How To Pass An Interview In English

how to pass an interview in English

let’s jump right in tips all right the

interviewer now what you need to

remember is the main goal of the

interviewer is to find out enough

information about you to decide if you

are a good fit for the job opening or

the program now the expression good fit

just actually means a match a good match

for the actual position or the program

okay now next you need to think about

your clothing you see it is important to

remember that the first impression

leaves a lasting impression this term

lasting it just means something that

stays in the mind okay stays in the mind

and is not easy to forget so your

clothing will leave a lasting impression

this means the way you dress can help

you or it can harm you the next thing is

three the number three is important

because prior to the interview you

should know your top three qualities and

strengths your top three reasons for

wanting the job and also three facts

about the company organization this is

important because it will show that you

have prepared well before actually

coming to the interview so you want to

be prepared by having your three reasons

three facts and three qualities or

strengths intro now you want to think

about your self-introduction the first

part of your introduction will be to

tell what type of person you are

and you do this by first describing your

character and then briefly explaining

your personality so let’s look at an

example hello my name is Samantha Smith

I’m a very diligent and honest person

now let’s pause very quickly diligent

just means someone who works very hard

okay works very hard it is the opposite

of being lazy okay

so let’s keep going I also have a very

outgoing and friendly personality

another word for outgoing is extrovert

okay you like being around people and

you like spending time with people we

say extrovert or an outgoing person okay

this is part one of the self

introduction then what you’re going to

do is talk about your experience briefly

this is also done in two parts first

you’re going to pick one experience

related to the interview then you’re

going to explain why it was

life-changing so for example I have

traveled all over the world but my

favorite country is South Korea during

my time there I learned many things

about their culture and language but the

main thing I learned was the importance

of embracing and respecting other

cultures now let’s pause this term

embracing just means to accept and adapt

something okay to accept and adapt to to

accept and adapt to okay so for example

in Korea they don’t wear shoes in the

house well that’s something that is done

in America but not in Korea so to

embrace that culture it means to accept

it and adapt to it by also taking my

shoes off when I come inside the house

okay so once again embracing okay let’s

keep going as a global company I believe

that this is a philosophy you also value

the term of value just means to consider

something to be important okay to

consider something to be important okay

to be important let’s get this tea okay

to consider something to be important

value once again value okay now the next

part is part 3 explain your life

philosophy now this is done in three

parts first you want to explain it

briefly then

you want to tell how it developed and

finally you want to say how it has or

will affect your life so the example

looks like this my personal life

philosophy is we all grow when we

respect and learn from each other I

developed this philosophy after working

with people from various cultures and it

has completely changed my life so

changed my life

actually means when something has a

great effect ok a great effect ok a

great effect ok something had a great

effect on my life ok let’s keep going

now the next thing is questions you see

there are three common questions that

you will be asked when you go to the

interview the first one is where do you

see yourself in five years now there are

three different parts that you need to

use for this one the first one is your

life goal first you want to describe

your life goal and then the reason for

making this life goal next you want to

talk about your short-term plan what

stage are you in your goal and how will

you get there and finally lessons

learned or the development connect the

company to your answer and then explain

the development so this is what it would

look like my life goal is to speak five


I made this goal because I know the

power of language to connect people so

what happened I have answered the first

one let’s keep going

currently I speak three languages I

speak English Spanish and Korean my plan

is to start learning French and Chinese

next year so in five years I hope to

have accomplished my goal what happened

we already answered the short-term plan

next I believe that it will help me

professionally because I will be able to

converse comfortably with global clients

now let’s pause real quick converse is

just another way of saying to talk with

ok to talk with we say converse ok let’s

keep going developing my skills

as a foreign language speaker will in

turn be a great asset to your company as

well so I’ve actually completed number

three now what you’ll see right here in

turn this expression means as a result

of something so as a result of something

so in the beginning I’m saying

developing my skills so as a result of

developing my skills it will become a

great asset for the company okay that’s

how you explain in turn okay alright

let’s keep going so now the next

question is what is your greatest

weakness now this question also requires

three different parts the first thing is

the description you want to describe

your weakness and also give the reason

for it but always in an optimistic way

okay optimistic just means positive it

just means positive and I will show you

exactly how to do this okay

next change to a strength how it can be

changed to a strength and also how you

are changing it to a strength currently

and then positive connection how it can

help you at this company and also the

connection to your future so the example

will look something like this I think my

greatest weakness is being a

perfectionist a perfectionist is just

someone who needs everything to be

perfect okay needs everything to be

perfect okay no mistakes

they are very critical of things so we

say perfectionist perfectionist okay

let’s get going

my desire is to always get things

correct and to complete things in the

best way possible so my perfectionism

can sometimes cause me to be extra

critical of my work which leads me to

overthink projects now the term

/ think just means to think about too

much okay to think about too much

another word you can use is worry okay

worry for no reason okay so again over

think all right now what we’ve done is

we’ve answered number one the

description now we’re gonna move on to

number two here we go

I do think however that it is possible

to become a strength now I want to show

you something about this I do think

however this is what we call a

transition expression okay transition

expression okay when you want to say

something that is contrary or opposite

instead of saying but you can say I do

think however and then continue with

your thought okay so let’s keep going

so I am working on being less critical

of myself and balancing my tendency to

be a perfectionist okay

tendency just means a habit of doing

something okay a habit of doing

something okay

doing something alright this M right

here okay all right let’s keep going

now what has happened change to us


number two is done now in time my

attention to detail will hopefully

become a great benefit to your company

as well

now we’ve answered the positive

connection alright so this part right

here in time this expression actually

means after time passes so after a while

in a few weeks in a few months or in a

few years we say in time okay all right

now the next question is tell me about

one of your accomplishments now for this

one you also need three parts the first

part is description

you’re going to give your definition of

an accomplishment then you’re going to

state your accomplishment then you’re

going to give details who when where

what why and also you can add how but

you pick three to five of those and I

remember I did a video on the five W’s

how to organize your thoughts so you can

look in the top right of the screen to

watch that video if you need help

organizing your thoughts and also you’re

gonna tell your feeling finally past and

future how it changed you and how it

will help you in the future okay so the

example looks like this in my opinion an

accomplishment is something that is

achieved after putting in a lot of hard

work so I believe one of my greatest

accomplishments was receiving a full

scholarship to study in Spain and we’ve

completed number one let’s continue in

1999 I applied for the study abroad

elite program underline elite this word

just means top or the best okay

again elite top or the best let’s keep


a few months after I applied I was

selected because I had maintained a 4.0

GPA throughout my time in high school I

was overwhelmed with joy when I heard

the news so we finished number two okay

now the term overwhelmed this term

actually means to cover or to overpower

to cover or over power see if I get this

all right there so I said I was covered

or overpowered with joy overwhelmed with

joy okay let’s keep going through the

program I was able to master the Spanish

language which has continued to help me

in my professional endeavors as well now

the term endeavors actually means an

attempt to achieve a goal one more time

an attempt to achieve the I write here a

goal a specific goal we say endeavors in

English so this is

how you apply that for this answer if

you want to keep learning more about how

to pass an English interview please go

to speak English with Tiffany comm /

ebooks right now this ebook will help

you truly pass the interview that you

have to do in English and also look at

the left side of your screen and watch

my next English video lesson remember to

keep studying English and I will talk to

you in the next lesson