How To Speak Confidently In English

there are three phases to speaking

confidently in English they are body

sound and mind now for the body

speaking English confidently depends on

your body language for sound speaking

English confidently depends on your tone

and pace and for the mind speaking

English confidently depends on your idea

and focus and today I will teach you how

to properly do all three phases welcome

to speak English with Tiffany I am

teacher Tiffany let’s jump right in

phase number one the body body language

is a language without spoken words

another term for it is non-verbal

communication this is a very important

aspect of speaking confidently in

English because English includes many

gestures movements and expressions now

to break this phase down there are three

different parts of the body that we want

to focus on your eyes your smile and

your hands so let’s start with your eyes

the first thing you want to do is make

eye contact

you see eye contact is one form of

non-verbal communication it is believed

to be one of the biggest influences on

the way people respond when a person

makes eye contact it indicates that they

are focused let’s look at it in more

detail you see for the first starred

detail we want to see it shows that you

are confident in what you are saying to

others so when you make eye contact you

actually look more confident second it

encourages people to trust what you are

saying to them when you look someone in

the eye they feel like what you are

saying is actually trust worthy or

worthy of

their trust this is why it’s so

important to make eye contact when you

are speaking okay let’s keep going let’s

give them a nose though all right let’s

keep going so the third thing is it

helps you to connect with the person who

is listening to you the connection part

is very important you see confidence is

not just about an individual it relates

to those who you are speaking to okay so

if you make eye contact you can connect

with them and forth it helps you to

engage and get the undivided attention

of others now this word engage just

means to get the attention or to involve

okay so get attention let’s put this

here to get the attention or to in volve

someone okay now undivided this just

means not divided okay it means not

divided so why do we use this expression

undivided attention it means that the

people you are talking to will be

completely focused on you as you speak

to them okay

total focus on you so again undivided

attention we actually use this

expression a lot in class when we speak

to our students so when I taught

children I would say I need your

undivided attention I need you to focus

on me and eye contact actually helps

people to give you their undivided

attention okay

let’s keep going okay so the next thing

you want to do is smile smile at them

you see smiling is another form of

non-verbal communication it can make you

feel better happier and more positive

about yourself so when you smile while

speaking it affects you and the person

you are speaking to so let’s look at

four key points for this part you see

first it makes other people around you

feel more relaxed which leads to trust

relax just means more comfortable and it

leads to trust so when the person you’re

speaking to is relaxed it actually

affects you and makes you feel more

confident next it says it has been

proven to lower your blood pressure when

you smile in other words it will help

you to stop feeling nervous so remember

when you don’t feel nervous it actually

means that you are confident

so smiling helps to eliminate the

nervousness and makes you feel more

confident alright next smiling makes

people feel that you are more confident

like I stated before which also helps

you believe in yourself a lot of times

as an English Learner you feel a little

bit shy or embarrassed because of your

English ability but smiling actually

helps you to feel more confident alright

and the last thing is it makes it easier

for people to approach you and talk with

you now approach just means come up to

you okay come up to you think about when

you see a foreigner or an English

speaker a native English speaker and you

want to speak to them if you walk up to

them you are approaching them okay

walking up to them or approaching them

okay alright so let’s keep it going to

the next one hands now you want to use

your hands you see using your hands when

speaking is one of the best ways to

communicate properly with people it

helps you to convey your points clearly

and keep the attention of the person you

are speaking to so the first key here is

it helps the people you are speaking to

visualize what you are saying you see in

English we use a lot of gestures so

visualizing just means

to show what you are saying so for

example if you are talking to someone

about three points that you have instead

of just saying point one or 0.2 or 0.3

you can actually use your hands to show

how many points you have let’s say I

have five points if you hold your hand

up and say I have five points now

there’s actually a visual connection and

it shows that you are actually more

confident even though it’s affecting

that person okay next

it shows the direction of the

conversation in other words you can

emphasize specific points all of this is

connected to your confidence because the

person will have more confidence in what

you are saying and affect you next this

is a warning you have to remember not to

fidget this conveys a lack of confidence

this word fidget means to make small

movements with your hand or body okay

so making small movements with your hand

or both hands with your hands or body so

for example think about a child in class

and they keep snapping their finger or

they keep tapping their desk while

you’re trying to teach or while you’re

trying to talk to them this is called

fidgeting and as adults it also happens

especially when you’re nervous are not

confident so be very careful not to

fidget and the last warning is remember

that hiding your hands will make it hard

for people to trust what you are saying

I know it seems kind of interesting you

see if you put your hands in your pocket

or if you’re standing and your arms are

folded people will have a tendency not

to trust what you are saying so in order

to help people trust you more which will

also lead to more confidence in what you

are saying don’t put your hands in your

pocket and also don’t fold your arms

instead leave your hands out and visual

showing them what you are saying okay

all right let’s keep going to the next


phase two now phase two is sound tone

and pace greatly affect your confidence

these two factors are just as important

as the content you want to convey convey

just means present or give so it is very

important to use the sound of your voice

properly when you want to speak

confidently now there are three parts to

this as well

pace stop and silence keep going and you

will really learn a lot about how to use

this so the first one is pace take your


speaking the pace of your speech

normally speeds up when you are nervous

so in order to speak confidently in

English you must control your pace in

other words you must take your time when

you are speaking alright the first thing

to remember is it makes it easier for

the audience to connect with your

content when you speak at a pace that’s

easy to follow people think you are

confident and they follow along with

what you’re saying then it also gives

you time to organize your thoughts and

give them clearly remember in a previous

video you’ll find the link in the top

right I told you all how to organize

your thoughts now when you’re speaking

you need time to do that so if you

control your pace and take your time you

look confident and it also gives you

time to think

next it helps you to stay calm instead

of feeling like you have to race through

your conversation you see what happened

even when I speed up my speech it

doesn’t feel as comfortable for you so

again it helps you to stay calm and last

it helps you to feel more confident

because you can deliver your information

in a clearer way now I’ll teach you this

real quick deliver your information

this actually just means give or present

information okay so the way you deliver

your information or give or present it

to people all right so let’s keep going

to the next one now we have stop

don’t use fillers now filler is just now

I’m sure you guys have used these before

because even native English speakers use

them at times they are called fillers so

once again um and okay filler words are

commonly used to fill up the space in a

conversation they are used when it is

hard to find anything else to say but

using them actually decreases your

confidence here we go let’s look at the

first tip they reveal that you don’t

know what to say next which has a

negative effect on the person you are

speaking to remember confidence is not

just about you it’s about the listener

who is listening to you so we use um and

a lot they lose confidence in what you

are saying

moving on you begin to use them more and

more without realizing it so it gets

more dangerous the more you speak your

confidence decreases and you start

saying um and uh instead of what you

actually want to say then eliminating

them will help you to think faster on

your feet thinking faster on your feet

means to think in the moment okay you

don’t have any preparation you don’t

have any time to organize your thoughts

first of being able to think in the

moment and respond immediately okay

and last not using fillers will help you

increase your confidence in your ability

to formulate or make good responses in

English you see this all affects your

confidence and your speaking ability

all right let’s keep going now the next

one is silence be silent sometimes

speaking confidently in English does not

mean speaking non-stop instead it means

knowing when to speak and when not to

speak this is a technique that will

truly help you speak with confidence you

see it helps you to emphasize the most

important parts of what you are saying

so the person listening to you can

follow it also gives you time to gather

your thoughts now this expression just

means to organize or group your thoughts

organized or group your thoughts when

you’re silent

you can think and the person listening

to you can also think about what you’re

saying it also gives the listener time

to absorb the information that you are

giving them absorb means to accept and

understand accept and understand okay it

gives them time to do that and it also

helps you to control the pace of the

conversation and stay calm

it puts you in control instead of the

other person which will help you feel

more confident

alright so let’s keep going phase three

phase three is the mind the foundation

for speaking confidently in English can

be found in the mind this is because the

way you think affects your actions if

you can control your thoughts organize

your ideas and focus you will then

experience true confidence so there are

three parts to the mind focus concise

and support the first one is focus you

want to focus on your audience as a

speaker it is important to remember to

focus on your audience you need to know

who you

we’re talking to and how you can connect

your words and ideas to them the first

tip is it will help you to stop focusing

on your own fears of speaking a lot of

times your confidence decreases because

of your fear but when you focus on the

audience you will lose that fear you

will also begin to think more about your

ideas and how they connect with the

person or persons you are speaking to

instead of your fear you’re gonna focus

on the person and your ideas and how to

actually match them together and it will

make them more comfortable which will

help you feel more comfortable as well

because they will feel important and it

will remind you of what is important

basically it will help you keep things

in perspective as you speak this means

to look at the entire situation okay or

the entire picture so look at the entire

situation and respond properly and

respond properly this is what it means

to keep things in perspective okay let’s

keep going

now we have concise you want to simplify

your idea you see it is important to

remember that speaking simply and

clearly conveys confidence this

technique shows that you are able to

narrow down or simplify your ideas and

select the most important one or ones so

this will actually make you remember

what is important to say it helps you to

focus on your main idea it also helps

you to stop worrying about unimportant

information this will help you feel less

confused or nervous you see a lot of

times when you’re preparing to say

something there are so many things that

are going through your mind

and you want to say all of the things

that are in your mind you want to say

every piece of information but what

happens is the person that is listening

to you can get very confused and they

don’t know exactly what you’re talking


but when you simplify your idea and

focus on one thing then the person

begins to understand what you’re saying

and they are not confused this is why

it’s important to simplify your idea and

it also makes it easier for you to

prepare and think about what you want to

say when you simplify your idea

you can prepare better then it also

helps you to express your idea using

words that you know well many times

students want to learn so many

vocabulary words and they continue to

study the dictionary and study other

things and they learn many vocabulary

words but the problem is you don’t use

those vocabulary words so instead of

focusing on only learning more words

what you should do like I mentioned in a

previous video of learning a thousand

vocabulary words is learn a group of

words and then start using them then

after you’ve used them a couple of times

move on to the next group and start

using them instead of just memorizing

over and over all right so let’s keep

going and the final thing is support you

want to support your idea in order to

speak confidently you must know what you

want to say and the reasons why you want

to say it so in other words you must

know how to support your ideas or

opinions now this actually reaffirms

your position or I dia

okay so reaffirm just means to prove a

or you can also say that it means to

emphasize okay to emphasize okay all


it also helps you to organize your

thoughts and to prepare for the next

comments when you have supports for your

idea remember this is all included with

having confidence when you speak in

English and it gives a sense of order to

what you are saying in other words it

makes you seem like a smart English

speaker this is a very key when you’re

speaking in English if you have support

the person listening to you really will

see you as someone that is smart or a

good English speaker which will give you

even more confidence and it helps you to

follow a sequence or order as you speak

which relaxes your mind when you use a

specific sequence maybe 1 2 3 or a B C

or even first second and third this

actually helps to relax your mind and

give you more confidence when you speak

and this is how you speak confidently in

English if you want to learn even more

with me teacher Tiffany go to speak

English with Tiffany dot-com / ebooks to

learn even more and if you want to study

more with video formats go to speak

English with Tiffany dot-com / courses

to check out the different courses I

have just for you and look to your left

and you will see the next English video

lesson just for you remember to learn

English and have fun in doing it I’ll

talk to you in the next video