five W’s here’s how it works in step two

the focus is three different categories

to choose from category one five W’s

selection category two three top level

reasons and category three three details

so basically at step two we can make the

choice as to how we want to answer the

question or how we want to express our

opinion on a specific topic now let’s

look at this in an actual example using

the same question from the first lesson

example one the question again was why

are you studying English step one the

main idea well the main idea for work

step two we’re going to use category one

with the five W’s and we’ll choose when

where and why and step three when Monday

to Friday where language Institute and

why promotion so the spoken response

would be I am studying English for work

actually I want to get a promotion soon

so I study English Monday to Friday at a

Language Institute

now that was example one using category

one for step two now let’s go to the

next example example two the question

again is why are you studying English so

step one now our main idea is three

reasons for studying English this

becomes the main idea

step two this time we’re going to use

category two which is three top level

reasons so reason one reason 2 and

reason 3 now in step three for reason

one we will write my boss reason to


and reason three necessary for survival

so the spoken response for this example

would be currently I am studying English

for three reasons the first reason is

because my boss ordered all of his

employees to study English the second

reason is so that I can get a promotion

next year and the final reason is

because English is necessary for

survival same question but very

different answer and now for example 3

again same question why are you studying

English step one this time my main idea

is English is fun step 2 I’m going to

use category 3 which is made up of three

details detail one detail two and detail

three so in step three I add the details

detail one new interesting idioms detail

  • body language and detail 3

communication I think English is really

quite fun when I study English I can

learn new interesting idioms that make

me laugh along with this I can also use

lots of body language when I speak in


and in my opinion it is very fun to

watch people of different cultures

communicate in English again same

question but the answer is completely


alright amazing today you learned part 2

of the first secret to speaking English

you learned that step 2 of the web has 3

different categories to choose from

category one five W’s selection category

two three top level reasons and category

three three details now try to use the

web at

just one time today when you give your

opinion in English you can do it you can

speak English I hope this video helped

to give you more confidence in your

English ability if you would like to

receive English worksheets via email

once a week that go along with these

video lessons click below and start

getting your free worksheets in your

inbox today this has been speaks English

with Tiffany I am teacher Tiffany and I

hope that you have an amazing day until

next time remember to speak English