How to pass IELTS Speaking Part 1

the International English Language

Testing system IELTS measures the

language proficiency of people who want

to study or work in Australia Canada or

the UK want to know how to pass it then

keep watching welcome to speak English

with Tiffany I am teacher Tiffany and

today I am going to teach you how to

pass IELTS speaking part 1 are you ready

well then let’s jump right in the

speaking portion of the IELTS exam is

broken up into three parts and in total

lasts for 11 to 14 minutes the first

speaking part is the introduction and

interview the second speaking part is

the long turn and the third speaking

part is the discussion but for today’s

lesson we are going to look at the first

speaking part the introduction and

interview to start in order to do well

on the IELTS speaking part one you must

understand three aspects about this part

these aspects are the topics the purpose

and the time first the topics you will

be asked general questions about your

home your family your work your studies

and your interests second the purpose

speaking part one is important because

it is used to determine your ability to

explain information and your opinion

about everyday topics and third the time

this section of the exam lasts for four

to five minutes so you need to give a

good amount of information in a short

amount of time now let’s look at how you

can properly answer some of the topical

questions they will give you first let’s

look at some common questions about your

home the following three questions are

questions that are very often asked

during the ILS speaking part one of the

test number one what type of place is it

number two what was it like growing up

there and number three has it changed

since you were a child so let’s use

three pieces of information as a rule of

thumb for each answer or in other words

as a standard let’s start with number

one what type of place is it you’re

three pieces of information should be

location appearance and a unique quality

next number two what was it like growing

up there you’re three pieces of

information should be people friends and

an experience and finally number three

has it changed since you were a child

you’re three pieces of information

should be the first change the second

change and the third change so instead

of memorizing an answer for each of the

questions you should simply memorize the

three pieces of information now let’s

look at how to use these pieces of

information to actually answer the

questions the answer to number one

becomes my hometown is New York City it

is located on the East Coast in America

there are lots of beautiful buildings

and nice parks in New York City so you

can see people walking around everywhere

New York City is known as the city that

never sleeps

it is also famous for shopping and

delicious Street food

the answer to number two becomes it was

pretty fun growing up in New York City

because I could see people from all over

the world many of them were tourists

looking to buy nice bags I also had a

lot of friends and since it is a big

city it was easy for us to find things

to do I remember riding bikes together

all around the city in the summer time

and the answer to number 3 becomes yes

it has changed a lot first food costs a

lot more than it did when I was younger

second there is a lot more construction

going on so you don’t see kids playing

in the streets as much as you did in the


and third even more people are moving

there now so it is really an

international city second let’s look at

some common questions about your family

the following three questions are also

questions that are very often asked

during the I else speaking part one of

the test number one how many people are

there in your family

number two what things do you like doing

together and number three who is your

favorite family member now let’s

determine three pieces of information

for each answer let’s start with number

one how many people are there in your

family your three pieces of information

should be number who and order next

number two what things do you like doing

together your three pieces of

information should be first thing second

thing and third thing and finally number

three who is your favorite family member

your three pieces of information should

be the name reason one and reason to

some again instead of memorizing an

answer for each of the questions

should simply memorize the three pieces

of information now let’s look at how to

use these pieces of information to

actually answer the questions the answer

to number one becomes there are five

people in my family including me my

father my mother my two brothers and me

my brothers are both a lot older than me

but since I am the only girl they treat

me really well the answer to number two

becomes my family is very active so we

love sports and outdoor activities in

the summer we enjoy going on hikes

together in the winter we enjoy going

snowboarding and skiing together and all

throughout the year we play basketball

and soccer together and the answer to

number three becomes I love everyone in

my family but my favorite family member

is my older brother Brian he is an

amazing brother because growing up he

always played with me and took me places

with him now that we are adults

I love him even more because he spends

lots of time talking with me about life

ok perfect now let’s look at one more

topic to see how to properly answer the

questions the final topic that we will

look at today is work so let’s look at

some common questions about your work

number 1 what work do you do number 2

what do you enjoy most about your work

and number 3 what are your main duties

now let’s determine three pieces of

information for each answer let’s start

with number one what work do you do your

three pieces of information should be

job title company and duty next number

two what do you enjoy most about your

work your three pieces of information

should be one thing reason 1 and reason

2 and finally number 3 what are your

main duties your three pieces of

information should be Duty one duty two

and Duty three so as always remember not

to memorize your answer instead you

should simply memorize the three pieces

of information now let’s look at how to

use these pieces of information to

actually answer the questions the answer

to number one becomes currently I am a

computer engineer I work for a private

technology firm in New York my main job

is to manage the data base for our

company I also keep up with the latest

technology and make sure that we are on

target with the technology industry the

answer to number two becomes my favorite

thing about my job is actually my boss

he is an amazing person he gives all of

us the freedom to constantly improve our

skills by paying for any

self-development class we are interested

in also he takes the time to speak with

each of us individually every day and

the answer to number three becomes my

main duty is to manage the company

database but I also am in charge of

making sure our software infrastructure

is up to date so in order to do this

properly I must also attend and write

reports on tech conferences that happen

across America and that’s how you pass

the IEEE else speaking part one

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