How To Pass IELTS Speaking

the formula for passing IELTS speaking

parts 1 2 & 3 welcome to speak English

with Tiffani I am teacher Tiffani let’s

jump right in

now there are 3 parts for the I else

speaking test part one is the

introduction part 2 is talking about a

topic and part 3 consists of further

questions about that topic let’s start

with part 1 now during the introduction

phase the examiner will introduce him or

herself and then ask you to introduce

yourself now remember when you’re

introducing yourself you should always

include four parts your family your home

your work and also your interests so you

need three pieces of information for

each of those sections so for family I

chose parents sisters and husband for

home I chose Maryland Four Seasons

popular for work I chose Samsung for

years and design and for interests I

chose drawing cycling and reading so

when I add this information to my

introduction it looks like this now as

you can see I have all of the

information my husband my parents two

sisters Maryland a popular state four

seasons intern Samsung design and

drawing cycling and reading however we

need to see how do we connect all of

this information so let’s look at some

patterns okay so our introduction looks

like this hello my name is Tiffany my

family consists of my husband my parents

and my two sisters now what you will

notice is when I spoke about my family

I used this expression consists of so

when you speak about your family you

want to use this expression as well

consists of we’re going to put it on the

left side and consist

of just means includes so let’s change

that really quickly

l UDS okay so when you speak about your

family during the IELTS speaking test

remember to say my family consists of

okay let’s keep going for the past two

years my husband and I have been living

not too far away from my parents home

now you’ll see that when I spoke about

where I live with my husband

I used the expression or the pattern not

too far away from so let’s write it on

the left side not too far away from now

this pattern literally just means close

yeah you actually can just say my house

is close to my parents house but

remember for the IELTS speaking

introduction part you want to use the

most natural form of English so instead

of just saying my house it’s close to my

parents house you can say my house is

not too far away from my parents house

you will sound more fluent and your

English will also be more impressive to

the person listening to you okay let’s

keep going our home is in Maryland which

is quite a popular state to live in

because it is near Washington DC now in

this sentence we see the pattern which

is quite now which is quite is just a

pattern or an expression that we use

when we want to give a little bit more

detail about what we previously

mentioned so we’re gonna put here

details let’s cross that a so you can

also use this pattern when you speak

about your home during your introduction

one more time with

is quite okay let’s keep going it has

all four seasons I currently work as an

intern for Samsung my job entails

working on web design projects now let’s

see what I said right here my job

entails now let’s add this to the left

side my job in tails

okay now what you’ll notice about this

expression or this pattern is entails

entails actually means the same thing as

our previous pattern consists of it

means in clues so when you talk about

your job during your introduction

you’re gonna mention your duties or what

you have to do at your job so for

example you can say I currently work as

a teacher my job entails teaching

English to adults and children you see I

gave you an example of my duties and the

expression or the pattern you want to

use is my job entails okay let’s keep

going as far as my interests I enjoy

drawing cycling and reading in my free

time now in this last sentence the last

part of our introduction I said as for

my interests now this is also a very

natural expression that native English

speakers use when they are talking about

certain things

so as for my interests now when you are

giving your introduction in the

beginning you talked about yourself then

you talked about your family then you

talked about where you live then you

talked about your job and now you’re

changing the subject to your interests

so we use this when we want to

transition so we want to switch from one

topic two the next topic so I was

talking about my job but now I want to

talk about my interests so I say ask for

my interests and then I continue to

explain or Express what I enjoy doing

remember these are very good patterns to

use when you’re giving your introduction

again consist of use it when you speak

about your family not too far away from

use it when you’re speaking about your

home or where you live

which is quite you use that pattern when

you’re speaking about details during

your introduction my job entails use

that when you want to give examples of

the duties you have at your job and as

for my interests is used when you want

to transition or switch from talking

about one topic and going to speaking

about your interests or your hobbies

okay let’s keep going now let’s go to

part 2 talking about the topic in this

part the examiner will give you a task

card which asks you to talk about a

particular topic including points to

include in your talk so as you’ll notice

we have the who what when where and why

this is key for this part of the test so

let’s say for example the topic is

describe a piece of art you like so what

I’ve done is I’ve chosen Lucas which is

the title of a piece of art that I like

and I’ve chosen who why and when as my

three WS so for who I put Chuck Close

he’s an American painter a photorealist

and a photographer for why I said I

liked the process the patterns the minut

details minut just means small and also

many colors and for when I chose 1967

which is the year this painting was

painted and I gave three more details

about that year related to the painting

and the artist

I said decided to make art for himself

decided to stop using paintbrushes and

also decided to throw away all of his

tools so when we see all of

information inside of our answer it

looks like this you see I have all of

the information check close American

painter photo realist photographer loved

the process patterns minut details many

colors 1967 decided to make art for

himself to stop using paint brushes and

finally decided to throw away all of his

tools but let’s see what patterns we

need to use to connect all of this

information ok

our response or answer to the topic

looks like this one of my favorite

pieces of art is titled Lukas it was

painted by an artist named Chuck Close

who is an American painter he is well

known for being an amazing photo realist

now in this sentence you’ll see that I

said well known for being okay so let’s

add this to the left side and I will

explain to you what this is used for so

what this pattern means well known for

being now this pattern actually just

means popular for or popular because for

example let’s think of a famous actor in

a movie in America so let’s say Brad

Pitt now many people in the world know

who Brad Pitt is he’s very popular so I

can say Brad Pitt is well-known for

being a great actor so what happened in

front of this pattern I say the person’s

name that I am talking about then I say

is well-known for being and after that I

give a fact or I give some piece of

information that proves their popularity

he’s a good actor or he also looks very

handsome so he is well known for being a

handsome actor okay let’s keep going

top of that he is also a photographer

okay now our real quick for

pronunciation in America we say this two

ways photograph er or photographer so

don’t worry it depends on what part of

America the person may live in and even

in some parts of England but

photographer or a photograph er both are

ok so let’s keep going

the pattern I want us to look at is on

top of that so on left side on top of

that now this pattern is used when you

want to say also or in addition so you

want to give an extra detail an extra

piece of information so for example you

can say my car is really nice it has a

very good navigation system on top of

that it was inexpensive so what happened

I told you one detail about my car well

it has a really good navigation system

then I gave you one more detail it

wasn’t that expensive ok let’s keep


I love the process he uses for his

paintings because of the patterns it

produces also the minut details and many

colors are amazing his style changed

around 1967 because he decided to make

art for himself and to stop using paint

brushes now in the middle of this

sentence we see his style changed around

1967 so the pattern here is actually

just a word uh round now when we speak

in English we use around to also mean

about when we want to give a guesstimate

or if we don’t know the exact

time or the exact date we can say around

so I can say ah I got to my class around

10 a.m. or I got to my class about 10

a.m. it means maybe it was 10:05 maybe

it was 955 it was around or about that

time so when you are speaking during

your test during the IELTS speaking

portion if you’re speaking about a topic

and you don’t know an exact detail you

can also use around I think the painting

was done around 1935 I think the

painting was produced around 15 years

ago okay let’s keep going

he also decided to throw away all of his

tools alright so now we finished talking

about this topic let’s move on now in

part 3 they are going to ask you further

questions the examiner will ask you

further questions which are connected to

the topic of part 2 so you will discuss

more abstract issues and ideas now

remember the topic that I chose was a

piece of art and I spoke about the who

the when and the why but I didn’t

mention the what are the where so this

is what happens for part 3 if they ask

you another question about who maybe

they ask me another question about Chuck

Close I put a plus one I’ve already

given three details about him so I’m

just gonna add one more detail about him

so if they ask you any question related

to one of the three double zoos you’ve

already spoken about you just need to

add one more detail however if they ask

a question about one of the W’s that you

have not spoken about you need to give

three details for that response so for

example what and where I didn’t speak

about where the piece was painted

nor did I speak about any specific

details about the painting so what I

have chosen to do is have them ask me a

question regarding what

so they can say tell me more about the

painting well we know that’s what so I

need to give three pieces of information

so I’ve chosen representative of his

colorful style image of fellow artist

Lucas Samaras and a painting based on a

grid over a photo so I’m giving more

details about the painting related to

what because I have not spoken about

that yet so my answer to this further

question would look like this

I have representative of the colorful

style painting of a fellow artist then I

have the artist named Lucas Samaras and

I also have a painting based on a grid

that was placed over a photo now again

let’s look at the patterns we need to

connect this information okay now let’s

see how our answer to this further

question looks in speaking about this

painting many art critics have said that

it is representative of the colorful

style Chuck Close has come to be known

for now in this one sentence we have

three different patterns that we need to

take a closer look at let’s start with

the first one in speaking about okay so

let’s write it on the left side here in


about now this expression or this

pattern is used when we want to put

focus on a topic and then lead to a

person’s opinion on that topic so here

I’ll write it like this first we want to

put focus on a topic and then that leads

to a person’s opinion on that topic so

for example in speaking about this car

my uncle said that it’s the best car for

people who are on a budget so what

happened what was the topic this car who

was the person my uncle and what was his

opinion it is the best car for people on

a budget ok let’s look at this one more

time again in speaking about you first

want to think about the topic so what’s

the topic let’s say fast food like

McDonald’s or Burger King in speaking

about fast food the doctor said it is

not good for people to eat it every day

so what happened what was the focus fast

food right so in speaking about fast

food the person was the doctor what was

his opinion his opinion was people

should not eat it every day so in

speaking about fast food the doctors

said people should not eat it every day

ok so when you’re giving your response

to a question that they’re asking you

about the topic you already spoke about

you want to now add more information so

when you use this pattern in speaking

about it shows that now you’re thinking

of not only your opinion but also the

opinion of other people it shows that


thinking very deeply so it’s an

excellent pattern to use when you get to

part 3 of the IELTS speaking test okay

let’s move on to the next one we see it

right here representative of okay so

let’s take it to the left side rep pre

sensitive of now this pattern just means

a good example of it’s the same meaning

a good example of but it puts more

emphasis on whatever you’re speaking

about being almost the best example so

for example if you’re thinking about we

mentioned fast food so let’s stay with

that topic so McDonald’s is

representative of fast food in America

what happened McDonald’s is a good

example of what fast food is like in

America okay let’s keep going to the

next one has come to be known for has

come to be known for so let’s write it

here come to be known for now this

pattern is actually very similar to a

pattern we mentioned a little earlier in

this video lesson

it just means well known for now the

only difference is instead of it just

meaning well known for it emphasizes

that there was a process that happened

over time that led this person or this

thing to become popular or well-known

for example let’s say Obama Oh

I came to be known for his kindness to

citizens so he was the president but

over time people watched how kind he was

to people so he came to be known for his

kindness to others okay let’s keep going

Chuck Close himself informed people that

it is actually a painting of a fellow

artist whose name is Lucas

Samaras now in this sentence the first

three words are very interesting Chuck

Close himself so let’s write it on the

left side we have a person’s name and

then either himself or it can also be

her self now we use this pattern when we

want to emphasize that they personally

did or said something so emphasis on an

action or a statement see if we can get

this all in here there we go

if it’s on an action or a statement so

the King himself said that citizens

should always work together so what

happened I could have just said the king

said citizens should always work

together but I wanted to put emphasis on

an action or a statement so I said the

king himself said that citizens should

always work together so remember when

you’re answering during the third part

of the IELTS speaking test you want to

use these patterns to show that you’re

giving more information and also that

you’re thinking not only about your

opinion but about someone else’s opinion

to add to your answer now if you really

want to learn more about how

pass the IELTS speaking test you need to

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