How to say SORRY and APOLOGISE in English British English

seems to be now we’ve all done things we


I for one once called my male maths

teacher mummy

so I regret that but sometimes when we

do things we regret we need to say sorry

and this video is going to be all about

Britain’s favourite word the word sorry

so anyone that’s been to England before

will know that the English just love

saying sorry we say it when it’s not

necessary we say it when it is necessary

but it’s part of our culture and it’s

what we consider to be polite so this

lesson is going to tell you about the

many ways in which you can say sorry and

then also different situations in which

you should say sorry and we’ll talk

about some slam ways that you can say

sorry and then what to do if words just

aren’t enough before we get started I’d

just like to remind you that if you want

to really practice your English then you

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okay back to the class okay so how to

apologize in English part 1 of this

video well the most basic way is sorry

so sorry is good if you’re in a hurry if

you bump into someone on the street or

if you step on someone’s shoe you can

just say sorry sorry so if you want to

say little more than that you can say

I’m sorry and if you want to go even

further you can put an interesting word

in between the I’m and the sorry like so

incredibly terribly really I am terribly

sorry I’m so sorry

okay then if you actually want someone

to forgive you then you can say please

forgive me or forgive me for asking but

but don’t overuse it because it’ll sound

like you’re a bit pathetic like only for

you then we’ve got

excuse me now this can be used in a

variety of situations if you need to get

past when somebody is blocking your way

you’d say oh excuse me can I just get

through excuse me excuse me excuse me

and you can also say it when your body

lets out some gas to use it oh excuse me

and also you can use it to get attention

so excuse me everyone excuse me can you

listen to me now so sometimes I’ll use

that in my classes another one that

means exactly the same as excuse me but

with an additional meaning is pardon me

part of me we can use in the same way as

excuse me but also if we want to

interrupt a conversation so oh pardon me

but can I just but in here if you’ve

really done something quite bad or

you’ve really messed up and you might

want to say something a bit stronger

than sorry so you can say I owe you an


I’d like to apologize and apologize is

much stronger and we often use it in

written emails if you want to send a

letter to your boss apologizing for your

behavior then you can say I sincerely

apologize for what happened yesterday or

I take full responsibility for my

behavior let’s move on to part 2 which

is about how to say sorry for being late

because being late in England is very

very rude in some culture that’s

accepted in England it’s not the most

basic one is sorry I’m late you can also

say sorry for being late

or my personal favorite sorry for

keeping you waiting sorry for keeping

you waiting

that was quite nice okay on to part 3

slang words for sorry now if I were you

I would only use these with friends okay

not in a work or professional situation

the first one is whoops okay so maybe

you’ve dropped someone’s phone and you

go whoops

another one you can say is up my bad

another way say what sorry and the last

one which is a terrible word that you

shouldn’t use this comes from the

texting culture is sahs okay and so’s is

a word that normally you will see in

text messages I don’t think people

actually say that actually they might

okay part for bad news okay so maybe

someone’s pet died

maybe someones lost a family member or

maybe someone didn’t get a job or

something so in this case you can say

I’m so sorry to hear that

okay you wouldn’t just want to say oh

sorry no I’m so sorry to hear that

oh I’m so sorry to hear that you didn’t

get the job I’m so sorry to hear about

your dog if someone has died you can say

I’m sorry for your loss

okay that’s a very normal thing to say

at funerals so whilst you’re saying

sorry your body language is very

important if you realize you’ve done

something wrong maybe open your eyes

wide and put your hand over your mouth

like ah sorry like this it’s very

important to maintain eye contact so

that you look sincere like you really

mean what you’re saying if you want to

make your apology look even more sincere

then whilst you’re saying it you can put

your hand on your heart I’m honestly so

sorry for what I did yesterday and

that’s just a way of showing you are

honestly apologizing for what you did

finally what can you do if words are

just not enough okay if you’ve done

something so terrible

or you’ve messed up so badly that sorry

doesn’t cut it well the most common ways

to say sorry without saying the word

sorry in England is to give flowers to

give a bottle of wine or to give a

handwritten card hmm okay well that is

it for my lesson on how to apologize in

English if you ever come to England make

sure that you’ve got these words

mastered and all of the correct body

language and let’s hope that you guys

never have to say sorry to me

make sure you connect with me on all of

my social media I will see you for

another lesson very very soon not