How to pronounce the TH Sound in English
English pronunciation can be difficult.
But this video will make it easy.
Today you will learn how to pronounce TH in English.
Welcome to Speak English with Tiffani.
I am Teacher Tiffani and today I am going
to teach you How to pronounce the TH sound in English.
Are you ready?
Well then, let’s jump right in.
So how should you pronounce the TH sound in English?
Here is the simple answer.
Stick your tongue between your teeth.
Yup it’s that simple.
Stick your tongue between your teeth.
Let’s look at it together visually.
First slightly open your mouth.
Then stick your tongue between your teeth.
Slightly touching your top teeth.
Ok, now repeat after me.
Good job.
You got it!
Ok, now let’s practice some example words.
That That That
This This This
There There There
Thanks Thanks Thanks
Think Think Think
Great job.
Now, let’s read some sentences.
Remember to put your tongue between your teeth.
What is the time now?
What is the time now?
That is my favorite ice cream.
That is my favorite ice cream.
I think I understand what she said.
I think I understand what she said.
Now, let’s look at some visual situations.
Remember to put your tongue between your teeth.
This is my family.
This is my family.
These are his dogs.
These are his dogs.
They are having a picnic.
They are having a picnic.
Great job!
Now you know you how to pronounce the TH sound perfectly in English.
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